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**** Mika T Shirt Competition ****


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Thats not a baaaaaaaad idea :roftl: :roftl:


*shakes head*


Nice FD... Nice!


Muwahaha this is brilliant!! He looks gangsta with the MFC bling around his neck!


He does... I actually have a pic of him wearing some of my bling... I am so cruel to my lamb sometimes!


it's a hard choice. the sheep and the freddie (not OUR freddie.. :biggrin2: ) pics are both awesome! :thumb_yello:


The sheep!!! The sheep!!!

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This first pic is my entry....



Here's just to give you an idea what I was sitting in...




Yup... a bench in the pond. The bench wasn't too far from land but I had a problem, both my sandals got stuck in the brances, leaves, and plants in the pond and I thought for sure I was going to be stuck there for a while so I almost started freaking out. It felt like I was in quicksand or something!


My friend started to video tape me getting off the bench and back onto the grass but when she started video taping I was freaking out because the little dead tree infront of me had a bunch of spiders on it and I accidently hit it and was freaking out (terrified of spiders.) After that we walked all the way back to campus and rode in the elevator with 4 other people... it looked like I had wet myself. :roftl:

Here's the video.... it cracks my friend and I up...


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Great picture - the lengths we will go to just to get a Mika

t-shirt!!!! He is a lucky man to have such dedicated fans!! :wink2::roftl:


Well, I have wanted to check out that bench for some time now... this gave me a great excuse to go do it instead of just doing it out of the blue and seem even more strange than I already am! :naughty: It was fun. :cool:

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Ohhh aliens ...... :shocked:


im telling you ppl dont want to believe that these viscious things could be walking the US! there was one not too long ago....a piccie of this thing that got hit by a car in Maine. Discusting! once i watched a program on Chupacabra's. totally believe in them! *puts on sombriero*(if that hot u spell it) one lady has a head of one n her freezer! thats a bit sick though...

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im telling you ppl dont want to believe that these viscious things could be walking the US! there was one not too long ago....a piccie of this thing that got hit by a car in Maine. Discusting! once i watched a program on Chupacabra's. totally believe in them! *puts on sombriero*(if that hot u spell it) one lady has a head of one n her freezer! thats a bit sick though...


So its not a kangeroooo :shocked:

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a dead Chupacabra of coarse! i totally believe in them. did all those chickens in Texas suck the blood from themselves? i think not.:mf_rosetinted:


Aren't they supposed to drink goat blood?

They are called "goat suckers" :blink:


And aren't they supposed to live in south America?

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