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"I'm sorry I don't have any money" and she kept hassling us...it was scary


If it's any consolation most of these people are harmless. It's just annoying when you have to deal with it several times a day.


'Why lie, I need money for Pot.'


I swear, im not joking! :roftl::naughty:


:naughty: That sounds about right. There is no need for anyone to be begging on the streets in Canada unless they need money for drugs or booze. The only other people on the street are crazy but once they've broken with reality they don't have the wherewithal to solicit money or anything else from people. They don't even know where they are or what they're doing.

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If it's any consolation most of these people are harmless. It's just annoying when you have to deal with it several times a day.




:naughty: That sounds about right. There is no need for anyone to be begging on the streets in Canada unless they need money for drugs or booze. The only other people on the street are crazy but once they've broken with reality they don't have the wherewithal to solicit money or anything else from people. They don't even know where they are or what they're doing.




My dad got so angry with them.


In South Africa, we had bars on our windows, and the homeless people used to stick a fishing rod between them and steal your clothes.

Im totally serious.


So when a tramp in Canada asked him for a cig, he told him to 'eff off... i thought the tramp was gonna shoot us or something....

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My dad got so angry with them.


In South Africa, we had bars on our windows, and the homeless people used to stick a fishing rod between them and steal your clothes.

Im totally serious.


So when a tramp in Canada asked him for a cig, he told him to 'eff off... i thought the tramp was gonna shoot us or something....


Wow, I never had that in Johannesburg although I lived in clustered housing most of the time so there were no homeless people wandering around close enough to get fishing rods through the window. Jeez!


The tramps in Canada don't carry guns so I wouldn't worry about it. People in London will grab you but that's never happened to me here. I'm not as aggressive as I was in London because I live and work downtown so I worry that I'm going to run into the same people I was yelling at during the day at midnight. I just turn up my iPod and ignore them which works well enough.

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Wow, I never had that in Johannesburg although I lived in clustered housing most of the time so there were no homeless people wandering around close enough to get fishing rods through the window. Jeez!


The tramps in Canada don't carry guns so I wouldn't worry about it. People in London will grab you but that's never happened to me here. I'm not as aggressive as I was in London because I live and work downtown so I worry that I'm going to run into the same people I was yelling at during the day at midnight. I just turn up my iPod and ignore them which works well enough.



Haha! Jo-berg's great, but now, my sister in Zimbabwe says it's gone real downhill. Apparently everyones carrying around guns :blink:


She has to drive to Botswana to get food for her family, because Mugabe is starving his people.

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Haha! Jo-berg's great, but now, my sister in Zimbabwe says it's gone real downhill. Apparently everyones carrying around guns :blink:


She has to drive to Botswana to get food for her family, because Mugabe is starving his people.


Wow, can she move to the UK or even Botswana or SA? Anything has to be better than Zimbabwe.

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Wow, can she move to the UK or even Botswana or SA? Anything has to be better than Zimbabwe.


Im not sure. They really don't have the money.


If i could, i'd put them on the first flight out of there and they could live with me, but i just can't.


I feel so sorry for my nephew too. He's just 12, and he's always emailling me about wanting to come to the UK. Apparently, he's awesome at cricket, so talented, so we actually have to send out the equipment for him because they cant buy it.


Last i heard, it cost 8 MILLION ZWD for a frickin MILKSHAKE....

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Im not sure. They really don't have the money.


If i could, i'd put them on the first flight out of there and they could live with me, but i just can't.


I feel so sorry for my nephew too. He's just 12, and he's always emailling me about wanting to come to the UK. Apparently, he's awesome at cricket, so talented, so we actually have to send out the equipment for him because they cant buy it.


Last i heard, it cost 8 MILLION ZWD for a frickin MILKSHAKE....


People have been saying they can't afford it for 20 years but every year that passes it gets more and more expensive to leave. The sooner they bite the bullet and get out of there the easier it will be to get on their feet somewhere else. Desperate times call for desperate measures.

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People have been saying they can't afford it for 20 years but every year that passes it gets more and more expensive to leave. The sooner they bite the bullet and get out of there the easier it will be to get on their feet somewhere else. Desperate times call for desperate measures.


Uh huh. My dad was born in Zim, i was actually born here and so was my mum, but we went back to Kariba when i was so tiny. And then we left for SA when i was about 3 and eventually we ended up back here again when i was 10.

We got out at the right time.


Although like 6 years on were still rebuilding y'know, and moneys not something we have alot of, which is why i dont get to see Mikas concerts and stuff. The money we do get, they put into my music career, which in all fairness, is totally selfless of my parents.

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I was in New York for seven days last year, and I never experienced any rudeness. I had always heard things about it like you needed to be very careful or people would steal your stuff, snatch your bags and that they hated tourists. I found it pleasant, though. Everyone seemed generally nice and I didn't have any problems at all.


The only people I found nice were the police, and the people who worked there. Some guy ran up and grabbed my back, and it scared the sh-t out of me. And I jumped around and it was some little balding guy with a fanny pack and he goes "I love your hoodie!" (It was a Pink Floyd hoodie, and he was wearing the same one.)

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The thing is though, i love Toronto.


I mean last year, i was walking down Yonge street quite late, and a week later some canadians i met told me that it's one of the worst streets in the whole city! Im not sure if he was just trying to scare me though... He was gorgeous... :wub2:


hehe :naughty:


Yonge street is like the longest street or something, i'm not good in geography. But i love it, it's so exciting and there's like all this stuff, (I saw a man talking to a poll one time holding a beer case but we'll excuse that)

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The only people I found nice were the police, and the people who worked there. Some guy ran up and grabbed my back, and it scared the sh-t out of me. And I jumped around and it was some little balding guy with a fanny pack and he goes "I love your hoodie!" (It was a Pink Floyd hoodie, and he was wearing the same one.)


:roftl: Well, he sounded nice though. Maybe a little weird... :naughty:

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not as weird as the man who talks to polls with beer in his hands..oh dt toronto


:roftl: Speaking of, when I was in NY, I was hanging around the entrance to the Hard Rock Cafe waiting on my dad to get out of the bakery next door, and this guy came up and was kind of pacing back and forth saying weird stuff like, "That's foolishness. You're a fool. I don't know what you're talking about, Michelle," and I thought he was talking on the phone with one of those Bluetooth things so I just disregarded him. Then I got to looking, and he wasn't. He was just talking to himself. :blink:

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