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I'm sorry but I don't understand these thought processes. Firstly, why would a gay child be preferable to a straight child? How is one better than another? Secondly, why would you willingly wish that your child be someone that is discriminated against by most modern societies? Thirdly, why is a son/brother who is gay preferable to a sister who is gay?

To be 100% honest I find it hard to understand my though processes too, so it's hard to explain myself. I think it's becuase I watch to much tv and QAF. From personal experience I get alng with and have much more fun spending time with gay men than straight men, but of course if I had a straight son I would love him the same as a straight son. Secondly... that's hard. I guess it seems like a lot of gay guys grow up to be stronger people because of it from the tv I watch, but of course it really messes up some people too. I guess I wasn't really thinking of that as much. I wasn't saying that having a gay brother would be better than having a gay sister. I've just always wanted a brother gay or straight :bleh:

It was....I was so mad at you the whole time! :roftl:

I'm sorry for making those accusations :naughty:

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Just discovered this thread...


Something that absolutely drives me up the wall!!!


I, myself am not homosexual but it angers me some of the things that people say about them...


I know...its very sad...I get my share of biphobia as well...


I am a great supporter of love comes in all colours!

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I know...its very sad...I get my share of biphobia as well...


I am a great supporter of love comes in all colours!

Yeah, you are so right elanorelle. When someone has to stoop so low as to belittle someone because of who they love...they have some serious issues. I feel the same way about racist people...why? Why put down someone because of the colour of their skin.

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hey guys! I started a face-book group for bisexual women in my city.

there is no group at all like this in my city whatsoever and diddly

support ( there used to be) so can't wait to see what happens!

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hey guys! I started a face-book group for bisexual women in my city.

there is no group at all like this in my city whatsoever and diddly

support ( there used to be) so can't wait to see what happens!

I don't have Facebook (nor do I have a MySpace...is that sad?!?)


Anyways, hope your group is successful elanorelle:biggrin2:

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hey all! I'm back and great to see ya here!:)


i have news...!


I had a date with a girl the other day...it was fun...nothing serious happened but it was fun....the nice thing about it is that it wasn't that much different from any other date I went on. We held hands at the movie theatre but that was about it! I am becoming more free as my bisexual self and not afraid to say what I like or dislike!:P


I wish you good luck!:wub2:

Remember to take baby steps, there is no reason to walk too fast!


Is it wrong to hope that your child turns out to be gay?



I'm sorry but I don't understand these thought processes. Firstly, why would a gay child be preferable to a straight child? How is one better than another? Secondly, why would you willingly wish that your child be someone that is discriminated against by most modern societies? Thirdly, why is a son/brother who is gay preferable to a sister who is gay?


Thank you for formulate in words what I was thinking!:thumb_yello:

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I see. It helps to remember that TV isn't a comprehensive representation of real life. Shows like Queer As Folk follow the story of 5 or 6 characters which is only a small slice of the gay community. Some people "rise above" the difficulties they face but many don't, especially young queer people who have an alarmingly high suicide rate. Part of it may also be that some TV shows and musicians and celebrities glamourise homosexuality - 'homosexual chic' or 'bisexual chic'. Fantasies don't do much harm but it's good to examine the reasoning behind your thoughts/feelings sometimes.



I think it's easy to get caught up in some kind of romantic view of gay life.


In real life you have to go through a lot of questioning both from your self, and from the society around you.

Even in my country, and I’m aware of that I’m living in a country which has been representative to gay questions compared to many other countries for many years, but still, it’s not an easy thing for young people to find a place and a role as gay!

And it has nothing to do with glamour and romance.:cool:


But as SuperTwat is saying: a fantasy doesn’t do any harm!:wink2:

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Supreme Court overturned the ban today!



Yay! only 48 states to go now!


shame this country is still so behind many..but its a start:punk::punk:

There are only 2 states who allow gay marriages in the US? :shocked: Omg... o_O Which one is the other?

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Supreme Court overturned the ban today!



Yay! only 48 states to go now!


shame this country is still so behind many..but its a start:punk::punk:


That's great news indeed!


I'm still so proud of my own country being the first to legalize same-sex marriage in 2001. :mf_rosetinted:

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woohoo go california! lets get a move on rest of US!

i do find it irritating that its only 2 states though. it will make my day when some republican against gay rights "pulls a billy brown" and realizes hes gay.:naughty:

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