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Mika Has Devistated Me


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You're quite right of course.

And I don't know about you, but I was spared that awful phase, where you sit by the phone wondering if he is going to ring. I knew he never would.:naughty:

See? We were not entirely lost. :biggrin2:

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Also, I am not quite sure what I did on the internet before I liked Mika......:boxed:

I know what I did before. Being a top poster on another forum for years. And I still am, despite MFC. I loooooove the internet. :roftl:

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Back in the Rick Springfield days though it wasn't anything like a real relationship. The Mika thing has been a strange odyssey because he is waaaay too much like a real boyfriend.


I see him every day. I know more about him than some people I've dated for real. I know what he's doing virtually every day. The impressive front he put on in the beginning began to slip as I got to know him better. He's made plans and then broken them much to my dissappointment.


Internet access and the collective stalking of MFCers I think has heightened everyone's obsession but also led to a premature crash.


That's it, of course. When I was 15 I had a huge obsession with Freddie Mercury, but there was no internet access those days, and we couldn't get carried away like this then. I still love Freddie very much, I listen to Queen alot, but with Mika it just feels more personal. We are all on his Myspace, we are here at MFC, we know what happens when it happens. And that feeds the obsession a bit for me. Somehow it's more exciting.

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It's fine.

I also felt the same way.

I guess you let go of your obbsession and go onto the next stage which is..

Respecting your idol. But not being obbsessed with him

Maybe thats where you are.

Maybe you dont need mika 24-7.

Because you respect and you love him for his music. xxxx

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Yes. Has she come out of hiding yet?


:naughty: see how proud I am of my new cat!

Yes she is sleeping on the sofa at the moment, I haven't let her go out yet, I will next week, probably. The others are still treating her with great caution!

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:naughty: see how proud I am of my new cat!

Yes she is sleeping on the sofa at the moment, I haven't let her go out yet, I will next week, probably. The others are still treating her with great caution!


Aww...sweet. Mine used to hiss when they met but now they love each other :wub2:

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That's it, of course. When I was 15 I had a huge obsession with Freddie Mercury, but there was no internet access those days, and we couldn't get carried away like this then. I still love Freddie very much, I listen to Queen alot, but with Mika it just feels more personal. We are all on his Myspace, we are here at MFC, we know what happens when it happens. And that feeds the obsession a bit for me. Somehow it's more exciting.

That is very true Martine!


Oh well, for me Mika has never been an obsession anyway. And I am serious about this. So I never fell off that proverbial cloud. :naughty:

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Did I tell you I got a new cat? Last weekend.


Awww Babs you got a new addition to your family? pictures pictures what is he she like? is it a kitten or a rescue cat?

Does it have a name?


i love my cat i call him Sir Ozzy Hop along now though since his accident :bleh:

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Awww Babs you got a new addition to your family? pictures pictures what is he she like? is it a kitten or a rescue cat?

Does it have a name?


i love my cat i call him Sir Ozzy Hop along now though since his accident :bleh:


Bless! I take it he is fine then, apart from the hopping?

She is called Munchie, but she is 10+ so I couldn't really change it. Will put some pics on myspace, when I have taken some!


Sorry girls, slight diversion from Mika obsessing, but see what I mean about friends on the MFC?

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ha, your not an ass at all. you know i love you, lol. besides, i believe everyone is entitled to their own opinion. you just described my problem really. he has made me a lot happier person and his music is so relatable that since me obsession has dimmed, its been depressing. and that sucks.:thumbdown:

amber, you're my favorite. :biggrin2:

this happened with my Queen obsession, but i dealt with it, and i'm actually more obsessed with Queen than Mika!

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amber, you're my favorite. :biggrin2:

this happened with my Queen obsession, but i dealt with it, and i'm actually more obsessed with Queen than Mika!


haha, well thank you, your my favourite too. to tell you the truth. i followed the crowd when i was younger. what ever music was popular i "liked" it. at home though, i listened to my parent favourites from the 60's and 70's. it wasnt until mika that i rediscovered, and liked on my own account, queen. i love them now!:biggrin2:

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I don't think that I ever really let my obsession go "mad." I never put aside all other music just for his; I never took down my John Lennon and Beatles posters and replaced them with Mika; I never really talked about him that much in real life, unless it was just after the gig and I chatted on and on about it for about 2 weeks; I never claimed to be "in love" with him or really wanted to have his babies; I could always go a while without listening to LiCM in its entirety.


John Lennon and The Beatles are always my main obsession, and always will be. I don't chat on Beatles forums or look up their photos all the time like I used to and like I do now with Mika, but they are sort of a part of me and who I am, like Mika is becoming.


I was INSANELY obsessed with John Lennon 3 years ago. Honestly, I slept, ate and breathed John Lennon. That lasted until about January of this year, and then I discovered Mika and he substituted for that, but at a much tamer level. I have a life other than Mika. I go out on the weekends, I fangirl over other celebrities as well, I am interested in men I know in real life, but I am a also super Mika fan. I like learning everything about him, I like looking at photos of him and watching YouTube videos. I enjoy seeing him in concert and like to talk about him on here, but he doesn't take over my life.


Probably, Amber, your obsession will come back. It's like when you are so obsessed with an actor and then he takes a break from acting for a while and there's nothing "new," so you start to kind of drift away. Then, when he comes out with a new movie, you fall in love all over again. It's been pretty slow on the Mika front lately, and that could be partly why you're drifting.

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You're quite right of course.

And I don't know about you, but I was spared that awful phase, where you sit by the phone wondering if he is going to ring. I knew he never would.:naughty:

There are SO many posts that I could quote in here..but I went for this one because I liked it so much....and itis so true.


I totally agree...it is like any love affair..the first phase is amazing...but couldn't possibly last forever.

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Ok, from the first moment i heard mika i fell in love and from there a deep deep obsession that i have thoroughly enjoyed. lately though, i havent needed mika as much as i used to. i still love him and his music, but it kinda scares me cause i was deeply obsessed for so long and it just seemed to stop one day. i used to freak out if i didnt hear his sweet voice every day or if i didnt get on mfc andlook at pictures at least every other day.

but i havent been on mfc for a week, and though i miss it, it doesnt seem to matter as much. and though i havent listened to mika in 4-5 day, though ive had many opertuinities, it doesnt effect me as much. i still talk about him a lot, but ive noticed that im now able to go up to 5 hours without mentioning his name.


im really just afraid that someone else is gonna take his place, and i dont think its fair that i have to force myself to listen to him and talk about him sometimes just cause i kinda miss my obsession.


has anyone else felt like this about him??


i wouldn't worry about it if i were u :wink2:

what with going back to school and all we don't have as much time on our hands, we have other things on our minds, and don't have as much time to kill on mfc and mika, same goes for me! i can't remember the last time i listened to mika! but i know i still love him, just i don't have as much time on my hands to embrace my obsession, but i know if i did all would be like it was during the summer :naughty:

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This will pass :) Take a break from it and come back with a new found enthusiasm! When you see him in concert, it'll come back...the irresistable love and devotion :blush-anim-cl:


I have to say though: I used to think of him as some sort of GOD lol.... When I met him over the summer, I realized that he was just a person. The first time, ok I admit I was really stunned being an inch away from him and he did seem like he wasn't human because of how beautiful he was. The second time though was different Behind the scenes at GMA, he was so funny and really communicated well with all of us (like friends) It became alot more personal to me then. I felt like I got to hang out with a buddy :mf_lustslow: By the time he performed the second gig later that day, It was as if we were "in his living room hearing him sing" --> as he described it.


So, I left New York city feeling very strange. Like you said, not obsessed anymore. Just deeply deeply grateful to him for loving the fans and being there for us. It was like I was leaving a boyfriend behind in New York, as silly as that sounds lol. I was devestated because I didn't know when I would see him again


Now, I'm not obsessed. It's not really a bad thing. Things just change. I'd rather it be this way.


I completely agree with what you just said. I still love him and have so much respect for him. However, in regards to his music, I still listen to him almost every day but not as much as I used to.

I still anxious to see him again and I go to bed thinking about was he is doing at that right moment.

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Yes, I think it is a phase some of us will go through.

I have passed right through the 'madness' phase, where I had to listen to Mika all of the time, had to watch him all of the time, had to read everything written about him, had to read every thread on this forum.


During the madness phase I couldn't believe that someone or something could hit me so hard! It was quite fun while it lasted.


Now, I still like Mika of course, but know the sun doesn't shine out of him and can be much more objective about his music and his life and times!


I still like coming on MFC too, because I feel I have made some friends here.


its happening to me. I am coming terms with my music again. and my obsession with MIKA or Lord of the Rings.. or whatever really is something bigger and that is meeting friends and making new bonds of friendship.

I am also appreciating other issues more..I soon realize the reason behind this is coming to terms with myself. If I meet and make new friends

and MIKA comes and goes.. I would say the truth has been found.



:wink2: :wink2:

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haha, well thank you, your my favourite too. to tell you the truth. i followed the crowd when i was younger. what ever music was popular i "liked" it. at home though, i listened to my parent favourites from the 60's and 70's. it wasnt until mika that i rediscovered, and liked on my own account, queen. i love them now!:biggrin2:

i listened to 60's and 70's when i was little, then the new crap during junior high up until 8th grade..

then i discovered the 80's.

and my life as i knew it completely changed, and i was introduced to Queen. :biggrin2:

so, i got into all the other older bands again, and became a classic rocker!

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I think most people here have past the stage of total obsession. I did. I still get excited when he's on tv, I still listen to LICM like crazy, but it's not like I can't live without it. I come on here because I love everyone around here and I just feel comfortable here:biggrin2:

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