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Thanks for the report rose !!! .... Looking forward to videos !! :punk:

So im guessing sara may not be mika's backing vocalist at his future live gigs now that shes launching her own career ? :blink: .... or has she said she will still continue to be his backing singer for a while ? ... thanks again !!! :biggrin2:


I did ask her this, and at the moment, she's as in the dark about his tour dates as we are. I don't know if her own have been finalized yet, so it's still a bit up in the air.

I thought I read somewhere she might be playing Paris, but not absolutely certain as yet.

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Yeah, I would agree to that, wouldn't I? :roftl: Just being objective though- He was less than impressive this summer.

And I would also love to see Cherisse stay, I really like her, and I think that she adds a certain flavour to the band that is not easy to find :punk:.


I'll be VERY upset if Cherisse goes, so I hope she doesn't!

And as much as I'd love Sara to be back with him this year, I would love her to do well in her solo career more.

Shes a lovely person with an incredible voice, I'd go to one of her gigs over Winehouse or Allen ANYDAY!

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I did ask her this, and at the moment, she's as in the dark about his tour dates as we are. I don't know if her own have been finalized yet, so it's still a bit up in the air.

I thought I read somewhere she might be playing Paris, but not absolutely certain as yet.


She might play Paris ? Mmmh I could go say Hi ! I gotta check that out !


So she's in the dark like all of us. So i guess that means:


1) Mika won't need her, so he won't contact her, or

2) He'll need her but tour dates are not before AT LEAST three months (time to ask people if they're free / book dates + rehearsal time)


Unless she knows but is not allowed to give info?


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You can tell how long its been since a gig, you guys are SO impatient! LOL!!!


So I guess you're all waiting for me then?





Haha I know you do!:naughty:


Thank you so much for the report, lovely!


Sorry to reveal my ignorance but what was the name of the album again?:blush-anim-cl:






I'm curious as to what might change,but they have to get a proper guy for keys...or write songs where they don't use keys




I agree!

Just one word….the Amsterdam gig!:boxed:



And I would also love to see Cherisse stay, I really like her, and I think that she adds a certain flavour to the band that is not easy to find :punk:.


Yes she does, she is funny, easy going and excellent drummer girl!:wub2:


even if she know,she couldn't tell us before him ;)

(he needs her or not)


No she couldn't, I'm sure you're right.:thumb_yello:

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I get the feeling that the only really 'fixed' band member that Mika would keep would be Martin, and then perhaps Cherisse. Sam as backing, and god knows who for keys (I am not too hot for Sunshine as you know, so my personal preference would be to get a new guy).


Or bring the old guy back but I think that would never happen.

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Yeah, I would agree to that, wouldn't I? :roftl: Just being objective though- He was less than impressive this summer.

And I would also love to see Cherisse stay, I really like her, and I think that she adds a certain flavour to the band that is not easy to find :punk:.



I'm saying it from an objective point of view too,even if I'd like Sunshine I still wouldn't enjoy hearing his key hitting in a gig


There's a difference between a person who can write songs on a piano,and a guy who seeks attention on a keyboard



I agree!

Just one word….the Amsterdam gig!:boxed:




That would be the worse gig I've had. I pretty much failed to have fun,the whole thing was off.

Of course it may have had something to do with an opening act and a less than warm summer,but the guys skills killed it...for most of us,on and off stage

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Thanks for the review, Rose! I wish i could go :tears:


Sara is very talented, her album is just great and she´s an amazing person! I don´t picture her doing Mika´s backing vocals in the future and that saddens me a lot. She deserves her own spot, finding her way :)


Sienna, the album is "Freak 4 Speed"

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even if she know,she couldn't tell us before him (he needs her or not)


I agree Fanny, she couldn't say even if she knew. We just won't know, will we? Still, I think that it's quite unlikely that she will carry on doing backing for him :original:.



I agree!

Just one word….the Amsterdam gig!:boxed:


Yes, his 'contribution' was a bit painful and even created some tension ON the stage :naughty:. Mika had such a little strop, he looked very grumpy at one point. Even Cherisse sent him a killer look :roftl:.



Or bring the old guy back but I think that would never happen.


Ah, as much as I'd love that myself, I really can't see that happening...But we just never know.

Initially, I took Mika's Xmas sledging video as a 'hint' that Luke was back with them, but to be honest I don't quite see it that way now...Which obviously makes it a bit of a mistery to know WTF Mika's intention was, posting that video of Luke? I'd give my right arm to know. Ok, maybe the left arm :roftl:.



I'm saying it from an objective point of view too,even if I'd like Sunshine I still wouldn't enjoy hearing his key hitting in a gig


There's a difference between a person who can write songs on a piano,and a guy who seeks attention on a keyboard


That would be the worse gig I've had. I pretty much failed to have fun,the whole thing was off.

Of course it may have had something to do with an opening act and a less than warm summer,but the guys skills killed it...for most of us,on and off stage


Yes, I agree, it's not a matter of personal subjectivity, even if I liked him or his vibe, his performance at that gig was really crap. And I TOTALLY agree with the attention seeking bit...which is probably one of the reasons why I like him least on stage (abilities aside).

I find that he detracts from Mika, as he is trying to shine himself. If Mika wants the attention on himself, he should get band members that are discrete, like Luke was. Sunshine is more of a 'showman', really, who doesn't seem happy relegated to the back, and needs to make his presence known.

It may work for some, who may like this, but I personally find it annoying, because it doesn't let me focus on Mika, who is the one that I go to see. I don't care much for the others to be honest, and the more 'invisible' that they are, for me the better they are.

Re what you say about the gig being the worst: no, I can't agree with that. Despite Sunshine, I really enjoyed Amsterdam.

Yes, he was crap, and totally ruined Relax which was the highlight of gigs for me (that is pre Luke-ditch) , but I had a great time, and I found Mika in great spirits and with a lot of energy, singing very well.

The other support act was horrid :naughty: but Sam Sparro was fantastic, and as for the cold summer...well, when you live in London you just get used to that weather so that didn't bother me much :roftl:.

The meet and greet was very nice, and I had a lot of fun waiting around with the MFC'ers during the day, so all in all it was a great one for me.

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I agree Fanny, she couldn't say even if she knew. We just won't know, will we? Still, I think that it's quite unlikely that she will carry on doing backing for him :original:.

yes,i think she has to be alone,to prepare her career ;)but it's always sad for me in a point of vue.


myspace blog now:

mardi, janvier 20, 2009





OH yeah how amazing was last night?!

Maz here. Saranayde set the house on fire last night at her album launch! It was FIERCE! Was great to see some of you myspace heads there to :). Did any of you get any good pics? If so please put em up! would love to take a look at them.

Hope you all enjoyed yourself but this is just the begining! I smell success on the horizon lol.

Anyhu I will upload my snaps when i can.

Thank you for your support for Saranayde! It's really encouraging.

Maz xxx

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Thanks for the report Rose!


Thanks, Rose! It's lovely to hear that you guys had a great time, and that Sara also enjoyed it She's a very nice girl and I really hope that her career as a solo artist goes well.


Also, I got the feeling that when they introduced Sam this summer it was done to slowly phase Sara out and get Sam in instead...Of course I could be totally wrong about this, but it's my gut feel.

Then we have Choi who is also doing something else, and of course Cherisse also doing her bits and bobs, but nothing major that we know of.

I get the feeling that the only really 'fixed' band member that Mika would keep would be Martin, and then perhaps Cherisse. Sam as backing, and god knows who for keys (I am not too hot for Sunshine as you know, so my personal preference would be to get a new guy).



Is he? Oh.


I'd love him to keep Martin! He's just cool!:naughty:And Cherisse!


Yep. A new guy would be better I think.

Yes, his 'contribution' was a bit painful and even created some tension ON the stage :naughty:. Mika had such a little strop, he looked very grumpy at one point. Even Cherisse sent him a killer look :roftl:.


Ah, as much as I'd love that myself, I really can't see that happening...But we just never know.



Yes, he was crap, and totally ruined Relax which was the highlight of gigs for me (that is pre Luke-ditch) , but I had a great time, and I found Mika in great spirits and with a lot of energy, singing very well.

The other support act was horrid but Sam Sparro was fantastic, and as for the cold summer...well, when you live in London you just get used to that weather so that didn't bother me much :roftl:.



There's photo evidence of that!:naughty:


Anyone who screws up Relax, is crap:sneaky2:

Despite Sunshine the gig was amazing indeed. Maybe even one of the best summer gigs (not that I've been to any other ones, but hey!:naughty:)


God. Don't get me started about Hercules&Loveshizzle. They were absolutely horrible. Sam was great indeed.

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Yes, I agree, it's not a matter of personal subjectivity, even if I liked him or his vibe, his performance at that gig was really crap. And I TOTALLY agree with the attention seeking bit...which is probably one of the reasons why I like him least on stage (abilities aside).


Re what you say about the gig being the worst: no, I can't agree with that. Despite Sunshine, I really enjoyed Amsterdam.

Yes, he was crap, and totally ruined Relax which was the highlight of gigs for me (that is pre Luke-ditch) , but I had a great time, and I found Mika in great spirits and with a lot of energy, singing very well.

The other support act was horrid :naughty: but Sam Sparro was fantastic, and as for the cold summer...well, when you live in London you just get used to that weather so that didn't bother me much :roftl:.

The meet and greet was very nice, and I had a lot of fun waiting around with the MFC'ers during the day, so all in all it was a great one for me.


I'm saying that for me. I had been at 2 gigs before ( I know,massive experience :lol3: ) and the first one was amazing,and the second one topped that.

In Amsterdam I had fun,sure,and Mika was his energetic self. It wasn't because of him or his input. I don't even know myself what it was (ok,maybe I know... :mf_rosetinted: ) but I didn't get that insane rush I had at the ones before .

I mean in Munich I jumped for 60 mins straight,but my adrenalin was so high I could have gone for 60 more...didn't have that in Amsterdam


I need a shrink...damn! :naughty:



The waiting around was the greatest thing. Was the most relaxed and fun 10 hour wait I've ever had. And I have to thank everyone there for making it great :thumb_yello:

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Hi guys just got back and exhausted is not the word!!!!


Sorry Rose I never said Goodbye to you...when Sara ran to get us that cab we just went too!


It was good to see you there and I know that Sara really appreciated us going....they were all lovely people and was a great close/family atmosphere.


I will upload everything tomorrow as I am too tired tonight but I must say Andy might lose his job as Rosie and my camera are the new team! :wink2:


Can't believe I was dancing.....my ankle is soooo swollen and black and blue..those pills I took were amazing even if I was as high as a kite...trust me to fall down the stairs just before a trip!...I hadn't even had a drink!!!...problem is it hurts more in flat shoes than high ones but those shoes were not everyday shoes! lololol


I will say more tomorrow but in short.....SARANAYDE is awesome live!...Ok I am gonna be biased but I can honestly say for those doubters when she was backing MIKA...have a listen as she is defo gonna make it HUGGGGGEEE!!!

I hope more of you will come next time and see her and support her throughout her career.


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Hi guys just got back and exhausted is not the word!!!!


Sorry Rose I never said Goodbye to you...when Sara ran to get us that cab we just went too!


It was good to see you there and I know that Sara really appreciated us going....they were all lovely people and was a great close/family atmosphere.


I will upload everything tomorrow as I am too tired tonight but I must say Andy might lose his job as Rosie and my camera are the new team! :wink2:


Can't believe I was dancing.....my ankle is soooo swollen and black and blue..those pills I took were amazing even if I was as high as a kite...trust me to fall down the stairs just before a trip!...I hadn't even had a drink!!!...problem is it hurts more in flat shoes than high ones but those shoes were not everyday shoes! lololol


I will say more tomorrow but in short.....SARANAYDE is awesome live!...Ok I am gonna be biased but I can honestly say for those doubters when she was backing MIKA...have a listen as she is defo gonna make it HUGGGGGEEE!!!

I hope more of you will come next time and see her and support her throughout her career.



Sounds great! Can't wait to see the pics and vids and stuff.:punk:

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Sienna, the album is "Freak 4 Speed"





I need a shrink...damn! :naughty:



The waiting around was the greatest thing. Was the most relaxed and fun 10 hour wait I've ever had. And I have to thank everyone there for making it great :thumb_yello:


Don't you think a new gig would do you better?:wink2:


And yes I agree about the queueing, so much fun, the hours just flew away!:thumb_yello:

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Don't you think a new gig would do you better?:wink2:


And yes I agree about the queueing, so much fun, the hours just flew away!:thumb_yello:



ah yes,maybe a smaller one,with a darker keyboarder ...just speculating here :mf_rosetinted:


I even took a walk,grabbed coffe..for rose ,for free :roftl:


I must say if I'd taken that stage, no one would've noticed the difference between Mika and me. But back to sanity....:glasses2:


Shoes ...the shoes would have made the difference :mf_rosetinted:


I could give you at least two more arguments...and one missing :lmao:

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Hi guys just got back and exhausted is not the word!!!!


Sorry Rose I never said Goodbye to you...when Sara ran to get us that cab we just went too!


It was good to see you there and I know that Sara really appreciated us going....they were all lovely people and was a great close/family atmosphere.


I will upload everything tomorrow as I am too tired tonight but I must say Andy might lose his job as Rosie and my camera are the new team! :wink2:


Can't believe I was dancing.....my ankle is soooo swollen and black and blue..those pills I took were amazing even if I was as high as a kite...trust me to fall down the stairs just before a trip!...I hadn't even had a drink!!!...problem is it hurts more in flat shoes than high ones but those shoes were not everyday shoes! lololol


I will say more tomorrow but in short.....SARANAYDE is awesome live!...Ok I am gonna be biased but I can honestly say for those doubters when she was backing MIKA...have a listen as she is defo gonna make it HUGGGGGEEE!!!

I hope more of you will come next time and see her and support her throughout her career.



thanks for your report Daisylou. Great to hear you enjoyed yourself, despite injuring yourself! By all means rest, but I am looking forward to the vids:wink2:

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Yep. A new guy would be better I think.

There's photo evidence of that!:naughty:

Anyone who screws up Relax, is crap:sneaky2:

Despite Sunshine the gig was amazing indeed. Maybe even one of the best summer gigs (not that I've been to any other ones, but hey!)


Yes, and in my video I can hear myself say: 'Mika looks mad' :roftl:. It is a shame about Relax because it's a great song live, and when it started on the first summer gig at Werchter, it just sounded wrooooong :blink:. So shocking.



God. Don't get me started about Hercules&Loveshizzle. They were absolutely horrible. Sam was great indeed.


Oh my, those Hercules people :crybaby: Please have mercy :roftl:

But I LOVED Sam, I really really liked him and thought that he was great.

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