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I love you baby, but face it he's Mika


If Mika wanted to get together would you leave your partner?  

467 members have voted

  1. 1. If Mika wanted to get together would you leave your partner?

    • Yes, I couldn't resist!
    • I'd think about it but I'd probably never do it
    • No, this Mika thing is just a bit of fun and I love my partner too much
    • Are you crazy? I don't even fancy Mika

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Guest Emz-Mika-Luva

ive dreamt that one day that would happen.....im single and seriously im not good in comitment but if it were mika i would make an exception. he is the type of guy i would love to be with cause he is always so relaxed so different from the others. but we do have a 10 year difference.....:bleh: but seriously some times i do feel as if im in love with him....if thats possiable....but hey? some one here has to agree with me, that they do belive they are in love with mika. anyone here agree?

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Yikes! Now I sound even worse than what I might really mean. I was actually NOT responding to the thread's original question - about leaving your partner for Mika if the rare circumstances were presented to you. I actually wanted to participate in responding to the part of the discussion that went on different tangents about:

1. virginity (not necessarily about Mika)

2. and the other tangent about shutting your system down to not allow attraction to develop for others (not necessarily Mika) when you are already in a commitment.


Compared to the original topic of this thread, virginity and shutting off attraction are rather tame topics, no?


How about you compose your thoughts in Word or something, edit as needed to protect the innocent (or not-so-innocent!) and then post? It would be great to hear more opinions...:thumb_yello:

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I never thought the cranker was a serious relationship. I just thought it was a fairly early dating situation and Mika started getting put off when things became too one-sided and weird.


"Sitting on the fence" and "you never let me fall" implies that Mika never really got into this person before they started freaking him out with their overemotional stalkerish behaviour.


That's how I interpreted Ring Ring as well- But then again, we don't even know if he's talking about himself being the subject of obsession behaviour, or if it was someone close to him. Like Holy Johnny or Billy Brown, etc...There's no real way to know for sure which songs are autobiographical and which ones are based on others. And as he says himself, he "borrows people's storires" and constantly writes about his friends. Then again, my cynical little brain thinks that this is the perfect excuse when you want to write about your own experiences but you don't want anyone to know that they are yours, hehe.

So, in essence, we will never know:naughty:.


Ha ha - maybe its already too late...


Haha Suzy, I think it is!! I think that your "point of view" was made quite clear!!:roftl:


On the subject though, my 2 cents are: No, I would not leave my partner for Mika.


We have a long and happy relationship which has been built over a long time, and he has the qualities that I want in a partner. Heck,that is why I'm still with him after this long, way longer after the initial heady "honeymoon" phase.

So it's clear to me that I would not throw all that away for anyone, Mika or another person, unless somehow things would start going wrong with him and I would not feel happy anymore.

Of course I am the first who would get out of a situation that I don't want to be in, but this is not the case, so I'm staying.

Sorry Mika, you're gonna have to wait :bleh: .


Also, I agree with what people have said about us not KNOWING Mika. Some of those who say they'd happily go off with him would possibly hate the day to day with him.


I know that he is a lovely guy, I really think that he's a nice person, very loving, very talented, very bright, etc...but everyone has flaws.

I do, and so does my partner. And my neighbour. And all of you.

The key is to see which flaws in our partners we can live ,and which are a total no-no.

We don't know what Mika's flaws are (well, only a few of them) but I think that nobody can tell if they would be compatible with a stranger and that includes Mika.


And lastly.......seriously girls, I don't think any of us actually would have a chance with him...and it has nothing to do with us being "worthy of him", because if anything I do consider myself fantastically worthy of Mika-love and if anything he'd be incredibly lucky to have me:naughty: .


I am hinting in the direction of one of Christine's comments regarding the "V" word.....

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Sorry to harp back to this sub-topic but couldn't resist.


I can't believe he's never hooked up with someone before.

I suppose anything is possible though! WTF do I know? :blink:


oh come on, i can't believe he never got laid. even really ugly dumb people manage to have sex before their 24th, so mika certainly would be able to find a volunteer, no matter what gender he prefers :naughty:


I still think it's very possible he hasn't, ever, with anyone. I think the opposite is more likely, but it doesn't preclude the V possibility.


he has said that he was in a relationship at one time and was in love..

However, I, too, find it rather odd that no one has come out and said, "I slept with Mika," especially if this "relationship" ended as badly as it seems.


If I remember (and please correct me if I am wrong) he didn't say in that quote that he was in a relationship with that person..he just said that he had been in love before and it was horrible. It could have been an unrequited passion. That wouldn't be so hard to imagine, I don't think - if you think about it :wink2:

There therefore needn't have been any jiggy-jiggy chicken stuff involved.


Just as a warning, I know we all know this is a public site, - there were many occassions when I googled "Mika" and (another word) - I have often found my own posts in the top 5 entries! :shocked:

:roftl: :roftl: I worry about this too!! Have you noticed (well obviously you have, lol) how prominent MFC is in Google search results! We should all watch what we say here. I find 'allegedly' is a good word to bandy around :bleh:

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That's how I interpreted Ring Ring as well- But then again, we don't even know if he's talking about himself being the subject of obsession behaviour, or if it was someone close to him. Like Holy Johnny or Billy Brown, etc...There's no real way to know for sure which songs are autobiographical and which ones are based on others.


You're right. I just say "Mika" because this song is written in the first person. It could be about anyone or no one.


I've also thought this song could have been inspired by the person who was doing the calling rather than the victim and Mika is imagining how things must have appeared to the person who was receiving the calls.

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You're right. I just say "Mika" because this song is written in the first person. It could be about anyone or no one.


I've also thought this song could have been inspired by the person who was doing the calling rather than the victim and Mika is imagining how things must have appeared to the person who was receiving the calls.


Maybe we can ask him....


in 33 days!!!!! Can u believe it?! 33 days!! I know, this has nothing to do with the thread - but you created it, so I feel entitled.

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If I remember (and please correct me if I am wrong) he didn't say in that quote that he was in a relationship with that person..he just said that he had been in love before and it was horrible. It could have been an unrequited passion. That wouldn't be so hard to imagine, I don't think - if you think about it :wink2:

There therefore needn't have been any jiggy-jiggy chicken stuff involved.


That's what I remember. My impression from what he said is that it wasn't a serious i.e. long term relationship. He had serious feelings but it probably didn't really go anywhere so it was painful. Which is not to say that's the story of his life. That's just the only thing I've picked up from the information he's revealed in interviews.


But none of that has anything to do with getting jiggy IMO. He's a 24-year-old guy, not a female character in a Jane Austen novel. He's a passionate and very tactile person and we've all seen how he acts when he's had a few bevvies and is hanging around friends. He's not some conservative wallflower type.


It goes without saying that anything is possible, but it's hardly probable that he's never hooked up with anyone.

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Maybe we can ask him....


in 33 days!!!!! Can u believe it?! 33 days!! I know, this has nothing to do with the thread - but you created it, so I feel entitled.


I know! I was thinking about that when I woke up this morning. In just over a month we're going to be waking up in London. How crazy is that? :biggrin2:

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You're right. I just say "Mika" because this song is written in the first person. It could be about anyone or no one.


I've also thought this song could have been inspired by the person who was doing the calling rather than the victim and Mika is imagining how things must have appeared to the person who was receiving the calls.



Here's an idea.....Maybe Ring Ring and Erase are the same story, but told from both sides:biggrin2:...


Maybe we can ask him....


in 33 days!!!!! Can u believe it?! 33 days!! I know, this has nothing to do with the thread - but you created it, so I feel entitled.



Oooh I DARE YOU!!:roftl:

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I have to just say... who says Mika is too good for you or anyone?



(any guy, even Mika would be lucky to get me. :naughty: My bf is lucky

And of course, I'm totally modest :wink2::mf_rosetinted: )



Maybe we're all too good for mika :mf_rosetinted:


I like your way of thinking, girl! :mf_rosetinted:

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Here's an idea.....Maybe Ring Ring and Erase are the same story, but told from both sides:biggrin2:...


Yeah that's crossed my mind. Something tells me Mika's done some drunk dialling in his time. The kind that makes you regret you were ever born.

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If the MFC is still around when Mika's first relationship is publicized, there will be a lot more drama around here that's for sure. That Saranayde (back up singer) thread will be nothing compared to what this might bring. Especially if she's female. :naughty:


*Thinking of all the male popstars who could no longer keep their relationships under wraps and how it effected them*

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If the MFC is still around when Mika's first relationship is publicized, there will be a lot more drama around here that's for sure. That Saranayde (back up singer) thread will be nothing compared to what this might bring. Especially if she's female. :naughty:


*Thinking of all the male popstars who could no longer keep their relationships under wraps and how it effected them*


I really would hope not. I'd hope that the members here would have the decency to be happy for him, or at least pretend to. :naughty:


But, in the event that it would happen, I think that all hell would break loose. :roftl: I don't want to even think of how many threads there will be on the subject. :naughty:

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I know! I was thinking about that when I woke up this morning. In just over a month we're going to be waking up in London. How crazy is that? :biggrin2:


That IS crazy! And I am SOOOOOOOOOOOO jealous!


But it's going to be so awesome for you! :biggrin2:



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That IS crazy! And I am SOOOOOOOOOOOO jealous!


But it's going to be so awesome for you! :biggrin2:




Hey you're going to be in stalking distance of Mika and Paolo Nutini in less than a month so you've got no reason to be jealous!

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Ask him when you meet him in London. Command him.


"Mika, you're getting your sorry ass to Canada. Now." :thumb_yello:


:naughty: Well that is my usual MO but I'm thinking bribery might be the safer bet. I don't want to be responsible for scaring him off. All the other Canadians will kill me.


Perhaps something tea related so he knows we can do a good brew unlike you coffee drinking Americans. :wink2:

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:naughty: Well that is my usual MO but I'm thinking bribery might be the safer bet. I don't want to be responsible for scaring him off. All the other Canadians will kill me.


Perhaps something tea related so he knows we can do a good brew unlike you coffee drinking Americans. :wink2:


:naughty: Promise him a tea party.

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:naughty: Promise him a tea party.


Funny you say that since someone here suggested a garden tea party in Mika's honour back in the summer when we were first contemplating London. I had to point out, unfortunately, that it will be December and winter garden tea parties in England are not such a hot idea. :thumbdown:

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If the MFC is still around when Mika's first relationship is publicized, there will be a lot more drama around here that's for sure. That Saranayde (back up singer) thread will be nothing compared to what this might bring. Especially if she's female. :naughty:



Keep in mind that there was also a strong contingent of people who took the "she's Mika's band member and he chose her, so we have to at least try to like her" line of thought. So maybe a lot of that would prevail if he got into a relationship?


:naughty: Promise him a tea party.


For a tea party with Mika, I'd teach myself to make scones. :mf_rosetinted:

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Keep in mind that there was also a strong contingent of people who took the "she's Mika's band member and he chose her, so we have to at least try to like her" line of thought. So maybe a lot of that would prevail if he got into a relationship?


The contingent was deafeningly silent for a long period of time. There was a full-on lynching for a good 24 hours before too many people voiced contrary opinions.


Fans were starting petitions because Mika showed up at an awards show with his hair combed. When he shows up with a date on his arm they're going to go berserk. Even if regular MFCers are fairly calm about it, I think a lot of lurkers are going to come out of the woodwork when it happens just to put their two cents in. It will be the craziest day on MFC ever.


And I can't wait. :naughty:

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