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She's taking it too far!


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Oh,yes, that could be it.

But still, at least "Mica" is his real name. He just changed the "C."

Hers is a nickname. This whole situation is just really lame.

I wonder what the Big M thinks of this whole fiasco..


i sent him a comment on myspace lol xDD

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I wonder if he'll post a bulletin or blog..probably will if he gets enough comments and messages.


Thats if someone reads the messages... xD


Oh,yes, that could be it.

But still, at least "Mica" is his real name. He just changed the "C."

Hers is a nickname. This whole situation is just really lame.

I wonder what the Big M thinks of this whole fiasco..


Mica did it to help other people

hers is a nick name


and is she tryig to get sympathy saying sh is from a broken family?!

if she is i'll get everyone to call me Mika and i'll sue BOTH of them!


broken my family my butt, who gives a monkeys about her family?! :sneaky2::boxed:

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Mika will not be changing his name. He is far bigger than she is, and it would be the dumbest thing in the world if he was made to change his name.


Maybe he can change it to Mel. :mf_rosetinted:


Mel B

Mel C

and there are probably other Mel's

but i only know those 2 becuase they were in the Spice Girls xDDD


Mel P!


Mika, your changing your name to Mel P :mf_rosetinted:

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I’ll make sure the concert of the other Mika gets forbidden by court.


What is it having to do with the concert?!

Who is she to decide of Mika's gigs?

-Our Mika could do the Belgium gig even with a name Pat the Penguin and still have his popularity.



For 20 years now, Sophie Michalakoudis is working on a career as a reggae singer.


It's suddenly not "Mika"..?


To me that was a logical choice because everyone called me like that since I was a child.


So does Mika.



And all of a sudden there was this other Mika


Well it happens.

Because of the media hype around that second Mika, there’s the risk I won’t get a job anymore.


Life is full of risks dear girl.


Through the other Mika changing his name, or in another way. (let me guess, money???)

Oh, coolness.


'I’ve been patient for months now. Oh well, I’m a tiny Belgian and I get the feeling that they want to ignore me. But that won’t work. I’LL GO TO COURT AND MAKE SURE THEY STOP THE GIG IN VORST.'


:blink: I thought it was about the name??


And it’s also something psychological. It feels like a part of myself was robbed.


Amusing. :naughty:

This girl should've been named Emma or Julie to get more robbed. :cool:


Something I worked and built on for years.


A new name..?


When those Brits chose the name Mika, they should have known that it was already been used. Just a quick browse on the internet and they would have known it.


Yeah, WHAT were hey thinking to use something that's found on internet!!! GRR.


This's not even funny anymore, I wanna cry. Or not really. :mf_pain:

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okay so i'm REALLY pissed at the time...i mean she is MAD!!! if ur not Madonna and ur over 40-years old then really...stop trying!!! go raise ur children people u had ur career and it wasnt succesful now whats the point anymore??to look dumb? or getting a little BAD fame? uhhhh...*sigh* and i dont care if mika is mika, mica, Mel P! lol he'll always be the angel he is and it doesnt matter howmany of you are out there trying to ruin his career!!!(is that wht she wanna do?:naughty: )

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:roftl: This is the only pic I have of it on my computer, but look:




It totally says: "To Hannah Love Mel x" :roftl:


HAHA! That's really funny!



But do you think it could possibly say "Love me" and the e is just dragged out, you know, how people sometimes drag out letters so it looks like an "l".

But it could very well say "Mel".

If I ever get an autograph from him, I'll have to ask.:naughty:

Love that it's framed, by the way. haha I would so frame mine. haha

I wanted to get my shirt signed, I would've framed it and hung it on my bedroom wall. :roftl:

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HAHA! That's really funny!



But do you think it could possibly say "Love me" and the e is just dragged out, you know, how people sometimes drag out letters so it looks like an "l".

But it could very well say "Mel".

If I ever get an autograph from him, I'll have to ask.:naughty:

Love that it's framed, by the way. haha I would so frame mine. haha

I wanted to get my shirt signed, I would've framed it and hung it on my bedroom wall. :roftl:


:roftl:It really says Love Mika, but the Mika is just kind of drawn out


HAHAHA my niece's really does look like hers says "Love Me!" I mean, there's the dot and everything. :roftl:


You should surprise him and catch him off guard by calling him Mel. Maybe he'll respond. I bet his real name isn't Mica. It's Melford or something. :roftl:

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BRUSSEL - 'I was the first one, therefore the real Mika.' The 40-year old reggae singer from Sophie Michalakoudis claims the stage name Mika. 'If I have to, I’ll make sure the concert of the other Mika gets forbidden by court.



She just wants one Mika gig cancelled?

If she was so annoyed, would she not want ALL of them cancelled???



'Always under the name of Mika. To me that was a logical choice because everyone called me like that since I was a child. That’s the name I used to get out of a broken family and make my way to the top.’ (….??)


Yes, and everyone has called Mica mika/mica becuase ITS HIS NAME, but obviously he should go by the name of Penni.... xD


'I’m not in it to sabotage that boy’s career, I just want to see a solution. Because of the media hype around that second Mika, there’s the risk I won’t get a job anymore. I’m being pushed aside, can’t get my record to sell (hmmm, is that really the fault of a name?????) and I can’t get any more gigs. I only ask that they make sure that all the confusion (what confusion??) involving the stage name disappears. Through the other Mika changing his name, or in another way. (let me guess, money???)


Yes, so becuase she might be out of the job becuase of Big Bad Mika, she wants to try and sue him or something, she gets a bunch of money, and people know who she is, she'll be known for about a month, and then forgotten.


Sophie’s been waiting for months for a preposition to get a solution, but nothing happens.

'I’ve been patient for months now. Oh well, I’m a tiny Belgian and I get the feeling that they want to ignore me. But that won’t work. I’LL GO TO COURT AND MAKE SURE THEY STOP THE GIG IN VORST.'


Why just Vorst lovey?

If you wanted justice you'd want them all stopped!



SIZE=2]It’s not about the money (yeah right), says Mika. And she doesn’t want to profit from the success of the more famous Mika. ‘It’s a question of survival. And it’s also something psychological. It feels like a part of myself was robbed. Something I worked and built on for years.’[/size]


Yeah, cos Mikas name isnt Mica xD

She doesn’t know if there was any malicious intent involved (oh pppuuhleeeaasse). 'And frankly I don’t care. When those Brits chose the name Mika, they should have known that it was already been used. Just a quick browse on the internet and they would have known it.


Get a grip love, Mika isnt a common name so how would he know someone was already using it?

if anything, SHE should change HER name to Micha or something, cos thats how its spelt in her last name

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It really says Love Mika, but the Mika is just kind of drawn out


HAHAHA my niece's really does look like hers says "Love Me!" I mean, there's the dot and everything.


You should surprise him and catch him off guard by calling him Mel. Maybe he'll respond. I bet his real name isn't Mica. It's Melford or something. :roftl:


:lmfao::lmao::roftl: Melford!!! :naughty:







i've got two words to say about that Sophie woman


PUBLICITY WHORE!:mf_rosetinted: :mf_rosetinted:

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:roftl:It really says Love Mika, but the Mika is just kind of drawn out


HAHAHA my niece's really does look like hers says "Love Me!" I mean, there's the dot and everything. :roftl:


You should surprise him and catch him off guard by calling him Mel. Maybe he'll respond. I bet his real name isn't Mica. It's Melford or something. :roftl:


Don't I feel silly? xD!!!


Maybe it does! Or not...haha


HAHAH!! MELFORD!!! :roftl: :roftl:

"Mel, can you please sign my cd?"

"MEL?!?!?!":shocked: :blink:

"Don't be silly, Melford. I know the truth."

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She just wants one Mika gig cancelled?

If she was so annoyed, would she not want ALL of them cancelled???






Why just Vorst lovey?

If you wanted justice you'd want them all stopped!



Well, I think of some territory thing. She's from Belgium, Vorst is in Belgium, therefore cancel the only gig in Belgium.


I hate being a Belgian now. Like I said before, what's he gonna think about us now, it's already a small country. Now with all of this **** happening why bother to come back:thumbdown:


That's my biggest concern. Not the name.


But Ingie, that mail you got back, now did she state in it that she wasn't going to do anything to cancel the gig? Why would a newspaper write that then?

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on behalf of CazGirl, she says: what about radio? if sophie keeps Mika and Mika goes to Mica how are the listeners going to know? It won't make a difference on radio if mica changes his name


I don't think they'll have to worry about that. I get the feeling that Sophie-Mika isn't that well-played...

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There is also some racing driver I think with the same name.


I can sum this up in one word





That is why she is making such a fuss, they say no publicity is BAD publicity and she is using this thing about the name to get some, she isn't gonna sue the japanese girl is she? OH NO she just wants to ride on the back of his fame I think to crib off some free PUBLICITY.


It's an OUTRAGE :furious:

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