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The Simon (Mikas tourbus driver) Thread!!


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Real men of genius.


(realllll mennn of geniusssss)


Today we Salute YOU; Mika tourbus driver guy.


(Mr. Mika tourbus driver guy!)


You're being chased by girls dressed up as fairytale characters, and they're hitting your vehicle with giant cardboard lollipops. And you don't know why.




You get to a fork in the road. Should you make a left... or a right?



So crack open a nice, cold, Bud Light, "Mr. Of Course I Know My Way To The Venue". But please, just don't do it when Mika's in board.


*Shot of Simon sloshed while Mika is in the back being slammed from side to side of the bus*


Sarie you are my hero.


We should have 'Real Fans of Mika'!


Just make up little commercials like that honoring the fine people of the MFC.:roftl:


Let's do it.

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To save any confusion, normally I just drive in the middle of the road.. its 50 50 then! Was reading all your comments.. was thinking..is there life after Mika..? well, I guess not!

You guys are all totally insane but great with it..

Weather report for the gig... sunny!

If your driving to the gig.. beware.. i might be coming in the opposite direction..so get outta my way ;)

Have fun at the gig today!

(btw..piccy of the chicken called Luke..i did giggle!!)


haha. you man...oh i wont get into that :das:

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