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Mikagasmic Pics - Part 4


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Like life's too short to be miserable or mean......lets all have a big party........a MIKA party! And everyone's invited...........big girls, skinny girls......skinny boys (:wink2: ), big boys (:roftl: ), chickens, crocs........etc.etc!!


He really has the mentality (and I mean mentality, not intellect!!) of a school boy and how many of them have strong opinions on serious subjects and want to have heated debates about them??


Nah.......they just want to dress up in silly costumes and jump around! :roftl:


DING DING DING! I WIN! I GOT IT! hahahaha :roftl:


yeah, okay, so now i totally get what you mean. and yeah, mika doesn't dread on serious subjects like weight or other things. he justs wants to live life right now, he's young and wants to have fun. just like most of us here! :biggrin2:

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Eye cologne? :blink::lmfao: Ouch.


I was just looking at the photos that I took of Mika in Atlanta, and when I got to this one, I saw that you can see the opening in the front of his boxers. :roftl: ...and his arms are niiiice.




:shocked: i can see. naughty hannah! how did you notice that? hahaha:roftl:

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Eye cologne? :blink::lmfao: Ouch.


I was just looking at the photos that I took of Mika in Atlanta, and when I got to this one, I saw that you can see the opening in the front of his boxers. :roftl: ...and his arms are niiiice.




haha i feel like a stalker/perve



but i cant see it...

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i'm sorry you felt out of place...

i don't wear skirts or short shirts either...

i just try to have a good time when i'm out.


on halloween i was out with my colleagues and some weird little guys came over and wanted to have a f*** with us. that was ridiculous. :thumbdown:


Oh, I still had a good time. I just paid no attention to most people until someone dressed up as Borat came over and it cracked us up.


aww... i'm sorry. =[ that happens to the best of us.


oh! i wanna go to the butterfly lounge too! and dance to Big Girl(you are beautiful)! :biggrin2:


Well there is honestly a good side to being the slightly bigger one out of the group, you don't get hit on. I was glad I didn't because some of the guys looked way older than me.


Lets have an MFC gathering at hte Butterfly Lounge! :naughty: We'll have Mika play Big Girl there for us and then we'll all dance.... yup sounds good to me. :wink2:


first i thought he makes fun of big girls or is not taking them seriously.


.... I thought that too at first. I didn't know what to think because I've never ever heard a singer sing about big girls before. The closest I've heard is Sir Mix A Lot singing about big butts. :mf_rosetinted: So I didn't really know how to take the song at first until I listened to him more and realize it wasn't a song making fun of anyone, he was serious (it didn't take me long to figure it out though!) :cheerful_h4h:

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Eye cologne? :blink::lmfao: Ouch.


I was just looking at the photos that I took of Mika in Atlanta, and when I got to this one, I saw that you can see the opening in the front of his boxers. :roftl: ...and his arms are niiiice.




This pic reminds me of one that I have! I need to resize it then I'll upload it.

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Well there is honestly a good side to being the slightly bigger one out of the group, you don't get hit on. I was glad I didn't because some of the guys looked way older than me.


Lets have an MFC gathering at hte Butterfly Lounge! :naughty: We'll have Mika play Big Girl there for us and then we'll all dance.... yup sounds good to me. :wink2:


yeah, i know what you mean. personally, i would rather be curvy and full-figured than really skinny. but i have my up days and my down days. but i try to make them all up days. :biggrin2: haha. yeah, i hate when guys who are older than me hit on me. it's really annoying and i don't like it. it sketches me out really bad too. not cool guys. :thumbdown: but i wouldn't be sketched out if mika hit on me! i don't think any of us would! :wink2::bleh:


omg! yes! we have to have a MFC party at the butterfly lounge and have mika come! haha, now, if i could only get to california...

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