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Hapy Ending video on YouTube


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ok...so i watched the video and i have to say that i like the first part...it suits him!but then i don't like the part with hands and where he's "flying" in the space.it's not his best video but it isn't the worst vid i've seen so far! :naughty: once again,well done mika!

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I like it at its length, but less curly-curly. Seriously, my favorite was after the Somerset House gig when he's talking to Alan Cumming, and his hair is sweaty and hanging in his face.


Thats my favorite too! I call it "post concert" hair haha.:wub2::mf_lustslow:

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Well I watched the video yesterday for the first time and I really like the beginning with the piano and all these things. But when he flies up to the universum with the ballon I think it looks cheap :blink:

I also like the part with the hands at the end but not the middle part of the vid.

Only at 2.43 it's very cute :mf_lustslow:

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When I watched the HE-vid for the first time yesterday I didn't know if I liked it or not. Today I've watched it a couple of times in a row and I decided I love it! I'm really falling in love :wub2: with this dreamy video..

I can't wait till its shown on tv so that I can record it on DVD.:blush-anim-cl:

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When I watched the HE-vid for the first time yesterday I didn't know if I liked it or not. Today I've watched it a couple of times in a row and I decided I love it! I'm really falling in love :wub2: with this dreamy video..

I can't wait till its shown on tv so that I can record it on DVD.:blush-anim-cl:


Anna maria? I fell in love with it too actually to the point I have to tell everyone about it! snifffffffff its so moving! sigh:wub2: :wub2:

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Anna maria? I fell in love with it too actually to the point I have to tell everyone about it! snifffffffff its so moving! sigh:wub2: :wub2:


Glad you feel the same way as I do. You have to place yourself in the same kind of dreammode as the song and the vid.....it's really sad, bitter, sweet...:blush-anim-cl:


I can imagin you sniffing......:wub2:

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I find it strange that everyone likes the beginning of the video, can't understand why, *scratches head in puzzled way* LOL

Because of the cute little creatures on the pillow case. Or the frog that is sitting on the bed. Or the cool yellow alarm clock. Or all of these things together. Am I right? :angel_not:

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Well it's hard to say if this "is" the real Mika or not because none of us know him personally, but life has it that change HAS to take place, all of us change throughout our lives in ALL ways, we would stay stagnant and learn nothing of life otherwise. So if this video is not what some ppl expected of him as they think he has changed or w/e, then he probably has done, it doesn't have to be a bad thing that he is changing, he is just growing, everyone does, he is still very young and has a lot of growing left yet.

I remember my own family calling me all kinds of names when I left home at 20 to live with my boyfriend (now husband of 23 years), it hurt me deeply but finally I came to accept that everyone changes and we have to, it's all part of life. I just hope he retains as many of his beautiful qualities as he can manage to keep, it could be hard in the business he is in though.


As for H/E video, I love it I have said what I love about it in the H/E threads already, but I LIKE to try to find deeper meanings in things (it's the poet in me I guess) lol. I think it's visually beautiful to look at, (as is Mika in it apart from the hair but I can forgive him for that :bleh:) there are one or two things in it I'm not keen on, but I mostly love it, I do feel though that for me it's not sad enough, for me personally this song is more sad due to the line "no happy ending"

Still, it's better than a lot of videos these days with half naked women waggling their butts all over the place to bling blinged up gangsters types. I find those kind of videos far too in your face there or very few good videos (guess it's not easy to come up with new ideas), yet it is necessary to showcase your song this way nowadays.



ps. sorry for rambling on in this post didn't realize.

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I find it strange that everyone likes the beginning of the video, can't understand why, *scratches head in puzzled way* LOL

well I like that part too but my very fave part is the chasing the mike part (gonna have to ask that person who who made the little clip of that if I can steal it too ) :biggrin2:

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I love especially the middle part and ending of the video. Altough the atmosphere of this song is sad and longing Mika looks so calm and happy. I don't know why, but it feels wonderful to watch Mika floating in the space. He's like a little miracle in the air. In my opinion the video is very beautiful, very Mikaish, very deep and very creative, just different in a good way. And somehow I can see Mika's heart and soul in it. No hope, no love, no glory, but he managed it.

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ps. sorry for rambling on in this post didn't realize.


No need to apologize sparkly! It was quite a good ramble -- and I agreed

with just about everything you said! :biggrin2:




i like the mika petit prince in HE....it's just another face of 'the project'!

and of course, i love it! :wub2:


You know I feel the same way, Robertina! Reminded me so much of this story -- it's why

I chose the countdown ticker that I did, btw :)


I love the surreal quality to the video, love the dreamy feel -- wonder if

the whole thing IS meant to just be a dream, as we hear the alarm

beeping again at the very end of the video. Or... has the dream become

reality, and he is really floating off into space, leaving everything real

and troubling behind?


I don't know. But it's fun to speculate, isn't it? :wink2:


Yes, it's *just* a video, but as we're here talking about *just* music by

someone who is *just* a pop star, I think it's OK if we analyze it a bit... or

even more than a bit... :naughty:



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I'm so happy, I actually voted for it here on MFC to be the next vid :blush-anim-cl:

It's absolutley lovely, and I love the fact that each one of Mika vids are different.

GO MIKA!! :biggrin2::toot:


so different yes, each one being an aspect of 'the project' he's building up!

anyone (mostly..) can find something to like! :thumb_yello:

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I find it strange that everyone likes the beginning of the video, can't understand why, *scratches head in puzzled way* LOL


He's lying in a bed, they're all imagining themselves laying next to him ofcourse. The perv's:mf_rosetinted:

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