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DaMango's "Back to School" Contest! Win Prizes!


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Ok kids, tonight is the night I post the picture entries and announce the winner! I'm sorry it's taken so long. I've been working 60-65 hours a week, and I have officially worn myself out. I'm home sick today, so it will give me some time to get things posted. Thank you for your patience. :thumb_yello:

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Ok kids, tonight is the night I post the picture entries and announce the winner! I'm sorry it's taken so long. I've been working 60-65 hours a week, and I have officially worn myself out. I'm home sick today, so it will give me some time to get things posted. Thank you for your patience. :thumb_yello:


Yay, I can't wait to see all the entries ! I know they'll be great with all the creative people we have here. too bad I wont be able to see them tonight.

:thumbdown: Oh well, tomorrow! :biggrin2:

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Ok kids, tonight is the night I post the picture entries and announce the winner! I'm sorry it's taken so long. I've been working 60-65 hours a week, and I have officially worn myself out. I'm home sick today, so it will give me some time to get things posted. Thank you for your patience. :thumb_yello:


Can't wait!:thumb_yello:

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Ok kids, tonight is the night I post the picture entries and announce the winner! I'm sorry it's taken so long. I've been working 60-65 hours a week, and I have officially worn myself out. I'm home sick today, so it will give me some time to get things posted. Thank you for your patience. :thumb_yello:




geez 60 hours a week!!! i do 21 hours i think that's a lot.






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Ok kids, tonight is the night I post the picture entries and announce the winner! I'm sorry it's taken so long. I've been working 60-65 hours a week, and I have officially worn myself out. I'm home sick today, so it will give me some time to get things posted. Thank you for your patience. :thumb_yello:


Home sick... fun being home, not fun being sick. :thumbdown:

I would say take your time, but I think some people are on edge. :naughty:

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tonight?? okay..i shall try to get a hold of a comp!lol! do we vote?? will u post everything? even the stories???


I'll try to post your story, but it may have to be split up into a few posts. I'm not sure what the word limit is.


I was going to have a vote, but that would take even more time, so I think I"ll select the winner myself.

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I'll try to post your story, but it may have to be split up into a few posts. I'm not sure what the word limit is.


I was going to have a vote, but that would take even more time, so I think I"ll select the winner myself.


i know...im srry. it was supposed to be a short story.....:blush-anim-cl: it could've been even more crazy and creative...but now im gonna have to waity for someone else to start a short story contest!lol!

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How many entries were there? Just curious. Sorry if it was answered already.


i asked that to...dont know if it was answered though....the suspense is killing me. guess i will have to wait till i come home from school tomorrow....who do you think will win? i would say my self:naughty: but i bet it was someone like norwalk or something....

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Ok..... here the beautiful picture entries I received! All of them are so creative and gorgeous. Thank you for your hard work!











Photojenic (naughty!)












Posterofagirl (2 parts)




The rest will follow shortly....

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IngievV (Picture with a poem)

I see you walking around school

With so much grace

The way you smile, that gentle look upon your face

Makes me cheerful and giggly and I can't stop

When I sit with you in one class

I just wished time wouldn't pass

So I could look at you all day

I know everything about you

Your name, age, favorite color and favorite shoe

But I guess, you don't even know my name

To you I'm just the same

As every other girl

Who is infatuated by you






Princess Chezza



And Finkster's Massive 5 Part comic strip!







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Written submissions:



Carmel (I'm not exactly sure what your MFC name is.)


Back to School with Mika



Twas that wonderful time of year.

That day that lightens up so many students’ lives.

Back to school


But, if they are lucky, they will have a music player, with one rather dashing guy.


A guy that is 6’ 3ish



And oh so beautiful


But who is this wonderful guy?

Its Mika of course!


So when your back to school, in lesson, and you don’t really care what x equals, pop in your ear piece


And tune out the world…


Here, I have a guide that works every single lesson, every single time.


This is how I cover up my ear-plug things.


I put my MP3 down the front of my top- you aren’t really hiding your mp3 if the teacher can see the wires!


Then I get the main bit of wire, before it splits into two sections, I put that bit under my bra-strap, then I get the longest bit of wire, that has an ear plug, put it round the back of my neck, and put it in my ear.


The second ear phone, you can either, put under your top, or put that in your ear as well.


And of course, it is recommended you wear your hair down, or put it in a side ponytail were you have your ear plug.


And that my friend, is how you go back to school with Mika!!


Next week, how to disguise chewing gum in lesson.


I am in no way encouraging ANYONE to listen to music in school.

School is place of learning…. Apparently.





I met a boy in my class. He said he’s called Mika...’Mika?’ I said, ‘What a strange name!’. He seemed nice, funny, such a cool boy! =)


As the weeks passed by, we became great friends. We sitted next from each other, and we shared our breaks.


As he wasn´t very good at school, he used to make crib notes for the exames and then he used to sell them to the rest of the guys in my class, so he had some money to buy lollipops and candies when going out of school.


But, although he wasn’t good at the other classes, he was the best student at music class. He loved that class! And we loved being at the class with him, ‘cause he was such an amazing singer. He always sang different songs, he played the piano almost every day, and we really enjoyed hearing him.


One day he told me ‘I wanna talk to you’, and so he said he was moving to London when we finished school, like a month after that day. I couldn’t believe we weren’t going to see each other again. He was my best friend, such an amazing man, and also a great artist, as he wanted to become one day.


Then, we finished school and because of the distance between us we didn’t talk again. But one day, while I was listening the radio, I recognise a familiar voice saying ‘I wannatalk to you’...It was like my heart stopped beating for a while...I listened the hole song, and when it finished, the girl on the radio said the man singing was...Mika!


Of course I’ve became a big fan of him, but saddly it’s more difficult for me to contact him, because tons of fans wanna talk and see him. So, the only thing I can do now, is to wait him until he comes to make a live show here, and then be at the first line and scream him ‘Hey, Mika...I wanna talk to you’...

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...and last but not least....




I dragged myself to the door as I rushed out to catch the bus. “…and Jonathan Papelbon does the river dance again after winning the playoffs!” blares my TV. “Yo. Sam, Gabby, sup?” I say as I step onto the rocky, wet concrete. “What the hell are you wearing?” asks Gabby with a disgusted look. “Pfft. What I want.” I say walking toward the bright yellow bus. As I step on I push the high school kids out of the way, struggling for a place to sit I look up to find….someone totally unexpected. “OH MY GOD!!!!” I exclaim as Mika looks up at me with a confused face. “Ahhhhhh!” I scream as I faint into his lovely arms, fragrant with cologne.


I wake up on one of the cafeteria benches, as I realize Mika must have had to carry me from the bus to the cafeteria to wait for the bell to ring. I look up to see my friend Rachel laughing her brains out as she looks down at me. To the other side I see Mika looking down, even more confused than before. “Oh god….Mika I am…so sorry.” I say blushing “Hello my name is Breana.” As I get up Rachel is still falling to the floor laughing. “Hey. I am Mika. Well, I think you already figured that out…” he said with a pure smile. “What exactly brings you to my school?” I ask looking around to find people snickering. “I wanted to see you.” He said with an even bigger smile. “HUH?” I asked feeling stupid. “I wanted to see you. I read the Pink Pony Riders club on the fan club…and I just think you are…utter genius!” he whispered taking my hand as the bell rang. It was time for first period.


I motioned for Mika to sit next to me as History class began. Natasha gave me a smirk because she new that I told her she looks like a girl version of Mika. She couldn’t deny it now. I could see the hearts in her eyes as I kissed Mika on the cheek right in front of her. “Class, today we are going to start a project. I know so fun.” says Mrs. Martinelli sarcastically. “Ya…..wooooo…..so….fun….” mutters my class. Mrs. M sat down as she informs us of the instructions. “Blah Blah. Blah.” Is all I hear as I couldn’t stop looking at Mika, in his blue skinny jeans, purple wellies, and “stop global warming” shirt. “Okay guys, you can start!” she said “Did you hear what she said?” I asked Mika “Yes, I will explain it to you.” He chuckled as I gazed into his eyes; his wonderful accent brought me to a wonderland. Mrs. M turned on some music, as we listened I heard the words, “I wanna talk to you.” Just then the door flew open as Mikey, Martin, Luke, and Cherisse ran full speed in with the instruments just in time to start playing as Mika sang. The whole class went into a trance as he began, “Do I attract you? Do I repulse you with my queasy smile? Am I too dirty am I too flirty? Do you like what I like?”


I danced into English class, Mika and the band behind me. Mrs. Simas stepped in with a puzzled look on her face as she glanced at the new classmates. “Um, okay…so, today class we are going to draw our souls.” Said the flamboyant teacher as she skipped to the pile of papers on her desk, handing us each a small scrap, Mika gave me one of those “WTF?” looks as I started laughing. Mrs. Simas cleared her throat as she began “Okay…ready……draw! 15 seconds guys!” I drew as fast as I could not knowing exactly what I was drawing but I think it was some kind of animal…I think. “STOP!” she screamed so loud it made me jump. She hung them on the board for everyone to see. Wait, I look um and find a chicken, as I glance at Mika he giggles making that bunny face. “You disgust me!” I said with a sarcastic grin.


I stroll into Science class whispering to Cherisse as we both find a seat. Mrs. Lacey walked in, miserable as usual. “Okaaaaaaaaayyyy….Class. Today we are going to memorize the Periodical Table of the Elements.” She said with not an ounce of enthusiasm. “…but first we are going to get out our red pens and correct the homework. If you don’t have red pen well too bad for you. Then you will have to stay after school and do your work, then…” she goes on for almost the whole class period telling us what the consequences are if we don’t have a freaking red pen. As I am almost falling asleep I hear a bang. Oh god! Mrs. Lacey is on the floor! “Yes!!!” I scream looking over at Mika who I notice has a tranquilizer gun in his hand. “My….Hero! “ I exclaim as we walk out of the classroom, and I draw a red mustache on her face.


We run into the cafeteria for lunch as I claim a table by a window. “I’m starving!” I say as I take out my usual bagel. As I mingle with my friends I run my fingers through my hair noticing there is a piece of food in it. I look back to find Brian and his friends in hysterics on the dirty cafeteria floor. I chuck a piece of cheese from on the floor as him, as he screams like a girl. “FOOD FIGHT!” Mika screams as we drag our food under the table and watch the other kids throwing the food. I decide to join Mika in this and I toss a bowl of spaghetti from the table to a snobby girl’s hair. “OMG! My hair!” she says giving me an evil glance. Mika throws multiple pieces of food at another table, Mr. Etter walking over. “EXCUSE ME!” he hollers with a red face “Who started this???” Many people point to Mika as Mr. Etter drags Mika to his office. “But…but…” says Mika.


After I bail Mika from the office I drag him to French class where he has a good time laughing at us younglings who basically suck at French. “Bonjour mis’eleve! Ca va?” she says dragging her cart into the room. “Bonjour Madam McNielly, Ca Va.” says everyone as usual. “Vous semblez beaux aujourd'hui!” says Mika kissing up as Madame blushes. I give him an evil stare as Madam begins writing on the board. “Okay! Today we are going to go over this chapter for the test tomorrow! I hope you are all ready! “She says still focusing on Mika. “O la la….” He says smile and pointing at Madame while he gave her a wink. “Um….so class…back on subject.” She says embarrassed “Pick a partner and go over the chapter while I fill in the new student….” She says trying to get our attention away from her. I glance at Antoinette (aka Rachel, but that is her French name) and I move over to her desk inviting the rest of the band over to join us. “Quell age as tu?” I asked Antoinette noticing Mika rubbing Madame’s shoulder. “Ohhhhh god!” I say pulling Mika away. “What the hell are you doing? “ I scream at Mika, “She has a husband you know!” Mika’s face turns red then he turns to Madame and gives her a look of disgust. I turn to the clock to find it is 1:04 PM. Time for the next and last period of the day. “Wait! I forgot to assign the homework!” she says, but too late, we are on our way to Theatre class. “Au Revoir!” says Mika with a sexy grin, as I pull the two away and drag Mika down the hall.


“Hello guys! Today…we will act out a scene…from a play…in which….you choose!” say Mrs. Strunin in her dramatic lisp. The bright girll twirls around in her black skirt, leggings, converse, and Darth Vader shirt all the way to her desk. We sit there waiting as she types furiously on her Mac computer then… “OKAY! So who would like to act out a very dramatic scene! I mean VERY dramatic. Any volunteers’ class…anyone BRAVE enough?” Mrs. Strunin sings. “ME! ME!” I raise my hand always up for a dramatic challenge. “OKAY! Now, Breana and that man in the bright skinny jeans!” she chirps “Um….my name is…” goes on Mika, but Mrs. Strunin interrupts him, by waving the script in his face. I read the script as Mrs. Strunin starts “okay! I want you to act it out! Right now people! Just go with the flow!” “But….but…I’m not ready.” Stutters Mika as I assure him it will be fun. “NOW GO!” say Mrs. Strunin as we walk to the “stage” (the area behind the yellow tape.) “Oh…..darling….I’m dying! I am dying! From such a slow…painful death!” I cry in my most dramatic voice. “Um….sweetie….I…don’t know what to say to you right now. With all those tubes in you…it kills me….” Goes on Mika laughing. I hear the whole class snickering and I start laughing too…this was pretty stupid. Once again I look down at the script, “oh….sweetie-pie…remember…our first kiss?” “Oh...of coarse…it was in the car…down by that stream…you know? The one that is supposed to have magical powers *laughs*” “you didn’t believe the myth did you?” I ask in a sexy voice. “How…could I not….” Say Mika smiling. I turn to my script to realize in parentheses (leans in for kiss). Mika leans in for the kiss; I mean this couldn’t actually be real. Mika kissing me? I lean in and as our dry lips slowly touch…..


“Beep! Beep! Beep!” goes my alarm. Oh god….it was…just all a dream. I mean how could that ever happen? I pull myself from the soft red comforter laughing hysterically at what I just dreamed about. But, also I was a bit sad. Pulling on some red skinny jeans, a blue tee shirt and my duct tape tie with a “B” on it I remember today is Boston Red Sox day in my school. I rush down to pack my lunch, again a plain bagel and raisins and bounce out the door to find Gabby and Sam once more on the now dry, concrete. “Ha-ha! You will never guess the dream I had last night! It was so…awesome!” I say as they laugh when I tell them what happened. “God! You’re crazy Breana!” Laughs hysterical Gabby on the ground. She gets up and brushes the dirt off her pants as I shrug and reply, “Hey. It could happen.” I once again climb up the wide stairs to the yellow automobile, feeling the engine. I go to sit next to a boy…and as I look over… “Oh My God! Mika its you!” I exclaim realizing it wasn’t a dream. The boy gives me a strange look and moves to another seat as I realize, in fact, it was another one of my Mika fantasy dreams.

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The winner has been announced on the first post! Congratulations to Finkster! Also congrats to 2nd place winner, IngievV, and 3rd place winner Phunkygal.


Everyone who entered gets a small prize, so please email me your address if you would like one.

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The winner has been announced on the first post! Congratulations to Finkster! Also congrats to 2nd place winner, IngievV, and 3rd place winner Phunkygal.


Everyone who entered gets a small prize, so please email me your address if you would like one.


Aw are you serious?? That's too kind of you. :wub2:

I think if I remember Thatradfreak's name was Carmel. I might be mistaken though but I thought I saw it once somewhere on the board.


Congrats everyone! A lot of you have really cute drawings and I enjoyed the poems/stories. :original:


For my entry, just to let others know, I don't normally look that horrible. :naughty: I was at a Halloween party that night, can obviously tell I'm not 21 thanks to those x's on my hand, and dying my hair pink was horrible. It made my hair frizz a bit more and obviously you can tell it got everywhere on me, I'm STILL finding it when I'm washing my hair and I'm still finding random pinks marks all around my suite and it's been well over a week! :naughty:

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