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The "I need advice" thread


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I should be in bed. Someone oughta put me to bed. I have messed up circadian rhythms. Left to my own devices, I'd stay up till 3 and crawl out of bed around 11 or 12. Not good when work is 9-5. :bleh:


Why are you staking your dad, btw?


Ever since my sister moved out, I don't really have a distraction from him... so I'm realizing why we both hated him so much growing up.


He's just a bastard. Does mean little things just to make me mad. Selfish things. Bi polar. BLEH.


I know, I'm on a messed up sleep schedule aswell. I shall return tomorrow- err... it's 2:46, so THIS morning.



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why does my life have to be so freakin complicated!!!!!


there is now more to my freakin soap opera of a life! too much to post ATM but lets just say theres an old friend, who I have found out likes me as more than a friend, AFTER I have told the other guy how I feel! (refer to my other post on this thread) *tugs at hair*


btw this is my complicated life, if someone with a boring simple life, Ill be happy to exchange!



aww i have an extremely boring and simple life.. wana exchange!

trust me it sucks:thumbdown:

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aww i have an extremely boring and simple life.. wana exchange!

trust me it sucks:thumbdown:


yep, I would exchange!!! well some of it anyway!

Its noting special having to figure out what to do all the time etc

for ONE DAY at least I wish that things could be simple!! Simple!!


like I just told that new guy, I liked him in that way! and he replied and were going good until old friend turns up and I dont know what to do since I dont want to lose the friendship with one, or the other!


ill take simple any day!

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yep, I would exchange!!! well some of it anyway!

Its noting special having to figure out what to do all the time etc

for ONE DAY at least I wish that things could be simple!! Simple!!


like I just told that new guy, I liked him in that way! and he replied and were going good until old friend turns up and new bf gets the wrong impression, and I dont know what to do since I dont want to lose the friendship with one, or relationship with other!


ill take simple any day!


haha! sounds fun:naughty:

remember: communicaton in key. talk to them and explain how you feel.. the hard part is figuring out how you actually feel..

*dreams about havign an interesting life one day*

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i would like another person's input. do you believe there should be certain limitations when it comes to relationships, such as a dramatic age difference?


well i dont see a problem with huge age difference, the guy I like (refer to previous posts) is almost 28 and im almost 20!

limitations, like age difference of over 20 years thats a bit odd but ive seen it work out!

limitations like you never date your best friend, but then again ive seen that work out too!

every limitation Ive ever tried to put in place seems to fail, there will always be the exception to the rule and you never know unless you try!

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the soap opera continues...he broke up with me...over msn! what kind of 28 year old man breaks up with you over messenger?

I wish we could just talk...well I guess its made room for the old friend...nah, im not gonna rheel him in to become the rebound guy!

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the soap opera continues...he broke up with me...over msn! what kind of 28 year old man breaks up with you over messenger?

I wish we could just talk...well I guess its made room for the old friend...nah, im not gonna rheel him in to become the rebound guy!


Bahh, that's taking the easy way out. MSN, at 28? Yeah, good riddance. :thumbdown:


In three years when he runs into you and he's all like "Oh, breaking up with you was such a mistake..." you will be able to laugh to yourself. :wink2:

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Bahh, that's taking the easy way out. MSN, at 28? Yeah, good riddance. :thumbdown:


In three years when he runs into you and he's all like "Oh, breaking up with you was such a mistake..." you will be able to laugh to yourself. :wink2:


oh im gonna stick it to him real good! I told him he was a coward for not doing it to my face even though he saw me that same day IN PERSON!!


In 3 years when hes 31 and im 24 im gonna be like haha old man you had your chance, and you wernt even man enough to tell me to my face!


Im still going to the gym because he told me he thought I was doing that just for him. Im out to prove him wrong! I hope im one hot chicky when im 24 and hell be an old balding man! :naughty:

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Im still going to the gym because he told me he thought I was doing that just for him. Im out to prove him wrong! I hope im one hot chicky when im 24 and hell be an old balding man! :naughty:


The freakin' audacity! He said you were working out just for him? Pff, someone needs to get off his high horse. You're doing it for YOU.


Would serve him right to bump into you one day, with a little of this on your arm. :naughty:



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The freakin' audacity! He said you were working out just for him? Pff, someone needs to get off his high horse. You're doing it for YOU.


Would serve him right to bump into you one day, with a little of this on your arm. :naughty:




:wub2: sure would...and I wouldnt mind at all *drool*

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:wub2: sure would...and I wouldnt mind at all *drool*


HAHAHAH! @ this picture! LOL :roftl:

but I guess i need advice too.. or maybe just consolation...

I kind of have a hopeless crush on a friend... and it's growing with time. And I'm really having trouble sticking to my usual excuse of it being a really strong friendship... it's just difficult because she's the first woman I've ever been drawn to :shocked: not that our genders should matter, but she has only ever been attracted to one other woman, who she had a horrible break up with and is ever present playing with her emotions... ugh... but I wish i could tell her how i feel but I'm not brave enough. I wish i could tell her how much i thought about her, and how accustomed i've grown to her presence and her scent and her smile, and even the tears in her eyes. ok... so maybe that was too much information and no one cares really... but i needed to get it off my chest... :tears:

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HAHAHAH! @ this picture! LOL :roftl:

but I guess i need advice too.. or maybe just consolation...

I kind of have a hopeless crush on a friend... and it's growing with time. And I'm really having trouble sticking to my usual excuse of it being a really strong friendship... it's just difficult because she's the first woman I've ever been drawn to :shocked: not that our genders should matter, but she has only ever been attracted to one other woman, who she had a horrible break up with and is ever present playing with her emotions... ugh... but I wish i could tell her how i feel but I'm not brave enough. I wish i could tell her how much i thought about her, and how accustomed i've grown to her presence and her scent and her smile, and even the tears in her eyes. ok... so maybe that was too much information and no one cares really... but i needed to get it off my chest... :tears:


would much prefer mika to be hanging off my arm! but hey!


First of all, weigh all the pros and cons of going out with a friend...beginning with the fact that if it didnt work out...it could ruin what you already have....but on the other hand it could work out and you could be great together...it depends what your willing to risk!

If you feel very strongly...go for it and tell her...


this is all I can give you...having just broken up...my ex having been "just friends" for years and years...it does get a bit weird once youve been there!

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would much prefer mika to be hanging off my arm! but hey!


First of all, weigh all the pros and cons of going out with a friend...beginning with the fact that if it didnt work out...it could ruin what you already have....but on the other hand it could work out and you could be great together...it depends what your willing to risk!

If you feel very strongly...go for it and tell her...


this is all I can give you...having just broken up...my ex having been "just friends" for years and years...it does get a bit weird once youve been there!


aww... im sorry :sorry:... and I know... I do feel very strongly about it, but I can't tell her because I just don't believe in myself enough, even though many people tell me that they think she reciprocates the emotion. that... and mainly, i can't afford to lose her as a friend. :tears: ugh...

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aww... im sorry :sorry:... and I know... I do feel very strongly about it, but I can't tell her because I just don't believe in myself enough, even though many people tell me that they think she reciprocates the emotion. that... and mainly, i can't afford to lose her as a friend. :tears: ugh...


If you doubts about yourself dont go there, If you ask and she doesnt reciprocate it makes things weird!


If she reciprocates your feelings things can got either way...you could live happily ever after...and or it could all end in disaster loosing the friendship along with the relationship!


my Ex didnt believe in himself, he had low self confidence too, and kept questioning every move he made...thats no way for a relationship to work!!


you could try asking her if she likes you...simple if she says NO you leave it at that...and you havent told her you have feelings for her...just asked if she has for you!

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If you doubts about yourself dont go there, If you ask and she doesnt reciprocate it makes things weird!


If she reciprocates your feelings things can got either way...you could live happily ever after...and or it could all end in disaster loosing the friendship along with the relationship!


my Ex didnt believe in himself, he had low self confidence too, and kept questioning every move he made...thats no way for a relationship to work!!


you could try asking her if she likes you...simple if she says NO you leave it at that...and you havent told her you have feelings for her...just asked if she has for you!


ugh... i dont know if i could do that either... i sometimes think im too old to be this shy about these things.

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*leaps into convo*


Is it possible you could ask a mutual female friend to ask her if she has a crush on anyone? Girls are good at asking questions without letting people know why they are asking it.. Just make sure your other friend doesn't tell the girl you like that you like her..

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*leaps into convo*


Is it possible you could ask a mutual female friend to ask her if she has a crush on anyone? Girls are good at asking questions without letting people know why they are asking it.. Just make sure your other friend doesn't tell the girl you like that you like her..


i dont know if i would be comfortable with expressing any possibility of us being in a relationship either mutual or onesided from her or me... i guess im just scared and afraid that I'm jumping the gun. Sometimes i realize how much i think about her and how much i know she still thinks about her ex and I don't feel as though I have a chance against her feelings for her at all.


We've shared countless intimate moments as friends. We confide in each other... sometimes it feels as though we've been living parallel lives and we were bound to meet at some point.


recently, I've been reevaluating our friendship and over analyzing everything. From songs she decides to send me to the time it takes her to respond to my text messages...


I'm a bit obsessive... and i think it's hard for her to not know that i dont like her (if that makes sense) and most people who know about what's going on think that we share mutual feelings for each other.. but im not sure... she is just an affectionate friend, and i reciprocate. we often tell each other that we love each other and we express our feelings about wanting to make the other happy and solve each other's problems.


I don't know. i just know that she is still so in love with her ex and she treats her like crap, and i just want to let her know everything will be okay and she deserves so much better than what she gets. she told me that we would be okay, and i can only make her the same promise in return. =/

sorry that was so long...

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Don't apologise for the long post. That helped me understand better.


It sounds like you two are very close. Close enough that in some ways it already is a relationship. But I also think the safe distance you are keeping is a good thing for many reasons. One being that she may not be ready for the next stage of intimacy.


It's possible her feelings for you are strong but she's just holding back for fear of hurting you. And that would happen if she's not over the ex yet. Does she talk to you about her ex very often? How long ago did they break up?

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Don't apologise for the long post. That helped me understand better.


It sounds like you two are very close. Close enough that in some ways it already is a relationship. But I also think the safe distance you are keeping is a good thing for many reasons. One being that she may not be ready for the next stage of intimacy.


It's possible her feelings for you are strong but she's just holding back for fear of hurting you. And that would happen if she's not over the ex yet. Does she talk to you about her ex very often? How long ago did they break up?


the problem is that im not really sure how to answer that question. I guess i might even say that they're still in the process of breaking up... but officially... maybe one or 2 months ago at most. her ex is already dating some other woman, but constantly tells her that she misses her and wants to be friends. but she's not sure if she's ready for that and I know that she's not over her yet. we talk about it a lot. i'm one of her few friends who knows the whole story about their entire relationship.... so it comes up a lot.


we confide in each other about a lot. most of the time it feels like we've been living each other's lives and our paths have finally crossed... i mean it is just so confusing to read. i told her i had a "girl crush" on her at the end of last year. and apologized if it was creepy to say. but i think girl crush might not imply the same kind of romantic crush since she's really the first woman for me. She responded by saying that it wasn't creepy and that she was "just smiling".... ugh... i dunno...

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the problem is that im not really sure how to answer that question. I guess i might even say that they're still in the process of breaking up... but officially... maybe one or 2 months ago at most. her ex is already dating some other woman, but constantly tells her that she misses her and wants to be friends. but she's not sure if she's ready for that and I know that she's not over her yet. we talk about it a lot. i'm one of her few friends who knows the whole story about their entire relationship.... so it comes up a lot.


we confide in each other about a lot. most of the time it feels like we've been living each other's lives and our paths have finally crossed... i mean it is just so confusing to read. i told her i had a "girl crush" on her at the end of last year. and apologized if it was creepy to say. but i think girl crush might not imply the same kind of romantic crush since she's really the first woman for me. She responded by saying that it wasn't creepy and that she was "just smiling".... ugh... i dunno...



I wish I could be more helpful than this:


I honestly think the only way you will get around this is if you either tell your friend that "you really like her in a romantic way but that you aren't expecting anything to happen" and see what she says or ask another friend to ask her if she likes you back in the same way. I know someone already suggested that but I'm just reinforcing it.


Either way you will have to swallow your shyness for a moment. I do honestly know how hard it is because I am extremely shy myself.... about everything. But shyness gets in the way of a lot of things... especially romance.... (Again I know that first hand)


If you keep this to yourself forever you will go mad... people are not designed to keep secrets.... we never have been. You have to find someone to tell.... preferably somebody who knows both of you and who you really trust. That way your secret keeper would be able to give you a third person opinion with insight and real understanding.


I don't mean to offend anyone here but we don't know you and her personally so no advice we offer is going to be as helpful as it could be....

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I wish I could be more helpful than this:


I honestly think the only way you will get around this is if you either tell your friend that "you really like her in a romantic way but that you aren't expecting anything to happen" and see what she says or ask another friend to ask her if she likes you back in the same way. I know someone already suggested that but I'm just reinforcing it.


Either way you will have to swallow your shyness for a moment. I do honestly know how hard it is because I am extremely shy myself.... about everything. But shyness gets in the way of a lot of things... especially romance.... (Again I know that first hand)


If you keep this to yourself forever you will go mad... people are not designed to keep secrets.... we never have been. You have to find someone to tell.... preferably somebody who knows both of you and who you really trust. That way your secret keeper would be able to give you a third person opinion with insight and real understanding.


I don't mean to offend anyone here but we don't know you and her personally so no advice we offer is going to be as helpful as it could be....

I agree with this.

You may have to just bite the bullet and tell her. The most important part of telling her though is how and when you tell her.. Don't do it when she's feeling vulnerable or has just gotten home from talking to her ex.. You need to do it during some one on one time that you two share..


I understand you're probably scared of getting hurt also, but unless you open up your heart a little and invite her in you won't know how she feels.

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I agree with this.

You may have to just bite the bullet and tell her. The most important part of telling her though is how and when you tell her.. Don't do it when she's feeling vulnerable or has just gotten home from talking to her ex.. You need to do it during some one on one time that you two share..


I understand you're probably scared of getting hurt also, but unless you open up your heart a little and invite her in you won't know how she feels.


Yes! Excellent point! I find it's usually best to ask these things when it's just the two of you and you're just sitting chatting about random things... you know? those conversations that don't really have any point? I find those are always best becasue then it doesn't kill a moment or make it overly awkward.

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Yes! Excellent point! I find it's usually best to ask these things when it's just the two of you and you're just sitting chatting about random things... you know? those conversations that don't really have any point? I find those are always best becasue then it doesn't kill a moment or make it overly awkward.

Yep! It's normally when I have been asked out! When I'm talking about nothing important!! And it's normally when I say yes:blink::naughty: Wow!

I gtg to bed! Have a good day! *waves*

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