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2007 - VEGA, Copenhagen - 06 November - REVIEWS!


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There is no such thing as safe in here, is there?:shocked:


true :naughty: And there's a whole year's articles,pictures and randomness to look through in case there's nothing happening for a second :fisch:

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Oh no! What a piece of art those photographs EnFa! :yay:

Can't wait for more!

We saw Mika's house in Denmark!

Yes, he lives there. I'll post the picture for proof when I can!


And Kata, Im glad there's use for the "stuff"! :biggrin2:

Oh and huge thank you for all.

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Oh no! What a piece of art those photographs EnFa! :yay:

Can't wait for more!

We saw Mika's house in Denmark!

Yes, he lives there. I'll post the picture for proof when I can!


And Kata, Im glad there's use for the "stuff"! :biggrin2:


yeah, Im good. Looking forward to see the others :blink::naughty: .. SOON.


I saw Mikas moving van the other day.

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I saw Mikas moving van the other day.


You don't happen to have an artsy picture of it, do you?!


Btw, nothing to do with the thread but why do you have the "Back To Black - EMA" -video in your sig?

I just loved the backdancers.

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You don't happen to have an artsy picture of it, do you?!


Btw, nothing to do with the thread but why do you have the "Back To Black - EMA" -video in your sig?

I just loved the backdancers.


To see how many who would notice :naughty:


No pics, I was on my way to school.!


Im off to bed! Will post good pics later!

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Oh no! What a piece of art those photographs EnFa! :yay:

Can't wait for more!

We saw Mika's house in Denmark!

Yes, he lives there. I'll post the picture for proof when I can!


And Kata, Im glad there's use for the "stuff"! :biggrin2:

Oh and huge thank you for all.

ha ha!

u have to post it in babs album!

im glad that nobody saw us stalking him!:blink:

then again,it was way toooooo early to be out of bed :boxed:

and i think he was thinking the same!

good for us!

next time we should bring our handcuffs!!:naughty:

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Oh no! What a piece of art those photographs EnFa! :yay:

Can't wait for more!

We saw Mika's house in Denmark!

Yes, he lives there. I'll post the picture for proof when I can!


And Kata, Im glad there's use for the "stuff"! :biggrin2:

Oh and huge thank you for all.




REALLY? (as if I'm gonna buy a plane ticket and go camp outside his house right now haha)

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Wonderful, Wonderful Copenhagen!


Wow where do I start? Maybe the beginning lol. After getting up ridiculously early in the dark, about 3.30am (when Radio One plays crap dance music) I rushed around trying to get ready. I must admit I was rather excited about seeing the apples, Mikey and Mika and felt very discombobulated but I still managed to dry my hair and text Rose at the same time LOL

I met Bab at Stansted airport and we chatted and giggled like a couple of schoolgirls. Bab has a very dry sense of humour and I didn’t stop laughing for the whole entire time. We had great fun taking pictures for Bab’s photo album, here is a great example vega002.jpg

We arrived in wonderful Copenhagen and took another fabulous pic to mark the occasion Image092.jpg and were greeted by Kata and Satu who are absolutely lovely.

Fast forward a few hours, a train and bus ride and a shopping trip for ridiculous costumes, Vally arrived.

We had such a good afternoon and laughed so much, highlights included a shopping trip for salad, bab accidentally cutting off half of Kata’s pig tail, making cards for Mika and Bab accidentally breaking a chair. I had laughed so much my false eyelashes had come unstuck and my ribs hurt.

So to the bit you are all wondering about, my outfit!

Well back in England Caz and I thought it would be a really good idea to go as Big Girl to all of the gigs, once I got to Copenhagen I started to have doubts. First of all even though the others were dressed up, they were just wearing wacky outfits or bright colours, not costumes as such and secondly it was freezing. My outfit comprised of a corset, big frilly knickers, fish net tights, cowboy boots and a hat and as you can imagine it wasn’t the warmest of outfits. I also had to go on public transport! So we came up with a cunning plan. I would wear my dress that I travelled in over the top and could whip it off in the venue. It was so cold that Vally had to borrow my scarf and became very attached to it.

So we braved public transport, which was so confusing as everything was in Danish, surprisingly, but Vally was an excellent tour guide (Kata had gone to meet her daughter and her brother) and we got to the venue just after 5pm. There were only about 20 people queuing so we went off in search of hot coffee. Wow I tell you what the Danish have mastered the sitting outside having coffee thing. We were sitting under rows of heaters and they had provided fleecy blankets on the chairs so you could wrap yourself up all cosy. Satu particularly enjoyed the blanket but Vally didn’t need it as she had my scarf.


Anyway we waited for a lifetime for someone to serve us so in the end we just sat there. We then braved the cold to queue again and after a marvellous rendition of the magic position were let in.

While Enfa, Enfa’s mate and Satu rushed to the front we found a lovely position on the balcony. We had an amazing view and the bonus of chairs if our feet hurt. Which they did!


I met a very lovely Danish lady sitting in front of me who told me she had brought her dad with her as he liked Mika's songs he had heard on the radio. She then informed me that he was very shocked to see me, apparently he had exclaimed to his daughter 'look at that lady, she isn't wearing any clothes!’ She had to explain to him that I dressed up as one of Mika's characters. I do believe he took quite a shine to me ;)


So we all amused ourselves, waiting for Yelle to come on, Vally pointed at things, we sang the magic position couple of times and had a Danish beer.


Yelle did eventually come on and she (or is she a band hmmm?) was amazing. Unfortunately for me she is French and sang, surprising, in French. This was unfortunate due to my complete and utter lack of the ability to speak French, as I didn’t do it at school (I learnt German and according to Vally I am very bad and shouldn’t even bother). This therefore hindered my enjoyment slightly as her songs were rather rude and I wanted to know what she was on about.


Anyway after Yelle had flung herself and jumped around the stage we waited for AGES for 9-5. In the mean time the people behind me had asked me to take off my hat as I was spoiling their enjoyment (which I did). I did then mention to Vally and Bab that it probably didn’t matter anyway as we would be standing up in a moment and my big body would probably hinder the view more LOL.


We all made sure our flashing hearts were working and jumped up and down to sound of Dolly’s voice. Then all I can say is wow! The show was absolutely amazing. I must admit Mika has got better since July and really puts on a good show. The band also was amazing. Mikey’s guitar now has flashing lights on it and he did a wicked solo type thing on ‘Love Today’. We were also treated to the amazing Sara and the man only known as The Shadow.

Anyway we sang our little hearts out and Vega was pumping.

There had been quite a bit of controversy on the MFC to Mika’s cover of Missionary Man but I must admit that I really enjoyed it (I prefer Sweet Dreams though, maybe because there used to be more hip action and thrusting LOL).

Mika also treated us to an extra version of Relax as an extra encore. I really liked it and at one point it looked like Mika was going to do a stage dive but he bottled it (we later found out that he actually went for it the next night, I was gutted I would of loved to of seen it).

So it was the end of the show and we were all on a high (even Kata and Bab). While I was struggling to put my dress back on and then queuing for the coats I discovered Mika’s cameraman filmed the others and I missed it. So now I was wrapped up slightly warmer in my coat and scarf we waited in anticipation for the Mikaster to come out.

Enfa had bought Mika a lovely pair of pants to give him and decided to keep them warm for him by wearing them on her head while Vally and I go prepared to give Mika the cards we had made.

The first card was from the Copenhagen branch of the MFC who had signed the card. Unfortunately there are only three members (Kata, Enfa and her mate) so we the rest of us decided to sign it as imported members to fill it up. The second card we made was from the letter L who as you might remember was sacked at Somerset House. He was back offering his services as he is bored being unemployed.

Anyway eventually Mika came out wearing a bright yellow/orange tablecloth as a scarf and he didn’t look that impressed when I showed him my big girl knickers. There were about 8 of us waiting and Mika’s management made us queue up to see him (we weren’t impressed as it wasn’t like we were going to mob him or anything, I was with apples after all). Anyway Mika recognised me and exclaimed that Bab and I had come a long way (I think he appreciated it really). I then presented him with our Copenhagen card and he looked slightly bewildered (he obviously doesn’t get our humour) I did tell him he could add it to his ever-mounting crap pile, we didn’t mind. We then presented him with the card from L. Mika then asked if it was us who had taken L from Somerset House as his mate had text him the next day to say that he had just seen his letter L on the tube at King’s Cross station LOL. I then asked Mika to sign my hat and he did (with 3 kisses, no message though this time- I will work on this for the other gigs LOL) and Bab asked him to sign her autograph book. She had it open at the autograph L had signed for her so said to ‘Mika please don’t sign that page’, he looked at it and then gave it back to her unsigned. We also told him how much we enjoyed he show he seemed pleased.

Anyway Mika went off not before I informed him of the other gigs I would be at and shouted ‘bye, love you, bye’ in a Russell Brand styley.

We then waited in eagerness (well an hour in the cold) for the band to come out. In the meantime we had a lovely conversation with Mika’s stage manager, Owain Lloyd who was drinking wine on the steps of the tour bus. We discovered that everyone on tour has a number and his was number 10. He was really funny and he also introduced us to The Shadow, who was true to his namesake.

Eventually Mikey, Cherisse and Martin and Sara came out. Martin had been suffering with food poisoning but still managed to give Bab and I a kiss on the cheek as he remembered us from Manchester before heading for the bus with Sara. I had a lovely cuddle and fabby pics with Mikey who I adore and a cuddle from Cherisse too. I had bought the apples sliver -ish necklaces and bracelets with apples on as presents and following tradition of giving Cherisse my tacky jewellery (she got a heart in Brighton, lucky girl) I gave her my Primarni finest which she thought was hilarious (I think anyway, well she took it and smiled- she was on form).

We then posed for photos with number 10 too.

They then had to go on the bus and Luke came out to talk to us (I think he felt left out) and then we skipped off into the cold.

There were even more adventures in Copenhagen and I have missed out loads but you are probably bored by now and this has already taken me flipping ages.

All I can say now is, Roll On Glasgow!



see my blog on myspace for the wonderful pictures!

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Wonderful, Wonderful Copenhagen!


Wow where do I start? Maybe the beginning lol. After getting up ridiculously early in the dark, about 3.30am (when Radio One plays crap dance music) I rushed around trying to get ready. I must admit I was rather excited about seeing the apples, Mikey and Mika and felt very discombobulated but I still managed to dry my hair and text Rose at the same time LOL

I met Bab at Stansted airport and we chatted and giggled like a couple of schoolgirls. Bab has a very dry sense of humour and I didn’t stop laughing for the whole entire time. We had great fun taking pictures for Bab’s photo album, here is a great example vega002.jpg

We arrived in wonderful Copenhagen and took another fabulous pic to mark the occasion Image092.jpg and were greeted by Kata and Satu who are absolutely lovely.

Fast forward a few hours, a train and bus ride and a shopping trip for ridiculous costumes, Vally arrived.

We had such a good afternoon and laughed so much, highlights included a shopping trip for salad, bab accidentally cutting off half of Kata’s pig tail, making cards for Mika and Bab accidentally breaking a chair. I had laughed so much my false eyelashes had come unstuck and my ribs hurt.

So to the bit you are all wondering about, my outfit!

Well back in England Caz and I thought it would be a really good idea to go as Big Girl to all of the gigs, once I got to Copenhagen I started to have doubts. First of all even though the others were dressed up, they were just wearing wacky outfits or bright colours, not costumes as such and secondly it was freezing. My outfit comprised of a corset, big frilly knickers, fish net tights, cowboy boots and a hat and as you can imagine it wasn’t the warmest of outfits. I also had to go on public transport! So we came up with a cunning plan. I would wear my dress that I travelled in over the top and could whip it off in the venue. It was so cold that Vally had to borrow my scarf and became very attached to it.

So we braved public transport, which was so confusing as everything was in Danish, surprisingly, but Vally was an excellent tour guide (Kata had gone to meet her daughter and her brother) and we got to the venue just after 5pm. There were only about 20 people queuing so we went off in search of hot coffee. Wow I tell you what the Danish have mastered the sitting outside having coffee thing. We were sitting under rows of heaters and they had provided fleecy blankets on the chairs so you could wrap yourself up all cosy. Satu particularly enjoyed the blanket but Vally didn’t need it as she had my scarf.


Anyway we waited for a lifetime for someone to serve us so in the end we just sat there. We then braved the cold to queue again and after a marvellous rendition of the magic position were let in.

While Enfa, Enfa’s mate and Satu rushed to the front we found a lovely position on the balcony. We had an amazing view and the bonus of chairs if our feet hurt. Which they did!


I met a very lovely Danish lady sitting in front of me who told me she had brought her dad with her as he liked Mika's songs he had heard on the radio. She then informed me that he was very shocked to see me, apparently he had exclaimed to his daughter 'look at that lady, she isn't wearing any clothes!’ She had to explain to him that I dressed up as one of Mika's characters. I do believe he took quite a shine to me ;)


So we all amused ourselves, waiting for Yelle to come on, Vally pointed at things, we sang the magic position couple of times and had a Danish beer.


Yelle did eventually come on and she (or is she a band hmmm?) was amazing. Unfortunately for me she is French and sang, surprising, in French. This was unfortunate due to my complete and utter lack of the ability to speak French, as I didn’t do it at school (I learnt German and according to Vally I am very bad and shouldn’t even bother). This therefore hindered my enjoyment slightly as her songs were rather rude and I wanted to know what she was on about.


Anyway after Yelle had flung herself and jumped around the stage we waited for AGES for 9-5. In the mean time the people behind me had asked me to take off my hat as I was spoiling their enjoyment (which I did). I did then mention to Vally and Bab that it probably didn’t matter anyway as we would be standing up in a moment and my big body would probably hinder the view more LOL.


We all made sure our flashing hearts were working and jumped up and down to sound of Dolly’s voice. Then all I can say is wow! The show was absolutely amazing. I must admit Mika has got better since July and really puts on a good show. The band also was amazing. Mikey’s guitar now has flashing lights on it and he did a wicked solo type thing on ‘Love Today’. We were also treated to the amazing Sara and the man only known as The Shadow.

Anyway we sang our little hearts out and Vega was pumping.

There had been quite a bit of controversy on the MFC to Mika’s cover of Missionary Man but I must admit that I really enjoyed it (I prefer Sweet Dreams though, maybe because there used to be more hip action and thrusting LOL).

Mika also treated us to an extra version of Relax as an extra encore. I really liked it and at one point it looked like Mika was going to do a stage dive but he bottled it (we later found out that he actually went for it the next night, I was gutted I would of loved to of seen it).

So it was the end of the show and we were all on a high (even Kata and Bab). While I was struggling to put my dress back on and then queuing for the coats I discovered Mika’s cameraman filmed the others and I missed it. So now I was wrapped up slightly warmer in my coat and scarf we waited in anticipation for the Mikaster to come out.

Enfa had bought Mika a lovely pair of pants to give him and decided to keep them warm for him by wearing them on her head while Vally and I go prepared to give Mika the cards we had made.

The first card was from the Copenhagen branch of the MFC who had signed the card. Unfortunately there are only three members (Kata, Enfa and her mate) so we the rest of us decided to sign it as imported members to fill it up. The second card we made was from the letter L who as you might remember was sacked at Somerset House. He was back offering his services as he is bored being unemployed.

Anyway eventually Mika came out wearing a bright yellow/orange tablecloth as a scarf and he didn’t look that impressed when I showed him my big girl knickers. There were about 8 of us waiting and Mika’s management made us queue up to see him (we weren’t impressed as it wasn’t like we were going to mob him or anything, I was with apples after all). Anyway Mika recognised me and exclaimed that Bab and I had come a long way (I think he appreciated it really). I then presented him with our Copenhagen card and he looked slightly bewildered (he obviously doesn’t get our humour) I did tell him he could add it to his ever-mounting crap pile, we didn’t mind. We then presented him with the card from L. Mika then asked if it was us who had taken L from Somerset House as his mate had text him the next day to say that he had just seen his letter L on the tube at King’s Cross station LOL. I then asked Mika to sign my hat and he did (with 3 kisses, no message though this time- I will work on this for the other gigs LOL) and Bab asked him to sign her autograph book. She had it open at the autograph L had signed for her so said to ‘Mika please don’t sign that page’, he looked at it and then gave it back to her unsigned. We also told him how much we enjoyed he show he seemed pleased.

Anyway Mika went off not before I informed him of the other gigs I would be at and shouted ‘bye, love you, bye’ in a Russell Brand styley.

We then waited in eagerness (well an hour in the cold) for the band to come out. In the meantime we had a lovely conversation with Mika’s stage manager, Owain Lloyd who was drinking wine on the steps of the tour bus. We discovered that everyone on tour has a number and his was number 10. He was really funny and he also introduced us to The Shadow, who was true to his namesake.

Eventually Mikey, Cherisse and Martin and Sara came out. Martin had been suffering with food poisoning but still managed to give Bab and I a kiss on the cheek as he remembered us from Manchester before heading for the bus with Sara. I had a lovely cuddle and fabby pics with Mikey who I adore and a cuddle from Cherisse too. I had bought the apples sliver -ish necklaces and bracelets with apples on as presents and following tradition of giving Cherisse my tacky jewellery (she got a heart in Brighton, lucky girl) I gave her my Primarni finest which she thought was hilarious (I think anyway, well she took it and smiled- she was on form).

We then posed for photos with number 10 too.

They then had to go on the bus and Luke came out to talk to us (I think he felt left out) and then we skipped off into the cold.

There were even more adventures in Copenhagen and I have missed out loads but you are probably bored by now and this has already taken me flipping ages.

All I can say now is, Roll On Glasgow!



see my blog on myspace for the wonderful pictures!


Ahhhhh Haaaa!!!!!!!!!! The mystery of Number 10 is solved!!!! :roftl:


Thanks for the report Jem it was lovely to read! I love all you apples!:blush-anim-cl:

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thx jems,

i kinda start to forget some little details so it was good to read it again.

was kinda worried, you are talking alot about my/your scarf!!

have some good pics that i have to post but mfc wouldnt let my.

anyway, thanx again, now i have a huge grin on my face.

thats a good start to a hard day.

by the way i have been listening to magic position and 9 to 5 while i was reading.

so, have we found out when he is coming to cop?

flights booked, tickets bought, bags packed?

cant wait

kuss vally

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I met a very lovely Danish lady sitting in front of me who told me she had brought her dad with her as he liked Mika's songs he had heard on the radio. She then informed me that he was very shocked to see me, apparently he had exclaimed to his daughter 'look at that lady, she isn't wearing any clothes!’ She had to explain to him that I dressed up as one of Mika's characters. I do believe he took quite a shine to me ;)




Thank you for calling me lovely.:blush-anim-cl:

Next time I want to go with you guys, it looked like you had so much fun.

I think it´s safe to say that you have a fan in my dad. He called me yesterday and asked if I though you would be in Mikas DVD. I said I didn´t know but I was sure there would be girls dressed like you.


Next time the Copenhagen branch of MFC get together I would love to go....

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  • silver changed the title to 2007 - VEGA, Copenhagen - 06 November - REVIEWS!

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