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Mika vs Mika: The Mikster might have to change his name...


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Great show.

Yes it is! I really like Seven of Nine and if she was on this thread she would say this...

"Mika Penniman is unique. The Belgiun lady is just envious of him and wants the fame that is his by right. Mika Penniman has assimilated the world into his very own collective, and that's a very good way to be asimilated."


Anyway, I think our Mika should win his case. The other Mika's argument is that he's ruined her career!

What career?

If that's her only argument, she stands NO chance of winning!

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Artists can. I think I read somewhere that she registered hers, but only in Belgium.


She registered it with Sabam, a Belgian company to protect the rights of artists and to protect their songs, but I think this whole lawcase is bullsh*t :sneaky2:

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I find contradictory information:


Bruxelles a décidé de remettre le procès de Mika contre Mika au 17 mars 2008. Le concert du Mika britannique aura donc bien lieu comme prévu ce mardi 13 novembre à Forest National à Bruxelles (Belgique).



Après une heure et demie de débats et après plusieurs suspensions d'audience, le tribunal de commerce de Bruxelles, siégeant comme en référé, a remis vendredi au 27 mars prochain l'examen du litige qui oppose la chanteuse belge d'origine grecque, Sophie Michalakoudis, dite Mika, au chanteur britannique d'origine libanaise, Michael Holbrook Penniman, connu également sous le nom de Mika.



I would say the second source is usually more reliable, but in this case, I don't know...

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Yes but if you read the second article Niki quoted above until the end you can read:

Finalement, Mme Robinstein a trouvé le compromis qui a consisté à acter que les quatre adversaires de la chanteuse belge reconnaissaient que l'ordre de cessation réclamé par celle-ci portait également sur la programmation future de Michael Holbrook Penniman à Forest National. De cette manière, l'affaire a pu être remise pour que toutes les parties puissent plaider le 17 mars prochain, à partir de 09h00.


So I don't know what to think about it... just wait and see...:wink2:

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I get this info:


17/03 Proces Mika tegen Mika uitgesteld tot 10 april



De handelsrechtbank van Brussel, zetelend in kort geding, heeft maandag het proces van zangeres Mika (foto) tegen Mika - inderdaad dé Mika - verdaagd naar 10 april 2008.


Reden is de tussenkomst van een nieuwe advocaat.

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I find contradictory information:


Bruxelles a décidé de remettre le procès de Mika contre Mika au 17 mars 2008. Le concert du Mika britannique aura donc bien lieu comme prévu ce mardi 13 novembre à Forest National à Bruxelles (Belgique).



Après une heure et demie de débats et après plusieurs suspensions d'audience, le tribunal de commerce de Bruxelles, siégeant comme en référé, a remis vendredi au 27 mars prochain l'examen du litige qui oppose la chanteuse belge d'origine grecque, Sophie Michalakoudis, dite Mika, au chanteur britannique d'origine libanaise, Michael Holbrook Penniman, connu également sous le nom de Mika.



I would say the second source is usually more reliable, but in this case, I don't know...


I get this info:


17/03 Proces Mika tegen Mika uitgesteld tot 10 april



De handelsrechtbank van Brussel, zetelend in kort geding, heeft maandag het proces van zangeres Mika (foto) tegen Mika - inderdaad dé Mika - verdaagd naar 10 april 2008.


Reden is de tussenkomst van een nieuwe advocaat.



Now we will wait for April 10th!

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This is a vid which was shown on the Belgian national news this evening...


It's in French but here's the translation.

Please don't panick... I'm sure Universal won't let it happen.


He’s one of today’s most popular artists... The British singer Mika is a pop phenomenon, but he might have to change his name. A Belgian reggae singer, also named Mika, wants to go to court to defend her name. That’s what you can call a real mess.


On the left of the screen, Mika, who’s doing great with over 600 000 albums sold. On the right, another Mika, a Belgian reggae singer whose sales are much more modest. They have only one thing in common: a very catchy but confusing pseudonym... The belgian Mika copyrighted her name by the SABAM (belgian association for the protection of artists and intellectual rights) in 1983 and she claims the British singer is trying to steal her name.


“It’s a real prejudice when I contact music companies or event organisators for they don’t know who’s who anymore and some even think I stole the name “Mika†although it’s been my pseudonym for years. So I really have the feeling I’m not in control anymore and can’t go on under this name anymore.â€


There is one Mika too much on this earth and the Belgian one is determined to sue the huge multinational that’s Universal Music. The British Mika has contacted his lawyer and might change his name.


There is a famous precedent in history: the Staracademy (French equivalent of Pop Idol) winner Nolwenn had to add her lastname to her pseudonym and sing under the name “Nolwenn Leroy†after an another Nolwenn complained.


This anecdote raises the question of wether or not an artist has the right to protect his name.


“Artists can protect their real names but also their pseudonyms for they belong to their patrimonium, just like their imageâ€.


In order to win in court, the prejudice will have to be proven. Mika versus Mika... The Belgian singer wants a friendly arrangement... It might be the jackpot for her...

That is horrible!


Mika shares his name with like over 100 other people in the spotlight.

I don't see why SHE can't!

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April 10th?

How much longer does the judge need to sort this out for pities sake!

This woman has been going since the '80s and as far as I'm aware hardly anyone in Belgium has heard of her, so if she hasn't made it off her own back by now GIVE UP!

It's blatantly obvious she is only doing this because of the big guys success. If the Indian or Japanese Mikas had got successful in Europe over the last 10 years, I'll bet she'd have tried it on with them too. It's just an attempt to catch on to his coat tail and get a name for herself, probably the only way she can get any publicity for her music and get a bit of cash oit of Universal too.

Well I won't buy any of her records, she's just being petty.

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April 10th?

How much longer does the judge need to sort this out for pities sake!

This woman has been going since the '80s and as far as I'm aware hardly anyone in Belgium has heard of her, so if she hasn't made it off her own back by now GIVE UP!

It's blatantly obvious she is only doing this because of the big guys success. If the Indian or Japanese Mikas had got successful in Europe over the last 10 years, I'll bet she'd have tried it on with them too. It's just an attempt to catch on to his coat tail and get a name for herself, probably the only way she can get any publicity for her music and get a bit of cash oit of Universal too.

Well I won't buy any of her records, she's just being petty.


Well the delay is not due to the judge having to take a decision, I'd say, but rather on the tribunal session coming to an end before Mika's case was brought up.


I found this btw:



Mika se bat contre... Mika







Une chanteuse belge active sur scène depuis 20 ans estime que son image est malmenée par le succès de la jeune star


BRUXELLES Il y avait déjà eu un premier procès au mois de novembre. Période à laquelle la jeune star Mika devait se produire à Forest National.


Finalement, les débats avaient été postposés et les fans avaient pu aller applaudir Mika sur la scène de Forest.


Mais que se passe-t-il ? En réalité : une confusion entre Mika et Mika...


Pour être plus clair, il y a deux Mika qui s'opposent aujourd'hui.


Dans le camp A : Mica Penniman, dit Mika, né à Beyrouth en 1983, de mère libanaise et de père américain. Passionné de musique et révélation musicale 2007. La star du moment, c'est lui. Les jeunes ne parlent que de lui.


Dans le camp B : Sophie Michalakoudis, dite elle aussi Mika et elle aussi chanteuse. Elle est belge, d'origine grecque.


On devine le litige : le camp B reproche au camp A la confusion.


Mika la chanteuse estime en effet à Mika le chanteur de l'empêcher de travailler. "J'exerce depuis plus de 20 ans. J'ai construit mon patrimoine artistique mais maintenant, je suis bloquée dans toutes mes démarches. On ne m'accepte plus parce qu'il y a une confusion possible avec Michaël Penniman."


Dans un premier temps, Mika la chanteuse voulait donc empêcher Mika le chanteur de se produire devant une foule vouée à sa cause à Forest National. Sans succès. Le concert a bien eu lieu. À l'inverse du procès.


Et l'histoire se répète puisque les concerts s'accumulent pour Mika le chanteur alors que le procès de Mika la chanteuse ne fait qu'être reporté.


Hier, le tribunal du commerce de Bruxelles a une nouvelle fois postposé le procès au 10 avril. À suivre.


Philippe Boudart



Nothing really new, quick summary of the case + fact that the trial is postponed once more.

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  • 3 weeks later...
OMG! NOOOOOO, PLEASE, DON'T LET THAT HAPPEN! Mika is just Mika, for God's sake. It's his name. How could you change that? Maybe BIg M will have to go with 'Mica', after all. I don't think it would be a problem, since I suppose he's sufficiently famous by now for people to know how to pronounce his name. I hope the change doesn't happen, though. I love his name as it is. *Is scared. Of what? She doesn't know*:shocked::bored::emot-sad:

No, if it comes to it, he'll just call himself MIKA PENNIMAN, and all his fans will still call him Mika. but I don't think he'll loose the case, It's all about how he's affected her career by having the same name, and he has, she's more famous now, so she doesn't have a case against him!

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He's announced in Werchter under "Mika", so I guess the recordcompany isn't verry worried about the outcome of this trial, they might even have reached a deal with the reggae freak by now ;)


Are you sure it's our Mika going to Werchter? :newyear:

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Are you sure it's our Mika going to Werchter? :newyear:


:roftl: :roftl: Good point Bab-Imagine the legions of MFC'ers turning up at the crack of dawn, camping out, to get to the front-super-best-spot, only to find that when the singer finally turns up it's one of the "other" Mika's:roftl: Hilarious, really!

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:roftl: :roftl: Good point Bab-Imagine the legions of MFC'ers turning up at the crack of dawn, camping out, to get to the front-super-best-spot, only to find that when the singer finally turns up it's one of the "other" Mika's:roftl: Hilarious, really!



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:roftl: :roftl: Good point Bab-Imagine the legions of MFC'ers turning up at the crack of dawn, camping out, to get to the front-super-best-spot, only to find that when the singer finally turns up it's one of the "other" Mika's:roftl: Hilarious, really!


:roftl: :roftl:

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:roftl: :roftl: Good point Bab-Imagine the legions of MFC'ers turning up at the crack of dawn, camping out, to get to the front-super-best-spot, only to find that when the singer finally turns up it's one of the "other" Mika's:roftl: Hilarious, really!


I'd jump off the nearest building:blink:

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