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You Are Gonna Love Me!


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NEW INFO!!!!!-Right been onto Charlies Hustle and asked if can give me a retailer that does all sizes and worldwide shipping just have to wait for a reply!



:shocked: OH. MY. GODFATHER. :shocked:


*goes weak at the knees*


*lays on floor*


*breathes into brown paper bag*



I soooooooo hope you get a reply about the sizes/world shipping.



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Poor Mika.....I would hate people copying my style. Not that I really have a style people would want to copy, but on Mika's behalf that sucks for him haha. He's gonna gave to buy new clothes everyday.


I don't think people are exactly copying him, more like being inspired by him, which isn't a bad thing. He has amazing fashion sense, so I think he'd be quite happy with the trend he has inspired people with. Yeah so I don't think he'd hate it (unless crazy people dressed EXACTLY like him chase him down the street yelling "HEY LOOK AT ME, I'M WEARING YOUR CLOTHESSS!!!").

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I don't think people are exactly copying him, more like being inspired by him, which isn't a bad thing. He has amazing fashion sense, so I think he'd be quite happy with the trend he has inspired people with. Yeah so I don't think he'd hate it (unless crazy people dressed EXACTLY like him chase him down the street yelling "HEY LOOK AT ME, I'M WEARING YOUR CLOTHESSS!!!").


If you buy the same shirt as him that is copying him. I don't think he would like that because as he has stated before :"I think the most stlyish thing a person can do is be themselves." If we're buying his shirts or buying things that look similar to what Mika would have in his wardrobe, we're not being ourselves. Even I am guilty of this haha.

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Anyone know where we could get this on the other side of the pond? Like in Canada (or US)? I'm 10 minutes from Buffalo, NY (on the Canadian side) so any help in finding this or any other Mika shirts would be much appreciated.

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I've just bought 3 different shirts that have hearts all over them because they are totally "me" but also because they remind me of Mika. Isn't it funny that he's now inspired us fashion wise too. It's also funny that we all talk Mika by saying we're MFCers and that something is LICMish. What a cult.

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If you buy the same shirt as him that is copying him. I don't think he would like that because as he has stated before :"I think the most stlyish thing a person can do is be themselves." If we're buying his shirts or buying things that look similar to what Mika would have in his wardrobe, we're not being ourselves. Even I am guilty of this haha.


I know, I agree. I didn't mean that buying the same clothes as him is ok, that's kinda strange, but people can wear what they want, but anyways...If people like his style, then they can use that style to create their own style...ok well that didn't make sense but haha I think I'm guilty of it to! :biggrin2:

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Have a look at Charlie Hustle's myspace!!


He has the Mika interview from Holland! oh and the Tshirt...




That is where I found my info! LOL!

And have you seen £35.00 on here! That's why I thought see if can get you guys them cheaper!

I prob won't even get one as I do agree I love what MIKA wears but I know it won't look the same on me! Rather see him in it (or without it! LOL!)

Just trying to do a good deed that's all!


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