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Mika is afraid of stains and coloured cups


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As far as the Mika situation is concerned, he called me last night in hysterics. He said he lashed out as some random "venue slave" and he didn't know how to go about penance.


Some brat at McDonalds the other day gave me a filthy, plastic cup to get my soda in. And it was all black inside. And I was like "Um... this is dirty." and he goes "It's just ink from the other cups."

As if that somehow makes it okay. It's not dirt, it's just ink.

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oh mum made me tea yesterday, and i had to try so hard not to ask her how long she left the tea bag in/how much sugar/if the water was reboiled




*cue freaky violin music*


LOL!!! :roftl:


I always stand over people making my tea, giving them instructions but they just don't take me seriously and just throw it together.......


.........then they are suprized when it remains untouched!! :mf_rosetinted:


Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.......can anyone else hear violins???? :blink:

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I once drank tea at somebody's house: she put water in a electric boiler and hung the teabag in it! I was shocked. I asked her if she always made tea like that, and guess what: she did. Eeeek:thumbdown:


I stick a mug of water in the microwave for a minute and a half with the teabag in it. Then I take it out, let it soak, and add sugar. Is that weird?

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LOL!!! :roftl:


I always stand over people making my tea, giving them instructions but they just don't take me seriously and just throw it together.......


.........then they are suprized when it remains untouched!! :mf_rosetinted:


Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.......can anyone else hear violins???? :blink:

*plays so loud all the hair on the bow breaks*

did you hear that? lol :mf_rosetinted:


I stick a mug of water in the microwave for a minute and a half with the teabag in it. Then I take it out, let it soak, and add sugar. Is that weird?

i cant say i have ever tried it, thats the first time i have heard of tea being made that way


I once drank tea at somebody's house: she put water in a electric boiler and hung the teabag in it! I was shocked. I asked her if she always made tea like that, and guess what: she did. Eeeek:thumbdown:

:shocked: *starts hyperventilating* how can she do that and drink it?!

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hmmmm...let me think.....ermm...yes:biggrin2:




I used to have a teapot my mom bought me, but I don't know what happened to it, now. They're hard to find. :tears:

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*plays so loud all the hair on the bow breaks*

did you hear that? lol :mf_rosetinted:



i cant say i have ever tried it, thats the first time i have heard of tea being made that way



:shocked: *starts hyperventilating* how can she do that and drink it?!

MICROWAVED TEA???? *faint*

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Well I used to work at a grocery store, and whenever I was on break, I got a bottle of cold tea. (Or jones soda.:naughty: )

And anyway, they only had coffee. ONE TIME they had a hot water spout, but I had to buy an entire box of teabags just to get one.

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Never seen such a thing.


Here, if you're fancy, you have a teapot. Then you run it with boiling water and stick teabags in while it's heating.


very much so!


how does... tea...microwave...drink *screams!*


It's just hot water. Sheesh!:roftl:

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What a horrible monster he is already :wub2:


wow, and how come I have never seen this one before? http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=LN1Zp4ty6uM


*checks it out*


Never seen such a thing.


Here, if you're fancy, you have a teapot. Then you run it with boiling water and stick teabags in while it's heating.




It's just hot water. Sheesh!:roftl:


haha, it is the principle of tea + microwave


ohh that reminds me of a tea pot we have, weve never used it lol, it is totally glass

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