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Thanks. :thumb_yello:



From all of your descriptions I almost expected her to be jumping out of her clothes or jumping on a drum kit... come on she wasn't that bad, I hardly noticed her. She was just a bit "enthusiastic". :naughty:


You WISH she'd been jumping out of her clothes!


Anyway, it was a bit distracting seeing as she's so glittery... like a glitter bunny. But I think it's great he has a permanent on-stage backup singer now, because it gives him someone to play off. He only had Martin and Mickey before, and both of them are really too busy/too anchored to their instruments to really allow Mika to interact with them. Since she doesn't sing over him (and often doesn't sing at all) I do not mind it.


And I think I'm just amused and sympathetic to her at NJR more than anything. I'm always curious about what people who have a key, but limited role can do onstage. If she just stands there in one place and only comes alive when she has a part to sing, it's boring and probably awkward for her. But when she bounces around so much, it's a tad too distracting, and pulls the audience's attention to the fact that she isn't doing much else. I'm sure they'll get a smooth routine worked out soon, depending on how much Mika does want to play off of her.


(I haven't seen too many of the recent full shows, but Ring Ring could be absolutely awesome with her acting the part of the obsessive caller, and Relax too, could use more acting of them as lovers for the "last thing on my mind is to leave you..." bit, though I guess maybe he prefers to address that to the audience.)


Marc Bolan's partner Mickey Finn always amused me, because except for some parts where he played bongos, he basically just strutted around the stage with a tambourine looking pretty--but he totally treated it like it was the most important part of the show, dammit! Ha.



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(I haven't seen too many of the recent full shows, but Ring Ring could be absolutely awesome with her acting the part of the obsessive caller, and Relax too, could use more acting of them as lovers for the "last thing on my mind is to leave you..." bit, though I guess maybe he prefers to address that to the audience.)





That would be so cheesy :lmao:

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That would be so cheesy :lmao:


Nah, I don't think so, not any more than what he does with the Big Girls. I don't mean he should full-out act the song and clasp her to his bosom or anything, I just mean it would give him an opportunity to do a bit more miming and vary his body language.



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For me the only problem is that she bounces around exactly like Mika. If she would just dance properly, as I'm sure she's capable of doing, it would be fine.


It's crazy enough that Mika boings around like a 6'5" pogo stick, but hey, he's Mika so he can get away with it (just). We don't need some girl doing the same thing to her own rhythm and sort of randomly all over the stage.

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Nah, I don't think so, not any more than what he does with the Big Girls. I don't mean he should full-out act the song and clasp her to his bosom or anything, I just mean it would give him an opportunity to do a bit more miming and vary his body language.




this reminds me of the 'spray on the.....' 'cheese' incident :lmfao:

spray on the glitter, you fool :naughty:

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Nah, I don't think so, not any more than what he does with the Big Girls. I don't mean he should full-out act the song and clasp her to his bosom or anything, I just mean it would give him an opportunity to do a bit more miming and vary his body language.



Oh I know what you mean, but Saranayde would probably make it over-the-top so it would end up looking cheesy :naughty:

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You WISH she'd been jumping out of her clothes!

I don't deny it. :fisch:


For me the only problem is that she bounces around exactly like Mika. If she would just dance properly, as I'm sure she's capable of doing, it would be fine.


It's crazy enough that Mika boings around like a 6'5" pogo stick, but hey, he's Mika so he can get away with it (just). We don't need some girl doing the same thing to her own rhythm and sort of randomly all over the stage.

I was thinking the same thing, she does the same type of jumping as him except in heels... now that must be hard. :naughty:

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For me the only problem is that she bounces around exactly like Mika. If she would just dance properly, as I'm sure she's capable of doing, it would be fine.


It's crazy enough that Mika boings around like a 6'5" pogo stick, but hey, he's Mika so he can get away with it (just). We don't need some girl doing the same thing to her own rhythm and sort of randomly all over the stage.


Funny enough though, Yelle (Mika's support act in Brixton), did a lot of dancing and moving around the stage too which reminded me of Mika. (Actually, she resembles Yasmine and Feist imo).


But I think her style is so very different from Saranayde. I dunno, maybe its because Yelle's music is different and perhaps she couldn't possibly dance the same way to "Relax".

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For me the only problem is that she bounces around exactly like Mika. If she would just dance properly, as I'm sure she's capable of doing, it would be fine.


It's crazy enough that Mika boings around like a 6'5" pogo stick, but hey, he's Mika so he can get away with it (just). We don't need some girl doing the same thing to her own rhythm and sort of randomly all over the stage.



True, so true!:thumb_yello:

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could someone keep her away from any coffee cups ? :blink: :blink:


or any other Red Bull or sugar containing substances...


I really love her but i was scared when she appeared all the sudden jumping!


I still dun get the purpose of it


No offense,I still like her...but what exactly are the backing vocals in Relax? Other than Martin's necessary squeeking that is

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I admire her energy, I also have too much energy when I had too much sugar:naughty:


And seriously...I need to know her secret, how can she jump on high heels like that:roftl:


it's mika's songs


I've been jumping in heels like that to his songs too.and it is a mystery how u dun feel anything because of the adrenalin rush



but again,she's like a duracell bunny,and that's not always good for my eyes:mf_rosetinted:

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it's mika's songs


I've been jumping in heels like that to his songs too.and it is a mystery how u dun feel anything because of the adrenalin rush



but again,she's like a duracell bunny,and that's not always good for my eyes:mf_rosetinted:


Well m'kay she might have to cool down at times. At the NRJ awards she flashed around the screen.:naughty:


But if Mika really cared, he'd probably taken care of it already.

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Oh I know what you mean, but Saranayde would probably make it over-the-top so it would end up looking cheesy :naughty:



She bounces around rather a lot, but I am sure you would too if the boss asked you to.







Particularly if your boss was the Big M.:wub2:

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She bounces around rather a lot, but I am sure you would too if the boss asked you to.







Particularly if your boss was the Big M.:wub2:


In a heart beat :wink2:



I must admit, it is impressive that she jumps in heels. I can't even walk up or down stairs in wellies :naughty:

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That's a really funny image.


yes, it tis'


but if all I needed to do was shake my bum and jump around than I'd do it...


But I would do it in jeans... If I had the choice. And if they forced me to hold a guitar and pretend to play it, they'd have a problem lol...because I would take inspiration from SLASH:roftl:

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yes, it tis'


but if all I needed to do was shake my bum and jump around than I'd do it...


But I would do it in jeans... If I had the choice. And if they forced me to hold a guitar and pretend to play it, they'd have a problem lol...because I would take inspiration from SLASH:roftl:




Be sure to tell Mika that when you see him :naughty:


"You know that Saranayde girl? Yeah, I could do that 10 times better :cool:"



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