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OI....you are pretty as well, that pic u showed me was really nice so dont even think of saying u arent pretty! Otherwise I will post up that pic and get mfc to decide for u!!!:naughty:


Barunka, actually I`ve seen your picture on your myspace. You are pretty, no doubts about it!

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:roftl: Of course they can talk, but they usually talk rubbish (from my experience) ... a friend of mine tried to convince me yesterday (he was drunk of course ;) ) alcohol is the only friend, because with alcohol you get another friends. haha :biggrin2:

Anyway, I would put an eye on you ... so that you don't drink much ;):D


Thanks that would be wise! But let me get drunk once! it is actually quite funny!:punk:

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Just for you :biggrin2: It's my only photo as I hate taking photos. Had to take this one once, because I had none..


I have never posted a picture before, so let's see if it works :blink:



No more words have to be added!


Thank you for posting it, Barunka.

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Barunka, actually I`ve seen your picture on your myspace. You are pretty, no doubts about it!

Do I still have my pic in there? I thought I deleted it :blink: *confused* :-)

anyway, thank you Rebeka!!!

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Just for you :biggrin2: It's my only photo as I hate taking photos. Had to take this one once, because I had none..

I have never posted a picture before, so let's see if it works :blink:


You took that picture of yourself in a mirror, right?

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Same, and I will happily get drunk with u! It will be such a laugh, Barunka can be our little sober mate! :wink2:


Kittie/Liz, you don`t want to post a picture of you? I know I`m horribly curious. It`s one of my vices.

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Kittie/Liz, you don`t want to post a picture of you? I know I`m horribly curious. It`s one of my vices.

I am always curious too. My luck is, that people usually tell me everything (even if i don't ask them to do so.) Maybe I look trustful. :biggrin2:

... Okay, not everyone would tell me everything! (otherwise, I would have Mika's MSN :mf_rosetinted::D )

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Kittie/Liz, you don`t want to post a picture of you? I know I`m horribly curious. It`s one of my vices.


I was wondering if u were gonna bring it up? ok, but jus dont laugh, it was taken about 3 weeks ago at the uni xmas ball and was slightly tipsy then( I ended up way too drunk by the end of the night!!!)....



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He will... and hey if he is going to be in London....:wub2: more love!!! I bet he has noticed but jus doesnt know how u feel about him or is a bit shy!

Let's see! I haven't spoke to him for a while... but if he goes... hmmm :mf_rosetinted:

Still it's a little strange to leave you there alone!!

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