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do you ever feel like you love mika?

Guest Emz-Mika-Luva

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I mean, I'm absolutley not persuing anything with mika lol... that's not me and it would be ridiculous.


I'm not waiting for him to make me his "priscilla Presley" by any means. I just think there is always a possiblity for ANYONE :)


I'm with you on that, I can't never deny that something is impossible

I live for the impossible, that's why I encourage you to dream as long you don't get hurt! You're fine

Just because others doesn't mean you have to back down, I think it is expected from others because this forum is caring and no one wants to see you get hurt! We're all here for everyone best interest. It's the best thing about the forum, we all care for each other

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I'm with you on that, I can't never deny that something is impossible

I live for the impossible, that's why I encourage you to dream as long you don't get hurt! You're fine

Just because others doesn't mean you have to back down, I think it is expected from others because this forum is caring and no one wants to see you get hurt! We're all here for everyone best interest. It's the best thing about the forum, we all care for each other


I love everyone here! But i'm not the only one who THINKS they had "a moment" with mika... though I'm one of the few who KNOW IT:naughty:... lol I'm such a writer :P

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The think that upsets me the most is the negativity. This thread radiates with it. When we start to degrade SOMEONE ELSE'S INTERPRETATION OF MIKA (no matter how fantasy like it is) that's when we go to far. Let the dreamers dream.


Melanie I'm getting kind of mixed messages from you. I think it's some people's (not just yours) insistence that what they're feeling is real that has others challenging those interpretations. If it's just a dream or a fantasy as you seem to be saying now, then I don't think too many people will argue with you.


I'm almost old enough to be Mika's mother. I've got to have some kind of wild imagination to fancy him in the slightest, so I'm not going to begrudge anyone their dreams.


And something else I was wondering about if you don't mind me asking...didn't you say a few weeks ago that you didn't feel the same way any more? Have you changed your mind?


I go back and forth on my interest in Mika all the time so I understand. I was just curious.

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I love everyone here! But i'm not the only one who THINKS they had "a moment" with mika... though I'm one of the few who KNOW IT:naughty:... lol I'm such a writer :P


I love it! Haha...it brings the innocense (sp?) out in people!


P.s mel you never got back to me on that myspace message!

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haha! yeah...he'd have to:naughty:



P.S times like this I wish I knew how to do multiple quotes in 1 post


Just hit the little HQ button next to the Quote button at the bottom of each post and then when you hit Reply all the quotes will be inserted into your message automatically.

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Melanie I'm getting kind of mixed messages from you. I think it's some people's (not just yours) insistence that what they're feeling is real that has others challenging those interpretations. If it's just a dream or a fantasy as you seem to be saying now, then I don't think too many people will argue with you.


I'm almost old enough to be Mika's mother. I've got to have some kind of wild imagination to fancy him in the slightest, so I'm not going to begrudge anyone their dreams.


And something else I was wondering about if you don't mind me asking...didn't you say a few weeks ago that you didn't feel the same way any more? Have you changed your mind?


I go back and forth on my interest in Mika all the time so I understand. I was just curious.



Let me explain. Though I'm not sure I understand it either.


I am a mosaic thinker. I'm all over the place all of the time. A few weeks ago, I was just as in love with him as ever but I saw him as someone less than godly. In other words, I don't "worship" him like some others here. When I met him the last time, I was so incredible calm and it was because he was so natural with me. That's when I realized that he was just a boy lol...no one who wanted to be fussed over.


What I felt and what was said between us was real. I simply COULD NOT BELIEVE that I should be so lucky to be near him and speak to him. Thus, I didn't want people to judge me and my interpreation of those moments because my dreams came true when no one thought they would. The dream here is everyone's dream That I'll be his only lonley wife someday lol.


So, I'm confused myself obviously but all I know is that I just don't want anyone saying that what we "dream" is impossible

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Just hit the little HQ button next to the Quote button at the bottom of each post and then when you hit Reply all the quotes will be inserted into your message automatically.


AHhHHHH!!!!! Yay!!! Thank you! It's about time I learned how to do that! I always wondered but was too embarrassed to ask, but today I have a little more confidense :naughty::wink2::beer::tongue2:

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Oh My God! I forgot about that lol... I've been so insane with the fan project and everything lol... It was about the movies right?



so sorry

Lol it's ok, figured you'd be busy, i've been busy too, with school!

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What was your question to me?


I remember now... the foreign films I get are all from netflix


But paris je taime and la vie en rose havn't come out on DVD yet...


Grr...damn america's lack of culture!

So hard to get foriegn films

they have all of like what 10 in blockbuster:sneaky2:

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So, I'm confused myself obviously but all I know is that I just don't want anyone saying that what we "dream" is impossible


If your convictions are strong enough it doesn't matter what other people say. You can believe what you want and they can believe what they want.


If anyone's beliefs cannot withstand scrutiny by others then maybe it would be helpful for them to rethink what they believe and consider other perspectives.

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If your convictions are strong enough it doesn't matter what other people say. You can believe what you want and they can believe what they want.


If anyone's beliefs cannot withstand scrutiny by others then maybe it would be helpful for them to rethink what they believe and consider other perspectives.


exactly :thumb_yello:

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Everyone knows I am the queen of the footloose hippies, and that's just the sort of thing I do. I'm all peace loving.

However, when it comes to this kind of thing I have to speak my mind. The truth is that no one knows what happened when I met him. Anyone presuming to know, only sees what I write ( I'm very dramatic and romantic in my writing) and thinks I'm overreacting. I CANNOT TAKE YOU GUYS BACK TO THAT MOMENT. I shouldn't have to prove anything.


The think that upsets me the most is the negativity. This thread radiates with it. When we start to degrade SOMEONE ELSE'S INTERPRETATION OF MIKA (no matter how fantasy like it is) that's when we go to far. Let the dreamers dream.


Do you remember what you and Mika said to each other? I don't remember, sorry:blush-anim-cl:


Although I'm sure you don't mind telling the story as much as you can haha. (Me too:naughty: )

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If your convictions are strong enough it doesn't matter what other people say. You can believe what you want and they can believe what they want.


If anyone's beliefs cannot withstand scrutiny by others then maybe it would be helpful for them to rethink what they believe and consider other perspectives.


I checked this right before i was about to sign of and i had to say


Christine! You always have the right words to say!!!!!!!!

I must have said touche to you do many times! You jack and yop!

so anyway...




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Do you remember what you and Mika said to each other? I don't remember, sorry:blush-anim-cl:


Although I'm sure you don't mind telling the story as much as you can haha. (Me too:naughty: )



WE said NOTHING to eachother... *just kidding lol


Well, there's never anytime to say much but I keep trying to remember the details.There all in my myspace blogs.


The things that I remember most though are the faces he made at me and the way he smiled at me.


Actions speak louder than words and I think that's important to realize. Cause I wasn't forward with him at all. I was just normal and smiley.


Moments like these made me wonder what he was thinking when he saw me... not that he fell in love or anything lol... but I was so different from everyone else (quiet and pensive) I just looked at him, and smiled. I have an extremely expressive face and very "orlando bloom" like eyes...you know puppy dog:naughty:


Sorry for the massive size





He's gotta know I love him lol...


I'm never very pushy, so I don't say much. I make sure that I look at him with love though

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I checked this right before i was about to sign of and i had to say


Christine! You always have the right words to say!!!!!!!!

I must have said touche to you do many times! You jack and yop!

so anyway...





Oh I miss Jack and Yop loads :tears:


Have a great nite! I'd better get to bed too.

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Twin much? haha


I just sort of watched him to and my sister and mom were getting mad at me going "Say hi to him already!" and I was like "Jeez, calm down women! I have to be patient!" :lmao:


Patience pays. (for me at least)

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Twin much? haha


I just sort of watched him to and my sister and mom were getting mad at me going "Say hi to him already!" and I was like "Jeez, calm down women! I have to be patient!" :lmao:


Patience pays. (for me at least)


I know lol I was so shy. My sister yelled at him saying" Mika she's your biggest fan"... He looked at me for an affirmation smiling with his mouth open... I died and than said " I am."


I just couldn't speak much... it was too vulnerable

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I know lol I was so shy. My sister yelled at him saying" Mika she's your biggest fan"... He looked at me for an affirmation smiling with his mouth open... I died and than said " I am."


I just couldn't speak much... it was too vulnerable


"I am" hahaha, I can picture it now. Awwwww...:blush-anim-cl:


Were there a lot of people around when you met him? It doesn't look like it in the pictures....


(sorry I'm asking so many questions....as usual...haha)

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I love your pics Melanie. I think the one where he is looking at you is so much more special than the usual poses people get where he has his arm around them.


you can see it in my eyes lol... I just wasn't of my body anymore... IT was really special:crybaby: :crybaby: and I miss that feeling terribly


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