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We have a Candy Bar in Melbourne, but LGBT and not exclusively lesbian. I wonder if they're related...?



All of the regular pick-up places? :roftl:



Wtf? :lmao:



You're expecting Mika's chicken? The immaculate conception... or the drunken conception? :roftl:





Welcome to the MFC!


This thread, though, isn't about Mika's sexuality but our own sexualities and views on all matters LGBTQ.


Multi-posting Scut Monkey is here. Aloha!!

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So you are a Londonderry girl. I have no intentions to start discussing politics by this.

Yeah, I have been there quite a lot and dont worry I dont like the politics over there, I think it is something which wil die out with the generation the troubles existed in! But Londonderry is a really nice place!

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I was wondering if u were gonna bring it up? ok, but jus dont laugh, it was taken about 3 weeks ago at the uni xmas ball and was slightly tipsy then( I ended up way too drunk by the end of the night!!!)....


You say just a bit tipsy? And what about that red eyes? :naughty:

It`s a lovely picture, you are a sweet girl, thank you for posting it Kittie/Liz.

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You say just a bit tipsy? And what about that red eyes? :naughty:

It`s a lovely picture, you are a sweet girl, thank you for posting it Kittie/Liz.


Awww..thanks and the red eye is because I have quite blue eyes so in mearly every pic I have red eye cos of the flash! But thanks to u both u are both very sweet (and very pretty as well!)

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Awww..thanks and the red eye is because I have quite blue eyes so in mearly every pic I have red eye cos of the flash! But thanks to u both u are both very sweet (and very pretty as well!)

We are all so pretty :mf_rosetinted: But the most of us is single. Or are we all. Or just me? XD

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No, you are not stupid! Please change that! You are just neglecting Myspace a bit because you are so busy in MFC.

It is because of another reason :o (And can you see my mood in there? it says happy ;) ) .. But if you wish, I will change it! Watch me.

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