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do you ever feel like you love mika?

Guest Emz-Mika-Luva

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"I am" hahaha, I can picture it now. Awwwww...:blush-anim-cl:


Were there a lot of people around when you met him? It doesn't look like it in the pictures....


(sorry I'm asking so many questions....as usual...haha)


yeah but they were all in line...so it wasn't like we were fighting for his attention. That's why it all felt so personal to me... it still is

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yeah but they were all in line...so it wasn't like we were fighting for his attention. That's why it all felt so personal to me... it still is


Oh I see. I was always thinking "Why the hell does no one want to meet him?" hahah, thanks for clearin' that up.:thumb_yello:


Precious moments:blush-anim-cl:


You have yours, and I have mine :das:


I kid, i kid! :lmao:

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Oh I see. I was always thinking "Why the hell does no one want to meet him?" hahah, thanks for clearin' that up.:thumb_yello:


Precious moments:blush-anim-cl:


You have yours, and I have mine :das:


I kid, i kid! :lmao:


I still want to know what you said to him to make him lay his cheek on your head lol... I would have melted into the floor...:mf_lustslow:

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I still want to know what you said to him to make him lay his cheek on your head lol... I would have melted into the floor...:mf_lustslow:


I told you in the project thread ahah. I was just like "Oh wait, can we take a picture pleaseee?" and he was like "yes, but quickly".....I wasn't like "put your cheek on my head!" haha.


I melted to the floor.....I was laughing histerically inside:lmao:

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I told you in the project thread ahah. I was just like "Oh wait, can we take a picture pleaseee?" and he was like "yes, but quickly".....I wasn't like "put your cheek on my head!" haha.


I melted to the floor.....I was laughing histerically inside:lmao:


I see the msypace pics lol... you gave him presents? That's so sweet! ahhhhhhhh I woul brag about the cheek thing more often... He looks like he's you best friend:bleh:

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I see the msypace pics lol... you gave him presents? That's so sweet! ahhhhhhhh I woul brag about the cheek thing more often... He looks like he's you best friend:bleh:


He is my homie! I see him all the time and we go to Disneyland and throw popcorn at people, didn't you know?



( I wish.)


I had to give him some gifts...........and then I was broke afterwards hahahah. I have another gift waiting for him that I got in July.....I need help.:naughty:

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He is my homie! I see him all the time and we go to Disneyland and throw popcorn at people, didn't you know?



( I wish.)


I had to give him some gifts...........and then I was broke afterwards hahahah. I have another gift waiting for him that I got in July.....I need help.:naughty:


You need help. Think we all do at some point. Hee hee!!!:shocked:

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WE said NOTHING to eachother... *just kidding lol


Well, there's never anytime to say much but I keep trying to remember the details.There all in my myspace blogs.


The things that I remember most though are the faces he made at me and the way he smiled at me.


Actions speak louder than words and I think that's important to realize. Cause I wasn't forward with him at all. I was just normal and smiley.


Moments like these made me wonder what he was thinking when he saw me... not that he fell in love or anything lol... but I was so different from everyone else (quiet and pensive) I just looked at him, and smiled. I have an extremely expressive face and very "orlando bloom" like eyes...you know puppy dog:naughty:


Sorry for the massive size





He's gotta know I love him lol...


I'm never very pushy, so I don't say much. I make sure that I look at him with love though


For some reason, that first picture took my breath away for a second. Seriously.

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Oh I miss Jack and Yop loads :tears:


Have a great nite! I'd better get to bed too.


Oh me too. Jack is one of the reasons I come on here sometimes. I just want to see what she's posted.



Yeah and I post twice in a row a lot. It's because I reply before reading the whole thread...:bleh:

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Twin much? haha


I just sort of watched him to and my sister and mom were getting mad at me going "Say hi to him already!" and I was like "Jeez, calm down women! I have to be patient!" :lmao:


Patience pays. (for me at least)


Okay, try 3 times in a row. I don't like the edit button 'cause it puts that thing at the bottom of the post.


Me too with the patience thing. My group was already in the back 'cause we're too cool to push people to get up to Mika. Besides, who wouldn't want to stand in a dark alley at midnight in Chicago talking to Earl the security guard? That was probably better than meeting Mika. :mf_rosetinted: Anyway, we got to talk to Sarah however you spell her last name.


Oh yeah, my moment with Mika: I refused a hug, forgot to take a picture with him until he reminded me, and walked away while he was still talking to me. But I did throw in a name-drop with the MFC, which I'd like to think helped the D.C. people out a little bit the next night, haha. Oh, it was love at first sight all right. :mf_rosetinted:

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Okay, try 3 times in a row. I don't like the edit button 'cause it puts that thing at the bottom of the post.


Me too with the patience thing. My group was already in the back 'cause we're too cool to push people to get up to Mika. Besides, who wouldn't want to stand in a dark alley at midnight in Chicago talking to Earl the security guard? That was probably better than meeting Mika. :mf_rosetinted: Anyway, we got to talk to Sarah however you spell her last name.


Oh yeah, my moment with Mika: I refused a hug, forgot to take a picture with him until he reminded me, and walked away while he was still talking to me. But I did throw in a name-drop with the MFC, which I'd like to think helped the D.C. people out a little bit the next night, haha. Oh, it was love at first sight all right. :mf_rosetinted:



Why were you so indifferent with him? lol I liked those security guards...because of that one guy, I was able to be second in line:wub2: I shall never forget him.

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Why were you so indifferent with him? lol I liked those security guards...because of that one guy, I was able to be second in line:wub2: I shall never forget him.


Of course, it was completely unintentional. He went to give me a hug and I didn't realize it so I gave him my CD to sign, then asked him about the MFC. After that, I walked away, and he asked me if I wanted a picture with him and I was like, "Oh sure!" and then, again, I didn't realize he was still talking to me as I walked away. I didn't know he was talking to me until a girl I was with told me. haha. I was just trying to be quick, as you know, it was a long line and we were at the end of it so we were all wanting to let Mika go on his way. Although, another reason I was like that was because they're were these two drunk girls ahead of us in line and they were practically throwing themselves on Mika. They were talking their pictures with Mika, and apparently when you're drunk, it takes three or four times to finally get a picture. At that moment, I saw Mika sigh, look at Jerry (right?) and roll his eyes. I could tell he was exhausted and really just wanted to see him in person, if that doesn't sound weird. A girl I was with kinda did the same thing. She forgot to get her shirt signed, and he reminded her as well. I was pretty impressed with him for that. Especially because of what he wrote on the shirt. I guess really all I wanted to do was see him up close, I didn't really need the autograph or picture. I don't know...

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Of course, it was completely unintentional. He went to give me a hug and I didn't realize it so I gave him my CD to sign, then asked him about the MFC. After that, I walked away, and he asked me if I wanted a picture with him and I was like, "Oh sure!" and then, again, I didn't realize he was still talking to me as I walked away. I didn't know he was talking to me until a girl I was with told me. haha. I was just trying to be quick, as you know, it was a long line and we were at the end of it so we were all wanting to let Mika go on his way. Although, another reason I was like that was because they're were these two drunk girls ahead of us in line and they were practically throwing themselves on Mika. They were talking their pictures with Mika, and apparently when you're drunk, it takes three or four times to finally get a picture. At that moment, I saw Mika sigh, look at Jerry (right?) and roll his eyes. I could tell he was exhausted and really just wanted to see him in person, if that doesn't sound weird. A girl I was with kinda did the same thing. She forgot to get her shirt signed, and he reminded her as well. I was pretty impressed with him for that. Especially because of what he wrote on the shirt. I guess really all I wanted to do was see him up close, I didn't really need the autograph or picture. I don't know...


LOL I remember those girls!... He was so sweet to stay after. I saw his reaction, right when he stepped outside to find that huge line... His eyes lit up and he smiled. He looked so tired! Did you notice how good he smelled?! I think he loved Chicago...I'm hoping for that atleast lol

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LOL I remember those girls!... He was so sweet to stay after. I saw his reaction, right when he stepped outside to find that huge line... His eyes lit up and he smiled. He looked so tired! Did you notice how good he smelled?! I think he loved Chicago...I'm hoping for that atleast lol


Yeah, they were very classy. I don't know if you saw the band leave, but one of them was like banging on the van window for Luke. She was annoying to say the least.


No I didn't smell him... I was afraid to touch him. :naughty: Thought, the other girls I was with said he smelled good.


I think he definitely liked Chicago. He even said that it's nice to go somewhere he's never been and be received as well as he was. He'll be back...

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