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DaMango's "Back to School" Contest! Win Prizes!


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Congratulations Finkster, IngievV and Phunkygal!


Finkter drawings look like so much fun! :roftl: and I will read the poem and the story when I come back home tonight! but I wanted to congratulate you now!! :)


Also, I wanted to thank DaMango! For being so generous! :thumb_yello:

This was a fun contest to enter! All the sumissions look really cool!


Thanks again!

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UPDATE: All entries are posted on pg 25! Be sure to check them out!




And the winner is....





Congratulations! Your charming comic strip is just fabulous. Great job!



I also have prizes for the runners up. In 2nd place we have IngievV, with her poem and picture (which reminded me of how I felt around my crushes when I was in school).


In 3rd place we have Phunkygal, and her literary masterpiece.



Thank you to everyone for entering. Your submissions were beautiful, and I appreciate you taking the time away from your busy schedules to enter.

I have a little prize for everyone who entered. Please email me your addresses, so I can send you your reward!







Hey everybody! It appears that a large number of people on the MFC have recently gone back to school. I'm not even in school anymore, but I notice a huge change around here. Everyone has grown so busy all of a sudden! Since this is a stressful time, I thought I'd put together a little prize pack to brighten any Mika fan's day (whether they are in school or not :biggrin2: ).


How to enter:


First of all, you have to be an MFC member. That's the easy part. (This contest is open to ALL MFC members) Secondly, I want you to get your creative juices flowing, and illustrate this theme:


"Back to School With Mika!"


Show me what enters your mind when you think of going to school with Mika. How crazy would that be? :bleh: You can either write a poem, a short story, draw a picture, take a photo, or anything else that can be emailed. The wildest, strangest, most inspiring entries will be posted in this thread, and I might even need the MFC's help in deciding the winner!


Just email (PLEASE DO NOT PM) your entries to:




Please include your MFC user name. Also, keep in mind that your entry may be posted in the thread if it is one of the top picks, so don't submit anything you want to be kept private. Please email your entries by October 28th. Hopefully this is enough time for you to work on it, without distracting you from your studies. (or job, or family :wink2: )



Now, I know you're probably wondering, "What will I win???"



The prize pack will include:


- 1 Mika bookmark, which may possibly distract you from your assigned reading. (Don't say I didn't warn you!)


- 1 sheet of Mika stickers, perfect for decorating notebooks, cell phones, and pencil cases. These are the same ones found in the Japanese edition of LICM, and Mika's performances on SYTYCD and GMA are listed on the back.


I'll even throw in a copy of OUT magazine, loaded with enough photos to plaster your locker, bedroom ceiling, or cubicle with Mika goodness. Even if you already have a copy, it can't hurt to have a spare. :naughty:





So there you have it, yet another contest for you to enter! (Once you are done with Freddie's contests, of course :wink2: ) I'll ship the prize pack anywhere in the world. Post any questions here, and I'll try to answer them as soon as I can.


Happy studying, MFC!


oh ye-ah! 3rd place! 3rd place! YA!!! omg! *cries* I wasa runner up? thank you! thank you! thank you! thank you! this is the first time i have ever come close to winning a contest! OMG! im so happy!

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oh ye-ah! 3rd place! 3rd place! YA!!! omg! *cries* I wasa runner up? thank you! thank you! thank you! thank you! this is the first time i have ever come close to winning a contest! OMG! im so happy!


High five :biggrin2:

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:jawdrop: I won?!


This is the first thing I've ever won! haha


Ingie, your poem was so cute!

Carolina, I loved your drawing !! Yours was so creative!

Wow, everyone's entries are great!!

Thanks, Damango!!!


congrats finkster! your comic strip was rlly funny lol! its like that kjind of dry humor...haha. ya know like family guy? when i saw it i was luaghing rlly hard! congrats again!

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congrats finkster! your comic strip was rlly funny lol! its like that kjind of dry humor...haha. ya know like family guy? when i saw it i was luaghing rlly hard! congrats again!


Really? xD Thank you!

Your story was really cute! Some parts made me laugh a lot. haha Like when the band came in. It was so random.:roftl: I loved it.

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sorry this is pretty irrelevant :bleh: did you get your stickers from the japan limited edition copy of life in cartoon motion? because if you did i was wonering what it looked like because the cd i have looks normal :blink: and i don't want to take off the wrapping to see if my stickers are inside because if they're not in there than i don't really want to open it...

sorry i'm a bit on the odd side.. but what did your cd look like if you got it from a cd? :naughty:

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sorry this is pretty irrelevant :bleh: did you get your stickers from the japan limited edition copy of life in cartoon motion? because if you did i was wonering what it looked like because the cd i have looks normal :blink: and i don't want to take off the wrapping to see if my stickers are inside because if they're not in there than i don't really want to open it...

sorry i'm a bit on the odd side.. but what did your cd look like if you got it from a cd? :naughty:


Actually, I bought the stickers off of ebay. I also bought the Japanese ed. of LICM, and I unwrapped it, hoping to find more stickers inside. Unfortunately, there weren't any stickers in it! :thumbdown: I don't know if the stickers were left out by mistake, or if the stickers were only in certain cds. I don't want to order another copy to find out, so I may never know. I can't remember what the cd looks like, because it's packed away. Sorry!

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Oh, and please email your address to me through the back2school email. My PM inbox is full, and I don't have time to pick which PMs to delete right now. Just to let you all know, I'll be moving this weekend, and won't have internet access for a while. I'll send out as many prizes as I can next week, but I need your address by Monday. If you get it to me after Monday, I won't be able to get your prize in the mail for another week or so. Thanks! :thumb_yello:

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Oh, and please email your address to me through the back2school email. My PM inbox is full, and I don't have time to pick which PMs to delete right now. Just to let you all know, I'll be moving this weekend, and won't have internet access for a while. I'll send out as many prizes as I can next week, but I need your address by Monday. If you get it to me after Monday, I won't be able to get your prize in the mail for another week or so. Thanks! :thumb_yello:


kay!:punk: :punk: :punk:

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