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Mika @ Zenith, München: 02-11-2007 -- REVIEWS!


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Saint Giulin!!! love you!! :wub2: thank you so much for bringing me to this gig!it was so awesome!!!

and i met Saranayde too!!

what a lovely and sweet girl!!! :wub2: :wub2: and mikey...he was sooooo nice!!!

giulin..you mean this pic???



ecco brava! :punk:

didn't see u take the pic...now I feel bad,should have taken another one with Luke and one with Mikey...but then again,there was blond action around :mf_rosetinted:

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oh I don't like you anymore! :roftl: :roftl:


I was just curious if u brits found a new meaning for it :roftl:


Apparently over here it's also starting to mean "that's great" or "that's awesome" - as in, "Did you see Ioana's new green shirt? It's so sick!!"


That usage is about five years below me, though - I'm getting old. :wheelchair:

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no not mika spittin on me


see I still dunno what it means exactly :lmao:

be kind and gimme possible definitions of "that's sick"

In Australia some of the 'younger generation' use it in a positive sense ... like you mentioned i.e: wicked , cool , great , amazing etc. ..... started in the 1990's I think !!:thumb_yello:

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Ha! see,I knew i heard sick with a twist somewhere :mf_rosetinted:


Well, Ioana, I'm glad to hear that you had such a wicked, sick time. :naughty: :naughty: Getting spat at, sang to, making eye contact, getting drumsticks and having some good (sick) conversations, I am sure.


Any knitty pictures or videos? Can't wait to hear more, but I need to go to bed.


Well, good-night for now.....sweet dreams!

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HAHAHA ..... or like this ........ "SUB WOOFAAAAAAA ... FULLY SICK MATE !!!!":roftl:


that was the best!!! :roftl:


Well, Ioana, I'm glad to hear that you had such a wicked, sick time. :naughty: :naughty: Getting spat at, sang to, making eye contact, getting drumsticks and having some good (sick) conversations, I am sure.


Any knitty pictures or videos? Can't wait to hear more, but I need to go to bed.


Well, good-night for now.....sweet dreams!


I am just uploading and fixing them,because my videos have a sick twist too :naughty:

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PT 1


I'll start a report,dunno if I'll finish it now tho




For starters,the queue was a challenge,the hall was "a plane hangar" (he really had the perfect name for it)

Anyway,the girls were amazing! Allegra,Mirti,Jenny and Giulietta ,it was so cool meting ya! Pengu and Cazz...well we're old pals aren't we,no need to give details to the crowd

So we got in...we got separated,just Pengu and I landed in the front row :punk:

Show was a bit delayed,but it was worth the wait,just that the front row was mainly dead people,who were just sitting there and staring. I mean,how the heck can you not wanna jump and scream yer lungs out at a Mika concert? Plus I got some nice scratches on my hand from a nice old lady who was testing her claws on me :thumbdown:


The Big Girl was all over Mika,he actually had a desperate face at one point :roftl:



Can I just say,I was the only one screaming and jumping in my area,it was quite stupid actually next to dead folks...

Anyway,during Happy Ending there was the cutest moment ever! He started singing,and of course I was singing along and he looked at me ,and we kinda sang along together,it was so cool! :biggrin2:

and then he smiled,and was singing with a smile on his face,still looking at me. That constant eye contact was lovely and it felt so nice



Holy Johnny was totally great as usual,and in my video I'm actually screaming "kill 'em!" at the end where he keeps them "aaaaaah-ing"



Next up,Martin and the Drumstick

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PT 2


At one point,on Happy ending he stuck the mic towards the crowd and his eyes were just glowing,as he was so happy to see all these people singing along to HIS song! I've never seen a happier person in my life,he just radiated joy


Do I still have to mention that Andy's(I'll keep calling him Andy,hehe)cam was almost always on the pengu (but the pengu made andy go away...evil creature) and me


As luck has it,I always end up somewhere near Martin,and always end up taking tons of pictures of him.


(Mirti,u'll get the rest too,no worries)


In Munich he was totally hyper,think he felt great on stage. So anyway,when Mika was further away ,I always switched to Martin,cuz he's an "eye-contacter" too :lmao:

Wasn't hard to miss me,big jumping thing...I keep things simple

I was always with the hands in the air and on his solos I would turn and do the 20060919-rock%20hand.jpg towards him and he's just grin

so on Love Today on the "girl with a groove" he started pointin :lmao: then he started talkin code ,pointin to his eyes and then his shirt. I had an inspired moment when I actually looked at my shirt and got what he ment. It was the matching color :lmao:


but we'll get back to Waugh in a minute,for now,the Choi!




So then the drumming started on Love Today ,and I was air drumming along,for some reason I managed to do it exactly on beat every time

Andy was filming me and when I looked at him he had this big grin ,and was smth like "keep goin,keep goin" :lmao:


...ran out of smileys...

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PT 3

So,they kept on drumming,with our nice pal Mika topless

(screencaps from the vid I took)







and at the end,Reese threw the drumsticks in the crowd as usual

The first one she threw randomly,and then she saw me ,smiled and threw me the other one.I was soo happy and she really did an amazingly sweet thing


I felt a bit bad for Sara because no one was really cheering for her and she pulled off such and amazing performance again so,of course,yours truly just went like "Sara,ur great" and she turned and smiled.Of course the Waugh also smiled,he by now knew exactly where the screaming was coming from and was constantly grinning. He really is a fun guy to grin with :lmao: his face is perfect for it.


Lollipop,again,pure genius,by then I was completely wet,I could actually feel sweat drippin down my back. I can now understand how mika's always drippin wet after a show




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PT 4

Can I say again that I luv the pengu? :huglove:


That would be my drumstick and on my arm you can see how the nice lady scratched me


There's smth I always wanted to say:


MIKA SIGNED MY BOOB! :lmfao: he didn't actually,but I made you look,didn't I ?

Actually,he signed my "GOT MIKA?" Badge


we were all waiting for him to come out,and when he finally did,I was on the other side talking to someone

So I did some jogging and got there in time to get my badge...boob,whatever u want signed and got a hug

Mellody has it on video,I can't wait to see it :biggrin2: I was so lucky she filmed it! Hadn't even dreamed about havin solid proof I can re-watch :lol3:


So afterwards Mika left and I really wanted to talk to Cherisse to see if she liked the cards,and I was also lookin for Simon because I wanted to thank him for Frankfurt...but he was somewhere in the bus. Think I would hv been let to go after him but I decided not to abuse my privileges.


I was without a jacket btw,and it wasn't really summer weather outside,so my trembling had begun all over thank god for Rose's blankie (that would be the MFC flag ),her jacket and then mellody's fluffy jacket that saved me.


and finally...after almost an hour,the band was out


Talked to Luke first and he said he liked the pics on the Cd I had given him ,and was gonna listen to the rest later,but he was kinda busy,so I didn't wanna keep him.

Then I was going towards Sara when Cherisse saw me and started waving,man she's cute! so I ran to her and hugged her and she was so happy about all the other prezzies i had put in there and she said that it really ment a lot to her. I was so glad to hear it,cuz I really wanted her to know that she's totally important

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Ha ha, for the record, I didn't make Richard go away, he was pointing the camera at me and I waved and said hello. We got on great, had a lovely chat with him after the show, which he persuaded me to bring the penguin to Glasgow and London, which I wasn't gonna do but he is so charming I couldn't say no.LOL!

Ioana is so right about Cherisse, she is fantastic, (that's how I know I'm gonna get a drumstick, ha ha!)

And also she forgot to mention who Mika was looking right at when he sang "How Much Do Yo Love Me". I know 'cause I watched him doing it. She is WAY too modest.

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Ha ha, for the record, I didn't make Richard go away, he was pointing the camera at me and I waved and said hello. We got on great, had a lovely chat with him after the show, which he persuaded me to bring the penguin to Glasgow and London, which I wasn't gonna do but he is so charming I couldn't say no.LOL!

Ioana is so right about Cherisse, she is fantastic, (that's how I know I'm gonna get a drumstick, ha ha!)

And also she forgot to mention who Mika was looking right at when he sang "How Much Do Yo Love Me". I know 'cause I watched him doing it. She is WAY too modest.


oh right,he was looking at the penguin! :naughty: Well as Rose seems to have noticed,he was singing "How Much Do Yo Love Me" to the jumpin lass in the front row

Maybe he felt sorry for me and my scratched arm :roftl:

I know he looked at me a lot,but I don't remember exactly when,good thing my trusty observer's here :biggrin2:


Why won't you humor me and call him Andy? :roftl:

He really is a nice guy,ain't he? He's always smilin,he's so friendly


Just when the show ended he came over with the cam and asked how the show was

and I was like all wet and grinning and just weht like "well,can't you tell?" I prollly had the most fascinating face :lmfao: cuz he started laughing

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