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My mother's slowly becoming obsessed with Mika...


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The other day, she bought me a copy of Life in Cartoon Motion. Then a few days later, I was watching TV, and I heard something blaring from the next room. She was paying bills / singing along to 'Love Today', which was booming over the CD player.


And today, I didn't feel good, so I laid down in my room for a while. And what woke me up?




This is both a happy moment, and a creepy moment.

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My mom likes Mika, but she is definitely not obsessed. She told me that being obsessed with someone or something is "a disease." She honestly told me that she thinks I have a disease because I am such a big Mika fan.


Well, fine. I don't care if I'm diseased or not! I LOVE MIKA!

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Hahaha, oh my god, my mom too!

Every time we're in the car LICM is blasting,and my mom's singin' along.

I took her with me to GMA and the secret gig, and she had so much fun,and all the other mothers that were there kept asking her how she knew the words,hahaha. but my mom couldnt believe how talented he was.

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Hahaha, oh my god, my mom too!

Every time we're in the car LICM is blasting,and my mom's singin' along.

I took her with me to GMA and the secret gig, and she had so much fun,and all the other mothers that were there kept asking her how she knew the words,hahaha. but my mom couldnt believe how talented he was.


My mom said she likes him because he reminds her of the Beatles.:naughty:


What was I going to say... lost my train of thought...


OH YEAH! That's another thing I like about Mika; parents are always invited and approved of at his gigs.:wink2:

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How old is your mom? Just curious...


I'm nearly 48...


Just because you're older, doesn't mean you're immune to

the charms of Mika! :wink2:



Oh of course not! Mika can pull almost anyone into his magical world!


My mom's just immune to the concept of obsession!

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How old is your mom? Just curious...


I'm nearly 48...


Just because you're older, doesn't mean you're immune to

the charms of Mika! :wink2:




woo hooo someone around MY age :thumb_yello: and my daughter liked Mika 1st but then I got waaay ore obsessed than her and I ave seen him twice SHE hasn't ha ha but the up side (for her) is that I am paying for her tickets, room, travel, food etc etc to see him 3 times in Novemeber, she IS 18 I know but I just want her to come cos I know she will love him but he is MINE mwahahahaha.

(ps it's ME who sings Mika songs all day at work and has had LiCM ONLY in my car since it came out non stop) lol.

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I fully admit my obsession, no point trying to live in denial when its blatantly obvious, I tell ppl he is my mid life crisis and I am entitled to it and it beats buying a sports car any day :naughty: even my hubby tells ppl that too pfft, at least he just finds it amusing I guess. He can see how much happier I am these days and it's given me more confidence cos I went to London alone heh heh met up with ppl I only just met online on MFC (imagine me allowing my kids to do that, even if they are grown ups now, lol):blush-anim-cl:

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This reminds me when I was in my Thompson Twins phase, and my mum really got into them, she LOVED "You Take Me Up" was always singing along to it when it came on the radio, I thought it was great, 'cause it was something we both related to, not that we didn't get get on, we did, but she wasn't really into anything else I liked then, so it was nice we both liked the Twins.

I'm pretty sure if she was around now, my mum would definitely like Mika , she was classically trained and loved opera. And he loves his mum, which would have been a big plus for her.LOL.

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I fully admit my obsession, no point trying to live in denial when its blatantly obvious, I tell ppl he is my mid life crisis and I am entitled to it and it beats buying a sports car any day :naughty: even my hubby tells ppl that too pfft, at least he just finds it amusing I guess. He can see how much happier I am these days and it's given me more confidence cos I went to London alone heh heh met up with ppl I only just met online on MFC (imagine me allowing my kids to do that, even if they are grown ups now, lol):blush-anim-cl:


Most of my friends know of and indulge my, um, let's call it

*preoccupation* (to avoid

that negative "O" word) with Mika... but I do wonder what my son's (he's 15)

friends' mothers would think if they knew... As you say, sparkly, beats buying

a sport car by far, and, as I'm happy, I think it's fairly harmless, right? :wink2:


Of course, my SON doesn't appreciate it much now -- he's no Mika fan... but as I tell him: Resistance is Futile. :naughty:



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lol few weeks ago my mom was like "why did u take mika CD out of the car?!?!?!? bring it back!"




Sivan! Why DID you take the Mika CD out of the car???!!! :yikes:





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The other day, she bought me a copy of Life in Cartoon Motion. Then a few days later, I was watching TV, and I heard something blaring from the next room. She was paying bills / singing along to 'Love Today', which was booming over the CD player.


And today, I didn't feel good, so I laid down in my room for a while. And what woke me up?




This is both a happy moment, and a creepy moment.


My mom too! She said somthing really priceless the other day and I remember thinking, "OMG! I just have to post this on th MFC!" But I absolutely cannot remember what it was.


But yes, my mom always wants to know more and more about mika and she constantyl hums (extremely out of tune) to all the songs, and she practically knows all the words! :wub2:

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ahahaha, when my mom sings along to 'Love Today', at the chorus, when it says "big bust on", she sings something I don't understand, but it ends in "Star"


Hahaha, it's so cute, I let her believe it's 'star'.:thumb_yello:

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ahahaha, when my mom sings along to 'Love Today', at the chorus, when it says "big bust on", she sings something I don't understand, but it ends in "Star"


Hahaha, it's so cute, I let her believe it's 'star'.:thumb_yello:

Such a nice daughter. It's probably a good idea to keep your mom in the dark about some of the lyrics.

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