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You can tell how long its been since a gig, you guys are SO impatient! LOL!!!


So I guess you're all waiting for me then?




Okay, first apologies, my camera decided to be a right basket tonight, working before the show, not wanting to play during, and raring to go after, I'm incredibly annoyed, and when I told Sara later she looked a little sad, and that made me feel awful.

But Daisy has got the whole thing videoed, and it looks darn good if I say so myself (guess who did the filming? heh heh).

As Jo Jo told you earlier, the soundcheck was amazing. I got there about 7pm and they were doing it. And I felt really special, as the people in front of me paid to get in, and I just showed my ticket, ah bliss!

For a while, I was on my own, Daisy and her friend, who is a member here, but I can't remember her name (sorry, lovely lady though, doesn't actually live far from me, just over the border in Somerset), arrived and I met them talking to Sara at the greenroom area.

I should explain, the venue, Ginglik, is underground, and when you go downstairs through the entrance, the stage is immediately to your left, the bar to your right and the greenroom is right in front of you, with just a curtain block where Sara and her dancers (4 of them) were changing.

So we went in and waited for another hour before Sara came on. Btw, her younger sister Maz, the guy who does the backing singing on the album, and Derek who also worked on the album (he's worked with Robbie Williams too), were in the audience.

I must say Saras voice is far stronger than you would imagine, her backing vocals with Mika are nothing compared to he on her own. She has a mighty powerful voice, and great range too, and if you've seen the album cover, you know how her makeup looked, and she was wearing a Freak4Speed t dress (yellow).

She looked amazing!

She sang, Smalltown Boy, Slide, Sly Girls, Bad Day and Freak4Speed (the last 2 are my absolute favourites on the album).

After her friend Jo DJed for an hour, and we all went to the bar and chatted 'til closing time.

Sara wants me to dress up for her gigs now!

I'm gonna start charging for this. LOL!

Shes not sure what she wants me to do yet but shes gonna let me know.

Apparently she misses the penguin, and doesn't thing I look right without it.

I've created a monster!!!

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You can tell how long its been since a gig, you guys are SO impatient! LOL!!!


So I guess you're all waiting for me then?




Okay, first apologies, my camera decided to be a right basket tonight, working before the show, not wanting to play during, and raring to go after, I'm incredibly annoyed, and when I told Sara later she looked a little sad, and that made me feel awful.

But Daisy has got the whole thing videoed, and it looks darn good if I say so myself (guess who did the filming? heh heh).

As Jo Jo told you earlier, the soundcheck was amazing. I got there about 7pm and they were doing it. And I felt really special, as the people in front of me paid to get in, and I just showed my ticket, ah bliss!

For a while, I was on my own, Daisy and her friend, who is a member here, but I can't remember her name (sorry, lovely lady though, doesn't actually live far from me, just over the border in Somerset), arrived and I met them talking to Sara at the greenroom area.

I should explain, the venue, Ginglik, is underground, and when you go downstairs through the entrance, the stage is immediately to your left, the bar to your right and the greenroom is right in front of you, with just a curtain block where Sara and her dancers (4 of them) were changing.

So we went in and waited for another hour before Sara came on. Btw, her younger sister Maz, the guy who does the backing singing on the album, and Derek who also worked on the album (he's worked with Robbie Williams too), were in the audience.

I must say Saras voice is far stronger than you would imagine, her backing vocals with Mika are nothing compared to he on her own. She has a mighty powerful voice, and great range too, and if you've seen the album cover, you know how her makeup looked, and she was wearing a Freak4Speed t dress (yellow).

She looked amazing!

She sang, Smalltown Boy, Slide, Sly Girls, Bad Day and Freak4Speed (the last 2 are my absolute favourites on the album).

After her friend Jo DJed for an hour, and we all went to the bar and chatted 'til closing time.

Sara wants me to dress up for her gigs now!

I'm gonna start charging for this. LOL!

Shes not sure what she wants me to do yet but shes gonna let me know.

Apparently she misses the penguin, and doesn't thing I look right without it.

I've created a monster!!!


i'm glad you had a great time rose! was there alot of people?

sara does have a nice voice.

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You can tell how long its been since a gig, you guys are SO impatient! LOL!!!


So I guess you're all waiting for me then?




Okay, first apologies, my camera decided to be a right basket tonight, working before the show, not wanting to play during, and raring to go after, I'm incredibly annoyed, and when I told Sara later she looked a little sad, and that made me feel awful.

But Daisy has got the whole thing videoed, and it looks darn good if I say so myself (guess who did the filming? heh heh).

As Jo Jo told you earlier, the soundcheck was amazing. I got there about 7pm and they were doing it. And I felt really special, as the people in front of me paid to get in, and I just showed my ticket, ah bliss!

For a while, I was on my own, Daisy and her friend, who is a member here, but I can't remember her name (sorry, lovely lady though, doesn't actually live far from me, just over the border in Somerset), arrived and I met them talking to Sara at the greenroom area.

I should explain, the venue, Ginglik, is underground, and when you go downstairs through the entrance, the stage is immediately to your left, the bar to your right and the greenroom is right in front of you, with just a curtain block where Sara and her dancers (4 of them) were changing.

So we went in and waited for another hour before Sara came on. Btw, her younger sister Maz, the guy who does the backing singing on the album, and Derek who also worked on the album (he's worked with Robbie Williams too), were in the audience.

I must say Saras voice is far stronger than you would imagine, her backing vocals with Mika are nothing compared to he on her own. She has a mighty powerful voice, and great range too, and if you've seen the album cover, you know how her makeup looked, and she was wearing a Freak4Speed t dress (yellow).

She looked amazing!

She sang, Smalltown Boy, Slide, Sly Girls, Bad Day and Freak4Speed (the last 2 are my absolute favourites on the album).

After her friend Jo DJed for an hour, and we all went to the bar and chatted 'til closing time.

Sara wants me to dress up for her gigs now!

I'm gonna start charging for this. LOL!

Shes not sure what she wants me to do yet but shes gonna let me know.

Apparently she misses the penguin, and doesn't thing I look right without it.

I've created a monster!!!


Thanks for that report Rose. I'm glad you had a good time. Shame about your camera, but these things happen... Did you get any "after" pics at all?

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Was Sara happy with how it went?


She was smiling a lot after, and was very chuffed that we turned up to see her play.

Her friend Jo's mum lives not far from me, in Swindon 10 miles down the motorway. I even know the area she lives, delivered down there a few times.

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Thanks for the report rose !!! .... Looking forward to videos !! :punk:

So im guessing sara may not be mika's backing vocalist at his future live gigs now that shes launching her own career ? :blink: .... or has she said she will still continue to be his backing singer for a while ? ... thanks again !!! :biggrin2:

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Thanks, Rose! It's lovely to hear that you guys had a great time, and that Sara also enjoyed it :punk:. She's a very nice girl and I really hope that her career as a solo artist goes well.




Thanks for the report rose !!! .... Looking forward to videos !! :punk:

So im guessing sara may not be mika's backing vocalist at his future live gigs now that shes launching her own career ? :blink: .... or has she said she will still continue to be his backing singer for a while ? ... thanks again !!! :biggrin2:


You know Caz, I've had the distinct feeling since the Luke fiasco happened that the band for the new tours is going to be a bit different.

Sara is now doing her own thing, so I personally can't see it being a great move to market herself as solo with one style of music, and then doing Mika's backing vocals at the same time in between her own gigs.

Perhaps she will, but it's just my feeling that she won't.

Also, I got the feeling that when they introduced Sam this summer it was done to slowly phase Sara out and get Sam in instead...Of course I could be totally wrong about this, but it's my gut feel.

Then we have Choi who is also doing something else, and of course Cherisse also doing her bits and bobs, but nothing major that we know of.

I get the feeling that the only really 'fixed' band member that Mika would keep would be Martin, and then perhaps Cherisse. Sam as backing, and god knows who for keys (I am not too hot for Sunshine as you know, so my personal preference would be to get a new guy).

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There wasn't many people there, maybe about 40.

I did get a nice after pic of Sara and Derek, he's a lovely bloke.


Perks of album launches :naughty:


And that's it,I'm getting you a video cam in summer


I get the feeling that the only really 'fixed' band member that Mika would keep would be Martin, and then perhaps Cherisse. Sam as backing, and god knows who for keys (I am not too hot for Sunshine as you know, so my personal preference would be to get a new guy).



music to my ears,mainly because that automatically excludes others . In any case, Cherisse is an amazing drummer and I'd hate to see her go.


I truly like Sara a lot,and to me she was the best person(character wise) left in that group.

But I really want her to succeed as a solo artist and playing by Mika's book,in the background won't help.


I'm curious as to what might change,but they have to get a proper guy for keys...or write songs where they don't use keys :mf_rosetinted:




I'm patiently waiting for a Sara gig now :naughty:

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Thanks, Rose! It's lovely to hear that you guys had a great time, and that Sara also enjoyed it :punk:. She's a very nice girl and I really hope that her career as a solo artist goes well.






You know Caz, I've had the distinct feeling since the Luke fiasco happened that the band for the new tours is going to be a bit different.

Sara is now doing her own thing, so I personally can't see it being a great move to market herself as solo with one style of music, and then doing Mika's backing vocals at the same time in between her own gigs.

Perhaps she will, but it's just my feeling that she won't.

Also, I got the feeling that when they introduced Sam this summer it was done to slowly phase Sara out and get Sam in instead...Of course I could be totally wrong about this, but it's my gut feel.

Then we have Choi who is also doing something else, and of course Cherisse also doing her bits and bobs, but nothing major that we know of.

I get the feeling that the only really 'fixed' band member that Mika would keep would be Martin, and then perhaps Cherisse. Sam as backing, and god knows who for keys (I am not too hot for Sunshine as you know, so my personal preference would be to get a new guy).


Yes it all seems to be shifting - ding ding - all change! :wink2:


Or the old one back?

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music to my ears,mainly because that automatically excludes others . In any case, Cherisse is an amazing drummer and I'd hate to see her go.


I truly like Sara a lot,and to me she was the best person(character wise) left in that group.

But I really want her to succeed as a solo artist and playing by Mika's book,in the background won't help.


I'm curious as to what might change,but they have to get a proper guy for keys...or write songs where they don't use keys :mf_rosetinted:


Yeah, I would agree to that, wouldn't I? :roftl: Just being objective though- He was less than impressive this summer.

And I would also love to see Cherisse stay, I really like her, and I think that she adds a certain flavour to the band that is not easy to find :punk:.

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