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Mika bans Boyzone cover


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hmm strange (like most people here said lol)

I agree they should write their own material, but I don't get why he would agree for them to sing it first and then take it back :blink:


Bear in mind, this article was in The Sun. They are, shall we say, sometimes economical with the truth. Best to take the article with a pinch of salt -it may be true but it just as easily may not be!

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I didn't catch the link at the bottom of the article at first, I don't really hold much store in anything the tabloids report. Remember the big Take That story where he allegedly turned down the support spot. Later he said he hadn't even been asked to do it.

The Sun rely on "sources close to the artist" which is the old Chinese whispers game, and always best to take with a pinch of salt.

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Bear in mind, this article was in The Sun. They are, shall we say, sometimes economical with the truth. Best to take the article with a pinch of salt -it may be true but it just as easily may not be!


yeah that's true... we should take the habit not to trust any magazine/paper 100% :wink2:

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I didn't catch the link at the bottom of the article at first, I don't really hold much store in anything the tabloids report. Remember the big Take That story where he allegedly turned down the support spot. Later he said he hadn't even been asked to do it.The Sun rely on "sources close to the artist" which is the old Chinese whispers game, and always best to take with a pinch of salt.


That's exactly what I mean.


That bungled, trumped up 'story' didn't do Mika's reputation much good at the time yet it turned out to be rubbish.


(Imagine him supporting Take That now anyway - it would be ridiculous! He's sold far more records than them this year :mf_rosetinted:)

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That's exactly what I mean.

That bungled, trumped up 'story' didn't do Mika's reputation much good at the time yet it turned out to be rubbish.



I think Mika refusing to be associated with either Take That or Boyzone can only do good for him, whether it is true or not:cool:

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well for starters I think the MFC is doing a great job.. not just for the fans.. but also in "search" engines on the we.. they are doing Mika a HUGE favour by promoting him online.. better than most of the entertainment websites


keep up the good work ladies and gents..


I think we can also, help promote him in other forums such as yotube, myspace and facebook. which I have seen sevearl people already doing.. Even Oprah is now on youtube, and her people read all the comments and messages...


If you have contacts with your local radio stations, request his music.. (this is key in the US as his music is loved by his fans but radio stations simply refuse to play his songs on air )


Other websites that supported Mika such as Perez Hilton need to keep his news fresh... even Perez put Cilin Dion's picture instead of Mika's on his website when he spoke about World Music Awards... leave comments, etc..



There are many ideas out there.... the more the better...


If there is any negative review that does not make sense, reply to it - and don't just discuss it here...


MFCers... Keep up the good work!




*I'll 2ND THAT:










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coming from someone who never liked boy bands (don't shoot me)


WOOHOOO MIKA!!!!! :thumb_yello:


And, I agree with whoever said a comeback should be written by the artists themselves...

Hey, why isn't there an MFC band already??? :wink2:

Mika would have to let us record his songs..


NB: any MFC bands made or started after this point of time, must give due credit to me!!:bleh:





The thing about Boyzone is that they don't write their own material....they are a manufactured band in the real sense so they will be constantly looking through catalogues of songs written either by songwriters or other recording artists.


I think Mika will have planned to have a duel career like this from the start......I wouldn't be suprized if he has quite a catalogue of songs out there already that he has no intention of recording himself.


As for the MFC band............great idea!! When do we start rehearsing??? :biggrin2:


Oh and lastly..........maybe he is now considering recording this track himself and wants to remove it from the market completely. I notice that only one of the unmentionalbe tracks has been removed from You Tube which makes me wonder if that is one that he really wants to keep under wraps for a proper release?


Mmmmmmmmmmm......it's all very interesting! :sneaky2:

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Thats interesting. Boyzone? ahem... haha

If they're gonna come back, why don't they write their own material? i mean come on. it makes no sense.


That's my point! If they need Mika's help to be successful again, then they definitely don't deserve it! :thumb_yello:


btw, it's Mika's right to decide whom he wants to use his material, there's nothing wrong with it!

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The thing about Boyzone is that they don't write their own material....they are a manufactured band in the real sense so they will be constantly looking through catalogues of songs written either by songwriters or other recording artists.


I think Mika will have planned to have a duel career like this from the start......I wouldn't be suprized if he has quite a catalogue of songs out there already that he has no intention of recording himself.


As for the MFC band............great idea!! When do we start rehearsing??? :biggrin2:


Oh and lastly..........maybe he is now considering recording this track himself and wants to remove it from the market completely. I notice that only one of the unmentionalbe tracks has been removed from You Tube which makes me wonder if that is one that he really wants to keep under wraps for a proper release?


Mmmmmmmmmmm......it's all very interesting! :sneaky2:


Which *unmentionable* track was removed?

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yes there's a song removed...

Vixen I love your singing!! haha:thumb_yello: (I heard you at youtube)

It's really curious they choose mika, you're right Mrs, Vannesa Crisan Penniman...

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yes there's a song removed...

Vixen I love your singing!! haha:thumb_yello: (I heard you at youtube)

It's really curious they choose mika, you're right Mrs, Vannesa Crisan Penniman...


"OVERRATED" was removed--

Here is someone else doing their best with it--



Keep debating whether I should take mine off now that the original has been removed.........it's just weird that all the others are still there. I do feel bad admitting to knowing it but it is my absolute fave!! :wub2:


I'm a bad girl.......I'm a bad girl........I'm a bad girl. :wink2::roftl: :roftl:

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well for starters I think the MFC is doing a great job.. not just for the fans.. but also in "search" engines on the we.. they are doing Mika a HUGE favour by promoting him online.. better than most of the entertainment websites


keep up the good work ladies and gents..


I think we can also, help promote him in other forums such as yotube, myspace and facebook. which I have seen sevearl people already doing.. Even Oprah is now on youtube, and her people read all the comments and messages...


If you have contacts with your local radio stations, request his music.. (this is key in the US as his music is loved by his fans but radio stations simply refuse to play his songs on air )


Other websites that supported Mika such as Perez Hilton need to keep his news fresh... even Perez put Cilin Dion's picture instead of Mika's on his website when he spoke about World Music Awards... leave comments, etc..



There are many ideas out there.... the more the better...


If there is any negative review that does not make sense, reply to it - and don't just discuss it here...


MFCers... Keep up the good work!



I have been doing my own little bit. I have a letter, printed in Total TV Guide, which is mainly about X Factor, and about Simon and Louis using the show to plug Leona Lewis, Shayne Ward and Westlife, but it gave me a chance to mention someone with more talent. I also have a forum thread at The Sun, entitled "Why Are The Media Ignoring Mika", which I started after they didn't even mention his performance at the EMAs, and only concentrated on the likes of Amy Winehouse. Just because she was too drunk to sing or even speak. Of course, they continued the trend by not even mentioning those four awards he won the other night. I also posted a comment on the story in the Sun today, saying they needed to get Mika's side of the story, and my friend also did one, about them not mentioning that he won all those trophies the other night, and printing a picture of Rhianna instead!

I think letters to your favourite TV Guide are a good idea. Also, and I did have a thread about this here, but it didn't get many hits, so it's sunk without trace, but I was asking fans to contact gmtv, to suggest that they get Mika onto Entertainment Today, or one of the other morning shows, where they usually invite stars to talk about their albums, etc. That sort of thing does work, because Shayne Ward was on enough of them and his song reached number 2. Leaona Lewis was on a lot of them as well, though she has the personality of a slug. Poor Mika wasn't on any, and Happy Endings (a better song than both of theirs put together) only peaked at number 7. Perhaps if Mika did a bit more TV, he would get his face and personality out to more people, and might be able to slow down that crippling pace which is only going harm his health if he keeps it up.


Love today, from Marilyn

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Never Mind The Buzzcocks is back on next week, wonder if he'll be on it. He could do a Preston and walk off in a huff if they mention Boyzone!

It would be great if he was on it, but you know they'll focus on his laugh, which may not be so great for him.

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but if Mika is going to put songs out there on the market he really can't have his cake and eat it too...


I disagree. Just because his songs are on the market doesn't mean they should be licensed under any conditions. He may not want it to be used for a toilet cleaner advert, for instance, and that is his prerogative.


This is the same for any copyrighted work such as photographs. The level of rights management just depends on how desperate the artist is to sell their work. If Mika can afford to turn down £350K then he is in a position to dictate where the song can and cannot be used and was probably smart enough to retain full control over the licensing of the songs.


The problem here is all the talk about them recording the song and making it out as if he gave them something and then snatched it back. But as you said, this is the Sun and it's probably a load of rubbish.


I have a question :why did they choose Mika and not other artist to do that for them ?or to write their own material themselves ?


As was already mentioned they probably don't ever write their own material. This is often the case for people from the boy band/girl band era or winners of talent contests. They would have chosen Mika's song because someone was probably shopping around for music on their behalf and thought this would work for them. And it likely would have.

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Bear in mind, this article was in The Sun. They are, shall we say, sometimes economical with the truth. Best to take the article with a pinch of salt -it may be true but it just as easily may not be!




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Strange..I think Christine said this: how can you record a song without having the author´s rights? I mean..it´s weird XD

It´s great to see Mika doesn´t sell himself for anything. I don´t like Boyzone, but it´s not the point here. He has his right to "give" his songs to someone who deserves it (in his opinion).

Now i want to hear the song!!!

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Doesn't surprise me at all. Mika, for all his cuteness, is a shrewd business person who likes control.


Is it possible that the song is on the open market for purchase, but that there is some kind of contingency clause that Mika must give final approval before the song can be fully purchased? Like "renting it on spec" or something. (I have no idea how the song industry works--probably obvious:wink2: ---but Mika does like to do things his own unconventional way, doesn't he?)


In any event, the only thing I don;t like is calling the group "cheesy" but we don't even know if he even used those words. The same as when Michael Buble made a joke at Mika's expense--I see no need to denigrate another artist.

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I checked my e-mail this morning and read the article. It very inetrested, but I just to want make sure the following: MIKa did not want BOYZONE to sing one of his songs because they are not interesting at all? Am I correct?

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I must say I loathe all kinds of boybands but seriously this article, however it's possible that there are true elements, can't be entirely true. First off, though Mika probably has all rights to get the song back if he wants to but I strongly doubt it that he will once they have recorded it. I might be wrong but that just doesn't sound like Mika. Ooorrr the Mikster is becoming a diva ofcourse:naughty:

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