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Mika VS Patrick Wolf


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We're going to admit that we'd be inclined to give Patrick Wolf a cheer even we'd never heard of his material. Why? The guy called 2007 pop darling (and Perez Hilton poster child) Mika a twat back in July - and it was about time somebody spoke for those sick of having "Grace Kelly" shoved down their throats. Sure, it was a move awfully Lily Allen-esque - he sent out a myspace bulletin blasting Mika shortly after opening for him in London - but Wolf backed up his complaints about music he described as "over-marketed, expensive, heartless, tacky rubbish" (we fixed the grammar). "The Magic Position," one of our favorite songs of the year (off the album of the same name), is as infectious as Mika, but more mature, with a lusher voice and instrumentation that pounds out a crescendo over and over again without ever getting obnoxious.

Wolf, 24, will bring his Ziggy Stardust-reminiscent style to Paradise on Thursday night for a show supporting "The Magic Position," and we anticipate eye and ear candy galore for the Boston crowd.







{Pw darling..keep your mouth closed!:mf_rosetinted:}

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We're going to admit that we'd be inclined to give Patrick Wolf a cheer even we'd never heard of his material. Why? The guy called 2007 pop darling (and Perez Hilton poster child) Mika a twat back in July - and it was about time somebody spoke for those sick of having "Grace Kelly" shoved down their throats. Sure, it was a move awfully Lily Allen-esque - he sent out a myspace bulletin blasting Mika shortly after opening for him in London - but Wolf backed up his complaints about music he described as "over-marketed, expensive, heartless, tacky rubbish" (we fixed the grammar). "The Magic Position," one of our favorite songs of the year (off the album of the same name), is as infectious as Mika, but more mature, with a lusher voice and instrumentation that pounds out a crescendo over and over again without ever getting obnoxious.

Wolf, 24, will bring his Ziggy Stardust-reminiscent style to Paradise on Thursday night for a show supporting "The Magic Position," and we anticipate eye and ear candy galore for the Boston crowd.









{Pw darling..keep your mouth closed!:mf_rosetinted:}



Oh God I'd love to see Patsy live... He just does seem to automatically overlook France... :sneaky2:

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^^ when i read your thread title....i immediately thought "Mika wins:mf_rosetinted:"



..I'm not so sure:naughty:...Patsie has his troops..{We're with you PW:wub2: I've always admired "upstreamers":cool:}

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I've never heard of the guy until he said this about Mika and I don't like him. I've listened to his music and truth be told. I think it sucks big time. And for the battle? Mika wins for sure. PW might have his troops, but as Mika said himself: My troops are bigger than yours, you'll never stand my fight


We've seen in the past what the MFC can do (Poor Pedro), so PW better pack his stuff :glasses2:

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I've never heard of the guy until he said this about Mika and I don't like him. I've listened to his music and truth be told. I think it sucks big time. And for the battle? Mika wins for sure. PW might have his troops, but as Mika said himself: My troops are bigger than yours, you'll never stand my fight


We've seen in the past what the MFC can do (Poor Pedro), so PW better pack his stuff :glasses2:


ooooh, at least you catch the right word:roftl:

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I've never heard of the guy until he said this about Mika and I don't like him. I've listened to his music and truth be told. I think it sucks big time. And for the battle? Mika wins for sure. PW might have his troops, but as Mika said himself: My troops are bigger than yours, you'll never stand my fight


We've seen in the past what the MFC can do (Poor Pedro), so PW better pack his stuff :glasses2:


Agreed :mf_rosetinted:


In my opionion, PW is crap

Mika is fabulous =]


MFC is for the cool kids =]

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We're going to admit that we'd be inclined to give Patrick Wolf a cheer even we'd never heard of his material. Why? The guy called 2007 pop darling (and Perez Hilton poster child) Mika a twat back in July - and it was about time somebody spoke for those sick of having "Grace Kelly" shoved down their throats. Sure, it was a move awfully Lily Allen-esque - he sent out a myspace bulletin blasting Mika shortly after opening for him in London - but Wolf backed up his complaints about music he described as "over-marketed, expensive, heartless, tacky rubbish" (we fixed the grammar). "The Magic Position," one of our favorite songs of the year (off the album of the same name), is as infectious as Mika, but more mature, with a lusher voice and instrumentation that pounds out a crescendo over and over again without ever getting obnoxious.

Wolf, 24, will bring his Ziggy Stardust-reminiscent style to Paradise on Thursday night for a show supporting "The Magic Position," and we anticipate eye and ear candy galore for the Boston crowd.







{Pw darling..keep your mouth closed!:mf_rosetinted:}


I totally disagree with this article, and not only that, but I think that it's poor journalism.

My personal opinion is that Mika is in every way superior to Patrick W, and after watching them both live on the same night I am positive that in my eyes, there is no competition whatsoever: Mika wins EVERY time.

Even thought I liked Mika far more than PW, after the Somerset House gig I actually thought that Patrick was ok, good enough, so I'd give him a chance, but it all changed when he decided to slag Mika off.

In my books that is just SO wrong, for so many reasons, and totally unjustifiable, so at that point I decided that if this is what PW was as a person, I could not support him as an artist. I find it impossible to separate his 'personal PW Id' from his 'artisty PW Id' so that is that.

Anyway, what I meant about this article is that they are clearly writing negative and derogative things about someone and to me that's just wrong- it doesn't matter if they criticise Mika or anyone else; Who are they to call anyone obnoxious??:blink: Can they not make their point and state a preference without going into personal attacks?

Amazing what is called journalism sometimes, it really looks liks standards are slipping :thumbdown: .

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In my case I heard his music a few months after I started to listen to MIKA.:biggrin2: He is OK but I wouldn't pay to go to one of his gigs or even wake up at 2AM to see him.:biggrin2:

In the article, it is mention that PW sound is more mature. I really don't think it is!!. Mika's sound is mature but fun!. Someone does not need to be angry or depressed to assume they're mature.

And Mika's troops are bigger and stronger!!!!!

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I had heard of Patrick Wolf before he slagged MIKA off infact I had heard of him before MIKA! before he posted a bulletin about how good he was! So the writer must be living on another planet as I am not much of a new muso!

MIKA wins on every count for me! Mainly because he has respect for people, something Patrick should take note of!


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Oh goodness people, don't feed into the ridiculous rivalry of this article. Mika and Patrick Wolf are nothing alike and shouldn't even be compared--it's the height of lazy stupidity to pit them against each other when they have totally different sound, totally different audiences, totally different goals and just about everything else, except for the fact that they're both UK-based, young, and arguably androgynous.


I've expressed my opinion here before about PW's calling Mika a twat, but even though I hold it was definitely uncalled for, if I were him and being compared to a relative newcomer for no damn reason all the time, I might feel like saying some stupid stuff too.


Anyway, I saw Patrick Wolf in New York last night, and he absolutely blew me away. Best show experience I've had in ages, and his songs sound so much incredibly better live than on CD that I hate to have only the CD to listen to. He seems to work in smaller, intimate settings best (while as Mika seems to shine on larger stages with larger crowds)--so I wouldn't put Somerset House as a gauge of his ability. You have to be able to be up close with him--he makes a very personal type of music.


It really was all sorts of amazing for me--just absolutely exhilarating and wonderful and glorious and uplifting, and I would heartily advise anyone who has the chance to see him to go, and not let a stupid media-promoted argument (in which Mika never engaged himself that we know of, anyway) keep you away from a brilliant experience and gorgeous music.



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Oh goodness people, don't feed into the ridiculous rivalry of this article. Mika and Patrick Wolf are nothing alike and shouldn't even be compared--it's the height of lazy stupidity to pit them against each other when they have totally different sound, totally different audiences, totally different goals and just about everything else, except for the fact that they're both UK-based, young, and arguably androgynous.


I've expressed my opinion here before about PW's calling Mika a twat, but even though I hold it was definitely uncalled for, if I were him and being compared to a relative newcomer for no damn reason all the time, I might feel like saying some stupid stuff too.


Anyway, I saw Patrick Wolf in New York last night, and he absolutely blew me away. Best show experience I've had in ages, and his songs sound so much incredibly better live than on CD that I hate to have only the CD to listen to. He seems to work in smaller, intimate settings best (while as Mika seems to shine on larger stages with larger crowds)--so I wouldn't put Somerset House as a gauge of his ability. You have to be able to be up close with him--he makes a very personal type of music.


It really was all sorts of amazing for me--just absolutely exhilarating and wonderful and glorious and uplifting, and I would heartily advise anyone who has the chance to see him to go, and not let a stupid media-promoted argument (in which Mika never engaged himself that we know of, anyway) keep you away from a brilliant experience and gorgeous music.



:thumb_yello: I think basically the same


{where are the good newswriters gone?:naughty:}

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I totally disagree with this article, and not only that, but I think that it's poor journalism.


My personal opinion is that Mika is in every way superior to Patrick W, and after watching them both live on the same night I am positive that in my eyes, there is no competition whatsoever: Mika wins EVERY time.


Even thought I liked Mika far more than PW, after the Somerset House gig I actually thought that Patrick was ok, good enough, so I'd give him a chance, but it all changed when he decided to slag Mika off.


In my books that is just SO wrong, for so many reasons, and totally unjustifiable, so at that point I decided that if this is what PW was as a person, I could not support him as an artist. I find it impossible to separate his 'personal PW Id' from his 'artisty PW Id' so that is that.


Anyway, what I meant about this article is that they are clearly writing negative and derogative things about someone and to me that's just wrong- it doesn't matter if they criticise Mika or anyone else; Who are they to call anyone obnoxious??:blink: Can they not make their point and state a preference without going into personal attacks?


Amazing what is called journalism sometimes, it really looks liks standards are slipping :thumbdown: .



Well said this is exactly my take on it too even down to the Somerset house part cos I had never heard of him and thought WTF during his first few numbers, and his antics on-stage, then I decided he seemed a nice bloke by his comments etc and I got to quite like some of his songs (I just had to not watch how he performed them cos he just looked weird. But then I read about his slagging off of Mika and so it seemed part of his persona on stage at Somerset house must have been fake, and I hate fakeness, so that put me right off him I'm afraid.

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Oh goodness people, don't feed into the ridiculous rivalry of this article. Mika and Patrick Wolf are nothing alike and shouldn't even be compared--it's the height of lazy stupidity to pit them against each other when they have totally different sound, totally different audiences, totally different goals and just about everything else, except for the fact that they're both UK-based, young, and arguably androgynous.


I've expressed my opinion here before about PW's calling Mika a twat, but even though I hold it was definitely uncalled for, if I were him and being compared to a relative newcomer for no damn reason all the time, I might feel like saying some stupid stuff too.


Anyway, I saw Patrick Wolf in New York last night, and he absolutely blew me away. Best show experience I've had in ages, and his songs sound so much incredibly better live than on CD that I hate to have only the CD to listen to. He seems to work in smaller, intimate settings best (while as Mika seems to shine on larger stages with larger crowds)--so I wouldn't put Somerset House as a gauge of his ability. You have to be able to be up close with him--he makes a very personal type of music.


It really was all sorts of amazing for me--just absolutely exhilarating and wonderful and glorious and uplifting, and I would heartily advise anyone who has the chance to see him to go, and not let a stupid media-promoted argument (in which Mika never engaged himself that we know of, anyway) keep you away from a brilliant experience and gorgeous music.




Well said Jack! Their worlds are different and that's it.


Lucky you you got to see PW yesterday.... From the CD it is very perceivable that Patrick Wolf's music has to be attended in small venues. Some artists and their material are just not for big venues, because their music loses all its intimacy when too big, and their music in itself is all about intimacy...

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