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Sasjes Butterfly Bar (part 5)


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Actually, Henry Leopold Luciano Freddie William Von Domburger XVII already had a list of songs he would like to hear during his cremation


*hand over The List*


  • Mika - Happy Ending
  • Mika - Lollipop
    ~ New Testament John 6.35-40
  • Mika - Over My Shoulder
    ~ New Testament 1 Corinthians 53-end
  • Mika - Any Other World




*sings & reads*

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Actually, Henry Leopold Luciano Freddie William Von Domburger XVII already had a list of songs he would like to hear during his cremation


*hand over The List*


  • Mika - Happy Ending
  • Mika - Lollipop
    ~ New Testament John 6.35-40
  • Mika - Over My Shoulder
    ~ New Testament 1 Corinthians 53-end
  • Mika - Any Other World




We should try to find a priest..:mf_popeanim:

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We should indeed.. Does anyone has Holy Johnny's phone number?


As matter a fact... yes, I do..:blink:


*walks over to the phone, dials the number and waits*


Hello Father...


Yes....yes... well.. no.. not everything is fine...


no.. we need you for a funeral..... yes....


Ooh... that's too bad...... yes, I hope she'll understand it.....


okay, thank you Father....


Bless you.....


*hangs up the phone*

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I said hi before :blink:


i didn't mean it like that:blink:


*crawls over to the bar and takes a huge bottle of rum and crawls back into the dark conor*


*brings over 2 glasses of cola*


could you please fill them up with rum?? :blink:


lol...we wanna know !!!!


What do you wanna know?? :blink:

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Dudes and Dudettes,


We are gathered here today in the sign of God to give back what He gave us: Henry The Moustache. He was a good moustache. Very sweet. A lot of humour. A bit hairy.. but that was who he was.


Henry, you were, and still are, my moustache. I want you to know that in all I have ever done, I have always seen you before my eyes. Your hair accompanied me in every step and on every path.


You will be missed, sweet Henry


*throws ashes in the air*

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