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Mika's very secret diary


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Mika's official EMA host diary


Day 1

Got a phonecall from the MTV b*tches, uhm, bosses. If I wanted to host the EMA's. Looked at my alarm clock. It was 3 PM! I was like, NO and gow dare you to call me this EARLY! And they were like, it's 3 PM and I was like Whatever I don't want to, and they were like, then we'll kill your tamagotchi and I was like, no meanie don't kill Zorro! And they were like, yeah we will and I was like, okay I'll do it!

Day 2

Had a meeting with the b*tches. Put Zorro far away in a locker with high security. That's why my hand is bleeding. While I put Zorro in the locker, the security dogs, some very intimidating Yorkshire Terriers bit me. THEY BIT ME! So I ran away after I told them that they wouldn't get a bone anymore. Sniffel. So anyways, had a meeting with these bosses and they said I had to go on stage as Jack Sparrow. I refused, they showed me a pic of Zorro and they told me they knew where he was. DAMN. So yeah I said yes again.

Day 6

Got a mail from Perezito, it was REALLy weird.


Hey Mimi,

Heard you're going to host the EMA's, How exciting!

I will be there with my amazing show What Perez Sez (aired 9 September, but you know since you were on haha). Anyways, we could attend the show together in matching outfits. How exciting would THAT be! I'm so looking forward to it!


Luffles and a big hug to my fav curlyhead,


(Ps. If you refuse, I know where you hide your tamagotchi)


F**k! Why the hatin' against my tama!

Day 8

Been rehearsing all day. Found out that I'm nominated. I insisted that I should win. They told me to shut the f**k up. I told them I wouldn't go as Jack Sparrow but as Whoopi Goldberg with failing clothes so the entire world would see my nipple decorated with a smiley. They told me I wouldn't get paid if I did that. So I just let the idea go.


Day 10

Some crappy craphead wrote my lines for the EMA's. I mean like WTF, they were soooooo not funny. I mean, the line: MFC girls are beautiful mistakes isn't funny. It's a serious issue, I'm about to get them all counseling. Anyways, I decided to write my text myself. 'Cause I'm funny, like duh.


Day 14

The show is coming closer. Been spending most of my time on the toilet. Daaamn. Perez keeps stalking me with mails asking me what color I like better, blue or violet sky. Told him he could pick. Been puking all day long. F**k


Day 16

TOMORROW TOMORROW TOMORROW TOMORROW TOMORROW. AAAAAH I'M FREAKING OOOUUUUUT! Zuleika and Fortuné even had a bet. If I would screw up, Zuleika would have to pay Fortuné 20 pounds. Whatever, I'm gonna make it!


Day 17

Yaaaah, I woke up very early! I was bouncing around, checked Zorro, he was still in his locker. Kicked the Yorkie. Anyways, Perez came by. He had this awful jean kinda thing he wanted me to wear. I'll be Britney and you'll be JT, he said. I was like, yeah right. So anyways, we made our way to Germany and we started rehearsing once again. I was hot even if I may say so myself.


The show started and all these big celebs were walking over the red carpet. But Perrie and I stole the show. Everyone wanted a pic of us, yeah we were hot! And Per and I shared a little secret nobody knew about. Haha. Anyways I got inside and dressed up like Jack Sparrow and they announced me and I came on stage and everyone was screaming at me telling me I was so hot. I then said, "Goodnight Ladies and your soon to be ex-boyfriends, yeah I will do you all tonight haha," Nobody laughed. Anyways Per and I gave one award away and Perez came up on stage wearing underwear with my face on it! Eeew. Anyways, later on, we performed together, yeah we did our own version of I got it from my mama and when the song almost ended, Perez pulled on my clothes and they could see my boob! Oh nooo! And everyone was like, yeah we've already seen this, but it was a mistake! I didn't actually MEANT to do it! But it happened. I ran off stage crying and then I tripped over a box of donuts and everyone was laughing at me. I cried my ass of and I insisted on going back to London IMMEDIATELY! So I took the plane and I arrived back home. I saw Fortuné receive 20 pounds from Zuleika. Zuleika came up to me and said: I had put too much faith in you, what was I thinking? And I cried even louder. This was the worst night EVER! Perrie called me and said it wasn't my fault, that we would survive this together. I hope so. I did take some pics. Will include them later.


I think I will have a careerswitch. Become a dentist or something. I can't show my face ever again in public!



matching britney and JT outfits!:roftl:










(p.s. i'll be waiting for thoses counseling classes.:wink2:)



not that i need them:mf_rosetinted:



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Ok, I've been totally inspired by the Masters of the Diary to pen my own!


Here goes.......


The recording LICM diary


Day 1

Whoooo….the big day is finally here. The moment I’ve been waiting for my whole life! I get to record my first album and it’s gonna be terrific! I’m the main man…the big cheese…the Circus Master….everyone’s gonna do what I say. Grace Kelly here I come! Kerchingaaa!!!!!!:biggrin2:


Day 2

Yesterday did not go as I expected. I told my mother not to interfere……….it doesn’t look good if every time I try to be a big boy and stick up for myself she takes over. The nasty men behind the glass won’t let me do things my way……….it’s not fair! I cried a little bit but don’t think anybody noticed.


Day 3

Spent today recording Lollipop……there were kids running around everywhere…..eating all of my fruit salads and cola kubes. Told them to leave my sweets alone but the just pulled tongues at me and ran off. I wish I could have told my mum of them but I’m trying really hard to be a big boy so bit my lip and was brave about it.


Day 4

We finished off recording Lollipop today but mum said I was being mean to Fortune and Zuleika so had to let them sing on my record to say sorry. I could feel my cheeks burning while I watched them recording their bit………it’s not fair! It’s my record, not theirs!


Day 5

We recorded Love Today but I didn’t like the finished version so asked if we could start over from scratch. The men behind the glass looked very angry and made me feel scared so I said that I was prepared to compromise by leaving it exactly as it was. Their faces looked less red after that. I sulked a bit……..no-one took any notice of me though……it’s sooo not fair!



Day 7

Apparently I’ve been a bad boy again (so mum says). This time I have to let Paloma sing on one of my songs to say sorry. She decided on Big Girl so I gave her the evils all the way through the recording……they seem to forget that these are my songs………mine! Not theirs. It’s really unfair.


Day 8

Started recording Any Other World today. The orchestra were very great and did what they were told………I like them, they’re nice. Later on Raffa arrived to record her story for the beginning and end of the song. She and mum kept ruffling my hair like I’m a little baby………..it made me soooo mad! I’m a big boy now; it’s so unfair of them to treat me like this. Oh, and you’ll never guess who wormed his way onto another of my songs???? Fortune!! I can’t believe my mum is doing this to me!


Day 10

I got to sit at my piano today and boss the gospel choir around whilst recording Happy Ending. They were acting like they knew best about the vocal arrangements……..I put my foot down (quite hard on the piano peddle as it happens – I even gave myself a fright but managed not to cry) and reminded them who’s song it was. I don’t think they liked me after that. See if I care……..see, I don’t care. Sniff.


Day 12

We recorded Over My Shoulder today and my old friend from the RCM arrived to sing it with me. When he was singing his bit the place went quiet and a few people had tears in their eyes. I don’t know why……..he’s not as good a singer as me………it’s not fair. I’ve decided I’m not going to be his friend anymore.


Day 13

Just finished recording the bonus track. Phew!! I’m tired now. Actually, recording my album hasn’t been as much fun as I thought it would be. I may go home and cry into my pillow tonight. Oh wait, mum's coming with a choc ice……..mmmm………lovely. What was I saying again? Oh yes, on reflection, I think I’ve been a big brave soldier this past week or so and made all those horrid men behind the glass take notice of me and let me do exactly what I want so it’s turned out Ok I suppose. I wonder if people will like it when they hear it though? Hmmmm.:blink:


Vix x



:roftl: :roftl: :roftl: :roftl: :thumb_yello:

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of course not the best but its my first :blush-anim-cl:

i now pronounce you:


Mika's Happy Ending Diary



day 1

they forced me to cut my song...and put a stupid beat on it...and cut the little bit love part, that was my fav part: seems like it was yesterday when i singed little bit love right into Ida's eyes *sigh* damn!! sorry perez i never meant to hurt you darling but hers were way betta! and now i have to cut it off....ewww


day 2

happy ending was on radio...sara cox just made a nice comment on it...but i think she's jealous of Ida...she wanted to be in it and i didnt let her.she couldnt sing....i think i should say : ewww


day 3

checked the MFC, someone recorded HE with a new background vocal... a bird, i knew i've been loved by animals!!!i'm not sure that the bird really got the lyrics...but how can i expect that from a bird?? when people cant even get that its FORK! ewww


day 5

i went to the set and they told me i had to paint a whole wall cuz i have a great painting skills...been working on it for 2 days now...i got really tired and my hands were in pain so i said i wont come back within a week...i really wanted to cancel some gigs unfortunately there was none available to cancel ewww life is boring...


day 12

thanks to mum i got well today...back to the set...stupid director told me that creatures on the wall were too "Cute" and he asked me to make them look scary a bit so i got mad and used my highest voice and started screaming at him so he gave up and ranaway...ewwwhahaha scary me!


day 14

they wanted to use my toys...i didnt scream this time so we put the stuff around a bed and we started shooting ...camera was right over my head when i was at the bed and the thought of the camera falling into my head scared the hell out of me but anyway im braver than that!!!


day 15

all my life i knew i had these superman skills in me!! it was fun though...flying i mean...i once fell on the camera man...he was chubbier than me so he didnt get hurt but i think my legs are broken...i wish i was a big boy...skinny skinny skinny!!! ewwww (i'm suspecting if i wasnt adopted since my mum is BIG)


day 16

yea so the labyrinth hands were my brilliant idea since all the brilliant ideas are mine... one of the guys who i had suspected that is into me started touching me so badly on the hands part...it was meant to be helping hands not that...i told him to f**k off and so he did...ewwww


day 18

i put some pics on myspace...checked the MFC...theyre all there and people are going crazy they have no idea what is it with the baloons and me flying and they said my shoulders are sooo hot! it actually scared me *runs to call the director to cut off the shoulder part*...ahhh i feel better now that shooting is done... no more ewwws


day 19

"it was AMAZING!!! awessome!!! great job!!! all my hard work of sleeping and flying and stuff...i'm really fantastic!!!!"-i said right into directors face while he was talking about stupid different visuals that were used...he was annoyed.ewwww i don't care....(i think i should add that on my siggy on MFC)


day 22

i put the vid on my youtube...people were surprised! it came out unexpected, thats good...it confirms my u-nicness...MFCers still f*ckin love it as usuall...they better do...some one made a squeaky version of it...i'm mad again ewww




to be continued...



:lmfao::lmao::thumb_yello: :thumb_yello:

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Mika's official EMA host diary


Day 1

Got a phonecall from the MTV b*tches, uhm, bosses. If I wanted to host the EMA's. Looked at my alarm clock. It was 3 PM! I was like, NO and gow dare you to call me this EARLY! And they were like, it's 3 PM and I was like Whatever I don't want to, and they were like, then we'll kill your tamagotchi and I was like, no meanie don't kill Zorro! And they were like, yeah we will and I was like, okay I'll do it!


Day 2

Had a meeting with the b*tches. Put Zorro far away in a locker with high security. That's why my hand is bleeding. While I put Zorro in the locker, the security dogs, some very intimidating Yorkshire Terriers bit me. THEY BIT ME! So I ran away after I told them that they wouldn't get a bone anymore. Sniffel. So anyways, had a meeting with these bosses and they said I had to go on stage as Jack Sparrow. I refused, they showed me a pic of Zorro and they told me they knew where he was. DAMN. So yeah I said yes again.


Day 6

Got a mail from Perezito, it was REALLy weird.


Hey Mimi,

Heard you're going to host the EMA's, How exciting!

I will be there with my amazing show What Perez Sez (aired 9 September, but you know since you were on haha). Anyways, we could attend the show together in matching outfits. How exciting would THAT be! I'm so looking forward to it!


Luffles and a big hug to my fav curlyhead,


(Ps. If you refuse, I know where you hide your tamagotchi)


F**k! Why the hatin' against my tama!


Day 8

Been rehearsing all day. Found out that I'm nominated. I insisted that I should win. They told me to shut the f**k up. I told them I wouldn't go as Jack Sparrow but as Whoopi Goldberg with failing clothes so the entire world would see my nipple decorated with a smiley. They told me I wouldn't get paid if I did that. So I just let the idea go.


Day 10

Some crappy craphead wrote my lines for the EMA's. I mean like WTF, they were soooooo not funny. I mean, the line: MFC girls are beautiful mistakes isn't funny. It's a serious issue, I'm about to get them all counseling. Anyways, I decided to write my text myself. 'Cause I'm funny, like duh.


Day 14

The show is coming closer. Been spending most of my time on the toilet. Daaamn. Perez keeps stalking me with mails asking me what color I like better, blue or violet sky. Told him he could pick. Been puking all day long. F**k


Day 16

TOMORROW TOMORROW TOMORROW TOMORROW TOMORROW. AAAAAH I'M FREAKING OOOUUUUUT! Zuleika and Fortuné even had a bet. If I would screw up, Zuleika would have to pay Fortuné 20 pounds. Whatever, I'm gonna make it!


Day 17

Yaaaah, I woke up very early! I was bouncing around, checked Zorro, he was still in his locker. Kicked the Yorkie. Anyways, Perez came by. He had this awful jean kinda thing he wanted me to wear. I'll be Britney and you'll be JT, he said. I was like, yeah right. So anyways, we made our way to Germany and we started rehearsing once again. I was hot even if I may say so myself.


The show started and all these big celebs were walking over the red carpet. But Perrie and I stole the show. Everyone wanted a pic of us, yeah we were hot! And Per and I shared a little secret nobody knew about. Haha. Anyways I got inside and dressed up like Jack Sparrow and they announced me and I came on stage and everyone was screaming at me telling me I was so hot. I then said, "Goodnight Ladies and your soon to be ex-boyfriends, yeah I will do you all tonight haha," Nobody laughed. Anyways Per and I gave one award away and Perez came up on stage wearing underwear with my face on it! Eeew. Anyways, later on, we performed together, yeah we did our own version of I got it from my mama and when the song almost ended, Perez pulled on my clothes and they could see my boob! Oh nooo! And everyone was like, yeah we've already seen this, but it was a mistake! I didn't actually MEANT to do it! But it happened. I ran off stage crying and then I tripped over a box of donuts and everyone was laughing at me. I cried my ass of and I insisted on going back to London IMMEDIATELY! So I took the plane and I arrived back home. I saw Fortuné receive 20 pounds from Zuleika. Zuleika came up to me and said: I had put too much faith in you, what was I thinking? And I cried even louder. This was the worst night EVER! Perrie called me and said it wasn't my fault, that we would survive this together. I hope so. I did take some pics. Will include them later.


I think I will have a careerswitch. Become a dentist or something. I can't show my face ever again in public!


:lmao::lmfao: OMM and I love the pics that go with it :roftl:

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