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I want Mika to sue some of the morons on facebook!!


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It's totally wrong for them to say stuff like that but I bet one reason the group was set up was to annoy us Mika fans and if we get annoyed and show that we are annoyed they are winning. Please rise above it and ignore these losers.

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I don't think sueing them will make a difference. Yes it will scare them off, but the internet it full of nasty people who don't even want to see the light in your eyes, let alone be more successful than they are. And I'm not saying that these people are allowed to do this, but as already mentioned, the best thing to do is to notify facebook.


I never understood why people would waste their time on someone they hated. A waste of energy if you ask me. I mean, I don't like Robbie Williams as an example, but I won't dedicate an entire group to him saying that he touches children. That's sick. And hate is a strong word. You can't hate someone you don't really know. Believe me, I know what I'm talking about when I talk about hating.:wink2:

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I totally agree with everyone. Why waste time making hate groups? Mostly, I just think they are unhappy with their own lives/careers so they mask their internal agony by bullying successful people.

I mean how can someone say "He is a banshee and clearly a minion of Satan" (Quote from Facebook)...WHAT THE HECK, they are complete morons.



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Hahaha, that's so true! I am so angry with facebook right now! I just checked to see if the "hate groups" are still "alive" that I reported, and they are :thumbdown: So I reported them again for "Attacking an Individual, rude language, and inappropriate discussions."


Urrrghhhh those people are immature.

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They just need all of us, and if possible Mika (we wish!), to report them, and then facebook'll have to answer, cos of all the negative publicity they've had about abuse of university staff and all that. Or we could possibly rope the guy called Michael Penniman into pretending to be Mika to scare them into action!!

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annoying wastes of space thats all they are, it annoys the hell out of me when ppl like to bad mouth ppl on Utube too, I mean I have seen comments like, "ha she can't sing and shouldn't be allowed on utube cos she is FAT" to "get a life you f*ing #@*/# (whatever) I can play the guitar waay better than you" and fare worse things, I mean I really cannot get my head round such a vile, repulsive attitude but then I just remember that a lot of these ppl are socially inept otherwise they would know better.

There are a lot of nasty pieces of work out there who think they are clever and brave because they are faceless and in my opinion worthless because they are cowards and most of them wouldn't dare behave in such a pathetic way face to face with ppl.

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annoying wastes of space thats all they are, it annoys the hell out of me when ppl like to bad mouth ppl on Utube too, I mean I have seen comments like, "ha she can't sing and shouldn't be allowed on utube cos she is FAT" to "get a life you f*ing #@*/# (whatever) I can play the guitar waay better than you" and fare worse things, I mean I really cannot get my head round such a vile, repulsive attitude but then I just remember that a lot of these ppl are socially inept otherwise they would know better.

There are a lot of nasty pieces of work out there who think they are clever and brave because they are faceless and in my opinion worthless because they are cowards and most of them wouldn't dare behave in such a pathetic way face to face with ppl.


Hey Sparkly1!!!


I mentioned this before on this thread, but I'm still blown away by this!! I'm sure you remember that vile geek on youtube with his horrible Mika-bashing ballad - no one could believe he actually wished Mika would die of a brain tumour. When the whole forum went up in arms the guy was at least decent enough to apolgize. Unfortunately, the damage was already done.


Just off topic for a moment - through tons of hard work there has been a major shift in those situations we discussed......:thumb_yello: Being so stubborn is not a bad thing! Not bad at all! :wink2:

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Hahaha seriously facebook needs to get rid of it's flaws (aka mean mika haters)

It's a tough battle, but we shall win!


YES! Us mika lovers will spread the mika gospel all over the world and hypnotize people until they are forced to like Mika...AND WE WILL SUCEED!!! MUA HA HA HA HA HA HA!

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SO TRUE!!! That's a lot of the reason why I don't frequent all those sites (Facebook, MySpace, youtube, etc.), only when there's a link posted here in MFC do I end up viewing something from those sites. However, I must confess I have an addiction to PerezHilton.com. He rocks! :punk: And he's so pro-Mika - it's refreshing!


I must admit too that I visit perez website from time to time. I remember how goo goo gugu he was over Mika in the beginning. I agree quite refreshing indeed.

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I must admit too that I visit perez website from time to time. I remember how goo goo gugu he was over Mika in the beginning. I agree quite refreshing indeed.


Perez is still most respectful of Mika - especially when you see how he bashes 90% of the other celebrities...... horrific!!!! That's the thing... Perez either hates you or he loves you ..... and god help you if he hates you!!!!!! Jeez, you couldn't PAY ME ENOUGH to be a celebrity!!!!!! :shocked: YIKES !!!!!:jawdrop:

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Perez is still most respectful of Mika - especially when you see how he bashes 90% of the other celebrities...... horrific!!!! That's the thing... Perez either hates you or he loves you ..... and god help you if he hates you!!!!!! Jeez, you couldn't PAY ME ENOUGH to be a celebrity!!!!!! :shocked: YIKES !!!!!:jawdrop:


agreed! yay for mika and his likeableness!

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