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Annullata la tappa di Rimini, che avrebbe dovuto chiudere il tour italiano. La data è stata sostituta da un impegno oltralpe dell'autore di 'Grace Kelly' e 'Relax'.

"french commitment".

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OK. It's fair enough to cancel a gig if you think you won't sell enough tickets for a third gig in a row or whatever the reason may be.


But it would be fair towards fans to announce a cancellation before starting to sell tickets for a gig on the same date in another place. :thumbdown:


Communication & Information seem to be on a dodgy holiday. :mf_rosetinted:

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OK. It's fair enough to cancel a gig if you think you won't sell enough tickets for a third gig in a row or whatever the reason may be.


But it would be fair towards fans to announce a cancellation before starting to sell tickets for a gig on the same date in another place. :thumbdown:


Communication & Information seem to be on a dodgy holiday. :mf_rosetinted:

It would have been smarter starting with 2 dates. "We're selling good? oh that's great, let's see if we can add one more date." Is it too hard?:mf_rosetinted:



Don't mind me, I'm very acid today.:sneaky2:

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It would have been smarter starting with 2 dates. "We're selling good? oh that's great, let's see if we can add one more date." Is it too hard?:mf_rosetinted:



Don't mind me, I'm very acid today.:sneaky2:

That would have been a better option from the beginning indeed...

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Ok so I just finished reading the whole thread. And I just can't believe it. He/They/Whoever did it again! :doh:

How naive of me to believe that I'm going to see him twice in less than 2 days.:mf_rosetinted:


My original plans were to go to Bologna and then to Rimini but now I just don't know what to do??! Damn...I'm going there with one agency and I was planning on not to coming home with them because they're leaving half an hour after the gig and of course I'd love to stay. Oh, this really sux.


*does some ritual prayer so that he doesn't cancel Bologna too!*

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