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Mika vs Mika: The Mikster might have to change his name...


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Well the delay is not due to the judge having to take a decision, I'd say, but rather on the tribunal session coming to an end before Mika's case was brought up.


I found this btw:



Hier, le tribunal du commerce de Bruxelles a une nouvelle fois postposé le procès au 10 avril. À suivre.


Philippe Boudart



Nothing really new, quick summary of the case + fact that the trial is postponed once more.


So, it's tomorrow then?


I was thinking: maybe the delay in getting the Official Status is because of this lawsuit. Then they will know how to call the fanclub: MikaFanClub or MicaFanClub.....:)

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So, it's tomorrow then?


I was thinking: maybe the delay in getting the Official Status is because of this lawsuit. Then they will know how to call the fanclub: MikaFanClub or MicaFanClub.....:)


Maybe, it would be a good explanation :thumb_yello:

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So, it's tomorrow then?


I was thinking: maybe the delay in getting the Official Status is because of this lawsuit. Then they will know how to call the fanclub: MikaFanClub or MicaFanClub.....:)


Since nobody outside of Belgium (and from what I gather, not a lot ofpeople in Belgium either) has heard of this woman, I can't see that they would need to change the name, and I can't see Mika changing his name to Mica after all the hassle he's had with it in the past.

I would hope this isn't the case, but it would fit with the timing and delays with the official announcement.

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What so this is actually going to court? I'd heard she was annoyed but I didn't think she'd be taking him to court. Jeeeeeeeeeeesus. I might try to take all the Lauras to court, see if anything comes of it.


I hope she has to pay his legal fees, and compensation for wasting his time. Then he can buy something pretty for himself with the cash. :D

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No, if it comes to it, he'll just call himself MIKA PENNIMAN, and all his fans will still call him Mika. but I don't think he'll loose the case, It's all about how he's affected her career by having the same name, and he has, she's more famous now, so she doesn't have a case against him!


In which case, he should claim a fee for furthering her career! :newyear:

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In which case, he should claim a fee for furthering her career! :newyear:


you are right! and good morning babs!

he should get paid for all the FREE publicity she's been getting.

probably the most she's had in 20 years!

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you are right! and good morning babs!

he should get paid for all the FREE publicity she's been getting.

probably the most she's had in 20 years!


Yes it's true, and him changing his name won't end her problems. If she's making a concert and Mika has changed to Mica, some ppl are still going to think of Mika (our Mika:wink2:) and she won't be able to make concerts under Mika's name:naughty:

In fact she has to change her name, it's not Mika's fault if he's more famous than her :bleh:

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Is anyone is going to wave the MFC-flag outside the Courthouse? :naughty:


AWWW! Wish I'd thought of that before. I could of sent it to one of our Belgian members.

Let's see what happens tomorrow and play it by ear.

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I still can't believe this has gone has far as it has and she's actually taking him to court... I mean how stupid is she. I really hope she doesn't win this - it's so silly - Mika will always be Mika to me.

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What does play it by ear mean?


It means to wait and see how things go, to see what happens and react accordingly.


I do wish this case would get settled once and for all. It's doing my head in now!!!

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It means to wait and see how things go, to see what happens and react accordingly.


I do wish this case would get settled once and for all. It's doing my head in now!!!


Thanks for explaning, Gata:thumb_yello:


Yes, I wish too it will get settled today. We'll see.

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pff, she's just jealous and wants free publicity :thumbdown:

I hadn't heard of her until now,

I don't like her :mad:


We'll see, hope it's in the news this evening...

and let us hope dat 'our' mika wins!

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I found a new article about the process, I'll try to translate it but I'm not so good in translating :-s so every help is welcome to translate it


Proces Mika tegen Mika: klaagster in positie van beklaagde

Donderdag 10 april 2008 1 u. geleden




(Belga) De handelsrechtbank van Brussel, zetelend in kort geding, heeft donderdag de pleidooien van alle partijen gehoord in het proces van Mika tegen Mika.


De ene Mika is de Belgische zangeres van Griekse origine Sophie Michalakoudis. De andere is de Britse zanger van Libanese afkomst Michaël Holbrook Penniman, die als Mika in 2007 wereldhits scoorde met "Grace Kelly" en "Relax, Take It Easy". Volgens de Belgische Mika kwam zij niet meer aan de bak door de mogelijke verwarring met Michaël Penniman. In november probeerde ze nog tevergeefs een concert van de Britse Mika in Vorst Nationaal te verhinderen. Kort daarna liet ze weten dat ze afzag van alle gerechtelijke stappen, maar de beklaagden lieten het daar niet bij en duwden Michalakoudis op hun beurt in de positie van beklaagde. De Britse Mika, Universal en Live Nation eisen nu 30.000 euro van Michalakoudis wegens tergend en roekeloos geding, plus procedurekosten. De rechter kondigde aan dat de uitspraak binnen de maand valt. (LEE)



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I translated it with "Babelfish" so I think there are mistakes in it, but I hope everyone can read it now :)


10/04/08 17:00

The court of Brussels, being established in short lawsuit, has heard Thursday the pleadings of all parties in the process of Mika against Mika. The one Mika , a Belgian singer of Greek origine Sophie Michalakoudis. The other is the British singer Michael Holbrook Penniman, which scored worldhits as Mika in 2007, with "Grace Kelly" and "Relax, Take It Easy". According to the Belgian Mika she no longer came to the barge by the possible misfiring with Michael Penniman. In November she tried still in vain prevent a concert of the British Mika in Forest National. Afterwards she briefly let know that she abandoned all judicial steps, but the accused did not leave it thereby and pushed Michalakoudis for their part in the position of pitied. The British Mika, Universal and live Nation now require 30,000 euro of Michalakoudis because of provocatively and reckless lawsuit, plus procedure costs. The pronouncement will be within this month.

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Mouaha, that's a bit harsh.

If she decided to drop all charges, Universal should have backed off, and not attack her.


I fully agree. But it looks like Universal is not alone on this one, Mika himself attacks her too.


I bet she does not have the money anyway. I would not like to be at her place... Many restless nights to come for her...

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I fully agree. But it looks like Universal is not alone on this one' date=' Mika himself attacks her too.


I bet she does not have the money anyway. I would not like to be at her place... Many restless nights to come for her...[/quote']


yes, it's a bit harsh, but it's a bit her own mistake, I think it was stupid of her to charge mika...

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yes, it's a bit harsh, but it's a bit her own mistake, I think it was stupid of her to charge mika...


It was, but Mika should be a gentleman and let this all stupid thing die out, don't you think?

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It was, but Mika should be a gentleman and let this all stupid thing die out, don't you think?



I think Mika is a gentleman, but you can't mess with the huge record companies. And it's really a bit her fault, isn't it? :mf_rosetinted:

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