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London accomodation ideas ? ....


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from her place?! ARE U NUTS??? driving!!?? its the wrong side!!! LOL

i remember when i was in the UK with my family and we rented a car... was scary!!!!! my dad drove...


i will take public transportation im sure :)


maybe we could meet in the center of london or something and go together from there?


For the Hammersmith Venue sure we could meet up ...im Not sure about the Brixton one though as we have found super accomodation just around the corner from the venue ...but we could meet you at the tube station in Brixton for sure :thumb_yello:

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For the Hammersmith Venue sure we could meet up ...im Not sure about the Brixton one though as we have found super accomodation just around the corner from the venue ...but we could meet you at the tube station in Brixton for sure :thumb_yello:


You could meet us at our 'apartment' :naughty: I'm not walking further than i have to. :biggrin2:

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hmmm ok :boxed:

so where i need to meet u guys?


and u have any idea how much a taxi will be for a 25 minuts drive?


It would be cheaper to get the underground tube from the centre of london shouldnt cost more than £5 and i think its only a few stops

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For the Hammersmith Venue sure we could meet up ...im Not sure about the Brixton one though as we have found super accomodation just around the corner from the venue ...but we could meet you at the tube station in Brixton for sure :thumb_yello:


im begining to get scared.... ill have to go back to my friend place alone after the show...ick!



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im begining to get scared.... ill have to go back to my friend place alone after the show...ick!




No no not necessarily there may be MFCers staying in the centre of London dont worry or you could come and chrash out on the floor of our apartment :thumb_yello:

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Sivan where abouts in Central london will you be staying because i have just checked and Picadilly circus which is kind of central london is only 1 underground change away from Brixton :thumb_yello:

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No no not necessarily there may be MFCers staying in the centre of London dont worry or you could come and chrash out on the floor of our apartment :thumb_yello:



doesn't your friend want to come :biggrin2: haven't you mikafied her yet ? :naughty:


well i dont know how close she is to the center really... im scared going by myself ...seriously! lol

maybe if i wont handle going alone i could really stay with u guys on the floor?

i dont mind sharing with u and paying...


i asked my friend if she wanna go to one show... she prefer going on a weekend and not when she work... but the shows are sunday monday tuseday right? :boxed: so mayyyyybe she will come im not sure... she is not mikafied yet... :thumbdown: maybe i need to start mikafying her from now... LOL!

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Sivan where abouts in Central london will you be staying because i have just checked and Picadilly circus which is kind of central london is only 1 underground change away from Brixton :thumb_yello:


on google map it say she is 15 minuts from picadilly....

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well i dont know how close she is to the center really... im scared going by myself ...seriously! lol

maybe if i wont handle going alone i could really stay with u guys on the floor?

i dont mind sharing with u and paying...


i asked my friend if she wanna go to one show... she prefer going on a weekend and not when she work... but the shows are sunday monday tuseday right? :boxed: so mayyyyybe she will come im not sure... she is not mikafied yet... :thumbdown: maybe i need to start mikafying her from now... LOL!


well the problem with that is we are full up and have a maximum amount of people in the flat already and it would just be the floor availiable However if there were more people looking for accomodation the ground apartment is still availiable.....


and yes thats a great idea just send subtle mika hints to your friend....pictures and stuff or youtube links :naughty::thumb_yello:

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well the problem with that is we are full up and have a maximum amount of people in the flat already and it would just be the floor availiable However if there were more people looking for accomodation the ground apartment is still availiable.....


and yes thats a great idea just send subtle mika hints to your friend....pictures and stuff or youtube links :naughty::thumb_yello:


yeah floor would be fine in case that i get stuck... imsaying just incase... would be good to know i have somewhere to go if i really get scared... i just dont know how it will be like and stuff u know?


well if more need a place to stay than maybe i can stay with someone :)


i sooo should go to sleep!

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*waves back*

I'm coming alone to london ,caz


Vanessa but the Flat will cost you 135£ a night ...it sleeps 5 people so i would suggest if you are wanting to rent it out find some buddies from here to share with you to spread the cost.

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