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Le Zénith, Nantes (12-10-2007) GIG REVIEWS


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Oh, and on the pushing topic: While I LOATHE the pushing, I think that I would rather have the smaller, standing venues than the seated stadiums, shoving or not. I've been to a couple of concerts in seated stadiums and it's more like you're just watching the artist on television or something. The experience doesn't seem real, and the audience cannot be as much an intimate part of the show.


If I don't make it to the first 2 or 3 rows in London it's going to be like I'm listening to him on the radio because I won't be able to see him at all.


I agree with you about smaller venues, but we're talking about 6,000 people here. I don't know of any venues that size in Toronto that don't use chairs on the floor. You don't have to actually sit in them, you can stand for the concert. But because they only allow as many people into the floors as the chairs will allow, there's plenty of breathing space. People are not packed in like sardines and pressing against the stage and each other.


Maybe from Mika's perspective the crowds will have less energy, but I can't believe anyone in the audience would prefer to be fainting or vomiting instead.

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Where's Blue???????

*reading again* aww.....:wub2:

Has anyone taken a pic of him? :fisch:


Yeah the girls took plenty of pictures with him! I had a thought for you Mirti, he was so joyful, totally CRAZY!!! The cheeriest guy ever!


Fouchonneret asked him what he was gonna do on his day off, and he said golf, and that he always plays gold on his days off. And replied to the comment of where would he find a golf court, that you can always find one!

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Thanks Em...brillaint report! I think the pushing sounds awful and to be honest I am quite worried about it. The smaller venues earlier in the year were fine....but even so, in Glasgow, the pushing in May was worse than in February. I agree that seated venues are just not the same.........and being on the front row at a Mika concert is awesome..........but it was always going to happen that the gig would get too big for it. I just hope that we all get through this entire tour without any major incidents

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Guys, news from the Mikawebsite: a girl was nearly the last one to have her stuff signed. Her mum had sewn some t-shirts that Mika loved and wanted his creator to see but she told him it was a gift.


Anyway what she says is that when Mika left he was crying...

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Yeah the girls took plenty of pictures with him! I had a thought for you Mirti' date=' he was so joyful, totally CRAZY!!! The cheeriest guy ever!


Fouchonneret asked him what he was gonna do on his day off, and he said golf, and that he always plays gold on his days off. And replied to the comment of where would he find a golf court, that you can always find one![/quote']


Thanx a lot for ur report!!!

I'm very happy for you that you've finally met him!!!!


I got the answer to your question: yesterday we solved 2 mysteries thx to an article posted by IngievV!!!!

He was living in the XVI arrondissement in Paris:wink2:

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Yeah the girls took plenty of pictures with him! I had a thought for you Mirti' date=' he was so joyful, totally CRAZY!!! The cheeriest guy ever!


Fouchonneret asked him what he was gonna do on his day off, and he said golf, and that he always plays gold on his days off. And replied to the comment of where would he find a golf court, that you can always find one![/quote']

Argh, you're killing me, you know that????? I wish I had been there...:tears:

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Guys' date=' news from the Mikawebsite: a girl was nearly the last one to have her stuff signed. Her mum had sewn some t-shirts that Mika loved and wanted his creator to see but she told him it was a gift.


Anyway what she says is that when Mika left he was crying...[/quote']

Was he?? aww, so sweet....I really wanted to see how crazy it was, it must have been wonderful...

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Guys' date=' news from the Mikawebsite: a girl was nearly the last one to have her stuff signed. Her mum had sewn some t-shirts that Mika loved and wanted his creator to see but she told him it was a gift.


Anyway what she says is that when Mika left he was crying...[/quote']


Aww!Poor Mika!:tears: :tears:

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Guys' date=' news from the Mikawebsite: a girl was nearly the last one to have her stuff signed. Her mum had sewn some t-shirts that Mika loved and wanted his creator to see but she told him it was a gift.


Anyway what she says is that when Mika left he was crying...[/quote']


Awwwww. I want to hug him so much, now! It must have been the most amazing experience of his life! All of the love and adoration he deserves. :wub2: I can only imagine how he must have felt. He was probably overwhelmed by such a wonderful show, and then spending time with the fans just broke the barrier of his emotions. I think that it is so sweet and it makes me admire him even more, that after all of this, he is truly humble about everything. Mika, you are amazing.

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Yelle started' date=' the pushing was terrible but the atmosfear very good. Actually I never thought it was possible but you get used to her stuff and can have fun on it...


Anyway, after Yelle finished, the pushing was terrible, before, meanwhile and after Yelle, Biche and I had to put our fists agains the podium in front of us to resist the pushing many times...


And then Mika arrived! Oh my God he was so near it was unbelievable!!! It was my very first experience right in front of him during a whole show, and it was just brilliant to see him live the best concert of his life!


To answer some questions about the show itself:


No trumpets, no cords

No big girls

He took his shirt off for LT

Luke is indeed the skeleton!


The crowd was so frenzy, while he was at the piano he was looking at the crowd, gigling and speachless, looking at the band, with an expression like: Wow I've never seen this that crazy before!


Of course he came to sing and dance in front of us regularly, I had my flashing heart on (thanks Pamette! I'm so sorry you did not get to be front row with us, you would have been more at ease, second row was so hard to stand because of all those stupid jerks! And I would have loved to have you no so far away from me so we could have shared the experience together!).


And and... I experienced for the very first time AN EYE CONNECTION OF 2 LONG SECONDS!!!! Woaw that was amazing! I wondered if he had recognized me from the previous night, but I doubt so. Later he looked on my direction several times but I think it was more to look at us as a group.


So during the gig he looked at the crowd and his band a few times with a Wow expression, he could not believe what he had in front of him, the crowd was so crazy, it was so powerful, I think it might have overwhelmed him :blush-anim-cl: !


And then disappointment: he asked his band to do Aux Champs-Elysées (the old French song he performed at Taratata) but they had not rehearsed it, so he said, well OK next time :tears: .


When Lollipop finished, he did not disappear fast as usual, he stayed a little more, I guess he was seeing the whole crowd so cheery he felt bad disappearing...


Then he left, and people started very slowly to move, Fouchonneret and Biche were already leaving to go to the artists exit. I got stuck with Lululitalienne as she was worried as she could not find her bag... People were screaming MI-KA MI-KA MI-KA!!! I still had a hand on the fence, I was gonna leave when I saw Luke coming back! I pulled myself back to the fence and could keep my post! The band came back, the Relax lights started, and then THEY STARTED THE FIRST NOTES OF RELAX AGAIN!!! Mika asked us in French: do we do it again? Oh my God it was so unbelievable!!!


When Relax finished it was still crazy, they all joined together and came in front of the stage to bow to us all, holding hands! Actually he was after Lollipop and after Relax giving us thumbs up to say we were all great !


He told us, I think it was after Relax, something like I know I have already told you this (he had during the concert, mentioning like in Paris: we were 600 at the Trabendo and now we are 7000 and this is thanks to you!), but I really want to thank you and then he said I quote : MERCI POUR LE MEILLEUR CONCERT DE MA VIE!!!! And he finally left the stage and he was the last to leave, with his thumb up all the time, like WE WERE AWESOME :biggrin2::cool: !


Also, I think it was at the end of Lollipop, because they still had their animal costumes on, Cherisse pushed him, the band made him fall and they all lied on top of him they were having so much fun! :roftl: But it might have been at the end of Relax, though I doubt so, if I remember well they had taken out their animal outfits for Relax.


I'm sorry guys my thoughts are all messy, I can't place all the events in order, maybe someone will correct a few mistakes later but I think I've been pretty accurate...


So we left and I found Pamette in the hall (poor her, she left before Lollipop and ended throwing up in the bathroom due to the heat and the pushing, but at least she managed to steal a big poster of Mika LICM cover from a wall :naughty: ).


Next post: the meeting[/quote']


Nice report thaks :biggrin2:

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So we went to the exit of the parking when he would have to go through and waited' date=' but less than in Paris. There were many people we were at least 70, I thought he might no sign but he HAD to show up as the concert he experienced was so wonderful, he could not let the people down.


And then at midnight something he crossed the whole parking, all in black with his red backpack like the day before, he looks so much like a student :wink2: ! And then I had the joy to see him coming directly to my side I was so close to him!


Security guys asked everyone to queue, we were talking to him and asked him the name of his new singer as we could not understand it when he said it on stage (so it's Sara and something like Kee) and then after 3-4 signing as he was so near me he just asked me : salut comment ça va? I said fine, passed on Avoca's message, and then asked him what was the area where he lived in Paris and he said I don't want to say it (In my head I was: Mika I'm not asking for an exact address, just an area - as a Parisian I wanted to know as of course you experience a town differently from where you live there - I hope he did not think I was a crazy fan who wanted to see where he lived or something :naughty: ). He signed my American LICM booklet and I told him a silly thing I wanted to tell him: that when I was little my dream was to play the piano but my parents had no money for that. And that when I heard Mika it made me decide to do it. He asked me if I played Grace Kelly and I said yes but I'm taking lessons now! (did not want him to believe I just wanted to play his stuff, that the decision was to really play the piano). He said, yeah funny why not - obviously that did not interest him at all :roftl: . I then told him I'd be in Paris again and in London the last three dates, he told me oh yeah and his expression was like "woaw that's a lot, fine yeah but I don't really care". So basically I don't think I've made the best impression if I left any at all :naughty: :naughty: .


The band was there too talking to everybody, Cherisse signed my booklet then Sara (the new singer), then I spotted Mickey nobody asked him for anything so I asked him Mickey can you sign please? He was so nice and cheery, asked my name and signed Emilie thanks for coming Love Mickey, I told him I'd be in Paris in London so he said definitely we meet again. I then went to Luke, he's so laid back but he signed, and I was seeing a crazy guy with a cap joking like mad and totally in a crazy mad and I was who's that??? I later asked and the girls told me: but it's Martin - I was sh*it HTF I did not recognize him? It was funny he was such in a crazy mood laughing and yelling he was just awesome!!! So I went to him and said Martin sorry but all the band sign you're the only missing would you mind? And of course as the lovely fellow as he is he did.


And then I saw that Mika accepted to give kisses and take photos but my turn had passed so I did not get any... That's my next mission in 2 weeks in Paris: get a crazy picture of he and I! If I get a kiss that will the cherry on top (a hug, I don't even dream about it).


Anyway Mika was very patient, had a word for EVERYONE, really did not count his time, talking to everybody, accepted the signing, the kissing and the picture taking for anyone who asked and I can tell you that there was a long queue! When it was Pamette's turn, her boyfriend Maxime (who does not care about Mika at all) was with her and Mika turned to him to talk (no no Mika, this one's not a fan, he's just accompanying :naughty: ), so Maxime asked him: is it like this every day? And Mika said something like not everyday or it depends, something like that.


Yasmine took a picture of three young girls who had drawn Mika t-shirts (we got to know afterwards that the mother said: "they talked about Mika all day and I'm the one who spent the afternoon finishing the t-shirts"!), and also of a girl who had done a lovely job of a reproduction of Mika and the band as little figures on a thick base (I don't know how to say it in english)


Fouchonneret, Olga, Biche, Ighins were all the time with the band talking, joking, taking pictures, security guys always asked the people who got their autograph to get away, but the girls managed to stay with the band and have a blast till the end!


Fouchonneret, Olga and Sandrine (I think) who had come with pom pom girls stuff made a Mika thing. Then finally Mika left with the band, and they ran accross the fence to accompany him with the pom pom girl cheering until he boarded the bus. If I understood well from what they told me in the train today Mika asked Yasmine to take a picture of them as he was on the phone... They will confirm.


Here the story ends on my side. Thank you girls for being all so nice and a special thank you for Pamette and Maxime for their kindness![/quote']


Hey EM: Thank you so much for your very detailed report!!!! Made me feel as if I was with you! :groupwave:

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Guys' date=' news from the Mikawebsite: a girl was nearly the last one to have her stuff signed. Her mum had sewn some t-shirts that Mika loved and wanted his creator to see but she told him it was a gift.


Anyway what she says is that when Mika left he was crying...[/quote']


ohhhhh :tears:

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Guys' date=' news from the Mikawebsite: a girl was nearly the last one to have her stuff signed. Her mum had sewn some t-shirts that Mika loved and wanted his creator to see but she told him it was a gift.


Anyway what she says is that when Mika left he was crying...[/quote']


okay maybe I'm stupid, I've read this like 5 times now, but I don't understand it :blink:

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okay maybe I'm stupid, I've read this like 5 times now, but I don't understand it :blink:

He was so surprised, touched by the warm crowd, it was the best gig of his life (his own words) that he cried..of joy o.c.

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He was so surprised, touched by the warm crowd, it was the best gig of his life (his own words) that he cried..of joy o.c.


That makes my heart burst. I wish I could have been there to witness such emotion. It sounds beautiful.

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Thanx a lot for ur report!!!

I'm very happy for you that you've finally met him!!!!


I got the answer to your question: yesterday we solved 2 mysteries thx to an article posted by IngievV!!!!

He was living in the XVI arrondissement in Paris:wink2:


How did you find out?

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He was so surprised, touched by the warm crowd, it was the best gig of his life (his own words) that he cried..of joy o.c.


You sound so convincing Mirtilla, you should really consider writing a novel, or a soap opera :roftl: , I think you're a natural

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So we went to the exit of the parking when he would have to go through and waited' date=' but less than in Paris. There were many people we were at least 70, I thought he might no sign but he HAD to show up as the concert he experienced was so wonderful, he could not let the people down.


And then at midnight something he crossed the whole parking, all in black with his red backpack like the day before, he looks so much like a student ! And then I had the joy to see him coming directly to my side I was so close to him!


Security guys asked everyone to queue, we were talking to him and asked him the name of his new singer as we could not understand it when he said it on stage (so it's Sara and something like Kee) and then after 3-4 signing as he was so near me he just asked me : salut comment ça va? I said fine, passed on Avoca's message, and then asked him what was the area where he lived in Paris and he said I don't want to say it (In my head I was: Mika I'm not asking for an exact address, just an area - as a Parisian I wanted to know as of course you experience a town differently from where you live there - I hope he did not think I was a crazy fan who wanted to see where he lived or something :naughty: ). He signed my American LICM booklet and I told him a silly thing I wanted to tell him: that when I was little my dream was to play the piano but my parents had no money for that. And that when I heard Mika it made me decide to do it. He asked me if I played Grace Kelly and I said yes but I'm taking lessons now! (did not want him to believe I just wanted to play his stuff, that the decision was to really play the piano). He said, yeah funny why not - obviously that did not interest him at all :roftl: . I then told him I'd be in Paris again and in London the last three dates, he told me oh yeah and his expression was like "woaw that's a lot, fine yeah but I don't really care". So basically I don't think I've made the best impression if I left any at all :naughty: :naughty: .


The band was there too talking to everybody, Cherisse signed my booklet then Sara (the new singer), then I spotted Mickey nobody asked him for anything so I asked him Mickey can you sign please? He was so nice and cheery, asked my name and signed Emilie thanks for coming Love Mickey, I told him I'd be in Paris in London so he said definitely we meet again. I then went to Luke, he's so laid back but he signed, and I was seeing a crazy guy with a cap joking like mad and totally in a crazy mad and I was who's that??? I later asked and the girls told me: but it's Martin - I was sh*it HTF I did not recognize him? It was funny he was such in a crazy mood laughing and yelling he was just awesome!!! So I went to him and said Martin sorry but all the band sign you're the only missing would you mind? And of course as the lovely fellow as he is he did.


And then I saw that Mika accepted to give kisses and take photos but my turn had passed so I did not get any... That's my next mission in 2 weeks in Paris: get a crazy picture of he and I! If I get a kiss that will the cherry on top (a hug, I don't even dream about it).


Anyway Mika was very patient, had a word for EVERYONE, really did not count his time, talking to everybody, accepted the signing, the kissing and the picture taking for anyone who asked and I can tell you that there was a long queue! When it was Pamette's turn, her boyfriend Maxime (who does not care about Mika at all) was with her and Mika turned to him to talk (no no Mika, this one's not a fan, he's just accompanying :naughty: ), so Maxime asked him: is it like this every day? :naughty: And Mika said something like not everyday or it depends, something like that.


Yasmine took a picture of three young girls who had drawn Mika t-shirts (we got to know afterwards that the mother said: "they talked about Mika all day and I'm the one who spent the afternoon finishing the t-shirts"!), and also of a girl who had done a lovely job of a reproduction of Mika and the band as little figures on a thick base (I don't know how to say it in english)


Fouchonneret, Olga, Biche, Ighins were all the time with the band talking, joking, taking pictures, security guys always asked the people who got their autograph to get away, but the girls managed to stay with the band and have a blast till the end!


Fouchonneret, Olga and Sandrine (I think) who had come with pom pom girls stuff made a Mika thing. Then finally Mika left with the band, and they ran accross the fence to accompany him with the pom pom girl cheering until he boarded the bus. If I understood well from what they told me in the train today Mika asked Yasmine to take a picture of them as he was on the phone... They will confirm.


Here the story ends on my side. Thank you girls for being all so nice and a special thank you for Pamette and Maxime for their kindness![/quote']


wow em thanks for taking the time to tell us !! amazing report , amazing band !! thanks hun !! :wub2: x

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That makes my heart burst. I wish I could have been there to witness such emotion. It sounds beautiful.


Yeah me too I did not witnessed it myself as I was discarded after I had my autograph.


I think he got overwhelmed. Last night was just too much for him. The love from the audience, how he was welcome and wanted, and finally all those people who queued and had gifts, craftwork they had put so much soul and time in...

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yeah but what was the story with the t-shirts?


The girls had made some t-shirts and I guess Mika liked them so much that he wanted to show his designer so that she could make some for him, but the girls said that they were a gift and gave them to him.

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The girls had made some t-shirts and I guess Mika liked them so much that he wanted to show his designer so that she could make some for him, but the girls said that they were a gift and gave them to him.


oh god!! thanks I really did not get that I feel so stupid! that's too cute though!

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