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Pink Unicorns or Purple Cows? (if you dont get it, read the thread)  

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  1. 1. Pink Unicorns or Purple Cows? (if you dont get it, read the thread)

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I am back at home now. Everything went according to plan. They removed my left ovary and most of the tumours and cysts from my right so there is a chance i may be able to have children in future years so long as the manifestation does not return.

Slightly un-nerving to begin with as my surgery was delayed due to a patient in a neighbouring room passed away a few minutes before i was scheduled to go down.

After i was sedated and put to sleep, they had a few problems inserting breathing tubes, so my throat was damaged a little to the extent that i could not speak for a long while after coming round, which didn't help with questions like 'how do you feel' or 'where does it hurt'.

I lost a lot of blood during the operation, 3 pints, but they delayed the tranfusion to see if i could bring up my blood pressure through fluids. This did not work as effectively as they would have liked as what water i could manage to drink did not surfice so i was put on a drip.

The proceedure took three and a half hours, which is a little over two hours longer than expected. After the operation i stayed on the drip and with an oxygen mask into the night with frequent injections of morphine and anti-sickness medication.

During the night the nurses started getting worried as my breathing was shallow and minimal and i had a fever of 106, but a hospital is a good place to be ill and after a cold drip (*shudder*) and some more medication i was back to normal and sat up doing criminal law revision at 4am.

Im not sure what suprised them more, the darting between extremes of health, the need to work or the fact that i was sat up unassisted (apparently that would take a day or two).

Come the morning they stopped worrying about my lack of sleep, especially once i got out of bed and dressed (even though i wasn't supposed to) and discharged me at around 12:30pm.

Im now at home attempting to navigate a house full of children and getting enough rest to be able to be back at college come Tuesday.

I havent got a follow-up appointment for another 4 weeks, so we shall see how things are then and start considering chemo if the surgery did not succeed.

Feel a little guilty though as when i got back i realised i accidentally stole a hospital blanket - whoops!


Anyway i hope all is well, just a quick update as to whats going on :)

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I am back at home now. Everything went according to plan. They removed my left ovary and most of the tumours and cysts from my right so there is a chance i may be able to have children in future years so long as the manifestation does not return.


Oh thats good, right? :original: What a creepy word to use :blink:


Slightly un-nerving to begin with as my surgery was delayed due to a patient in a neighbouring room passed away a few minutes before i was scheduled to go down.

After i was sedated and put to sleep, they had a few problems inserting breathing tubes, so my throat was damaged a little to the extent that i could not speak for a long while after coming round, which didn't help with questions like 'how do you feel' or 'where does it hurt'.

I lost a lot of blood during the operation, 3 pints, but they delayed the tranfusion to see if i could bring up my blood pressure through fluids. This did not work as effectively as they would have liked as what water i could manage to drink did not surfice so i was put on a drip.

The proceedure took three and a half hours, which is a little over two hours longer than expected. After the operation i stayed on the drip and with an oxygen mask into the night with frequent injections of morphine and anti-sickness medication.




During the night the nurses started getting worried as my breathing was shallow and minimal and i had a fever of 106, but a hospital is a good place to be ill and after a cold drip (*shudder*) and some more medication i was back to normal and sat up doing criminal law revision at 4am.




Im not sure what suprised them more, the darting between extremes of health, the need to work or the fact that i was sat up unassisted (apparently that would take a day or two).

Come the morning they stopped worrying about my lack of sleep, especially once i got out of bed and dressed (even though i wasn't supposed to) and discharged me at around 12:30pm.

Im now at home attempting to navigate a house full of children and getting enough rest to be able to be back at college come Tuesday.


:sneaky2: *slaps*


I havent got a follow-up appointment for another 4 weeks, so we shall see how things are then and start considering chemo if the surgery did not succeed.


4 weeks! Chemo? Do they know if they were cancerous yet?


Feel a little guilty though as when i got back i realised i accidentally stole a hospital blanket - whoops!




(and u deserved the blanket too)



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Hi Wendy

Do they release patients from hospital only one day after doing operation in the UK? :blink:


They get you out as soon as possible!! :thumbdown:

If you really WANT to stay in then they will sometimes give

you an extra day - but usually they need the beds - and to be honest,

the less time in hospital, especially with an open wound, the better.

Less chance of catching MRSA or C Dificil!! A constant worry!! :boxed:

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They get you out as soon as possible!! :thumbdown:

If you really WANT to stay in then they will sometimes give

you an extra day - but usually they need the beds - and to be honest,

the less time in hospital, especially with an open wound, the better.

Less chance of catching MRSA or C Dificil!! A constant worry!! :boxed:


It's tough.:blink:

If you get laparotomy, you would stay in hospital for 2 weeks here.

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It's tough.:blink:

If you get laparotomy, you would stay in hospital for 2 weeks here.


Not here :boxed:

When I had Jamie I was kept in for 2 weeks!!

With the rest it was 48 hours, then Hazel I had at home - so

no hospital at all!!!

My mum had a throat biopsy - and was out 24 hours later!

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Hazel was born at home?:blink:

Wow, you are an admirable mum!


She was born in a water pool, in my front room, to The Triumphal March

from Aida!! It was a lovely relaxed birth - and an hour after having her

I was making myself a cup of coffee!! :biggrin2:

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Glad to see you back here posting Pink!! :huglove:

Hope your appt in 4 weeks shows no need for chemo!!

Keeping fingers and toes crossed for you!!


she should move to MA. i take cookies and pressies to the chemo place like every month :lmao:




yes pink, come to the dark side! (we have cookies)

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Stop slapping me! Im all injured - you can't bully injured folk. I have removed all of your smilies to fit the limit as punishment


Glad to see you back here posting Pink!! :huglove:

Hope your appt in 4 weeks shows no need for chemo!!

Keeping fingers and toes crossed for you!!


Well its 2 days before exams start so im rather hoping its good news too so it doesnt effect me went i have to take the papers....



Blanket fetish:mf_rosetinted:


Aye - i can't deny that one im affriad...


She couldn't get the tape


I did try and steel some of the tape they had for any children who were there - it had mickey mouse on but i got the plain stuff :( But i did smirk to myself after noticing how i was plotting to get some tape and thought of you guys.


Do they release patients from hospital only one day after doing operation in the UK? :blink:


They do indeed, sometimes even the same day. I once got released 3hrs later


They get you out as soon as possible!! :thumbdown:

If you really WANT to stay in then they will sometimes give

you an extra day - but usually they need the beds - and to be honest,

the less time in hospital, especially with an open wound, the better.

Less chance of catching MRSA or C Dificil!! A constant worry!!


Well i was in a private hospital (under bupa) so they arent as quick to release you, but i got myself up and dressed so they pretty much went with my decision.


It's tough.

If you get laparotomy, you would stay in hospital for 2 weeks here.


Really? I think thats a bit much, 3 days maybe.....but not 2 weeks


Not here :boxed:

When I had Jamie I was kept in for 2 weeks!!

With the rest it was 48 hours, then Hazel I had at home - so

no hospital at all!!!

My mum had a throat biopsy - and was out 24 hours later!


I didnt know you had a home birth....


Hazel was born at home?

Wow, you are an admirable mum!


She is an admirable mum even without the natural home birth


she should move to MA. i take cookies and pressies to the chemo place like every month




yes pink, come to the dark side! (we have cookies)


The dark side always have cookies, why do you think i rented an appartment here?

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