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Post gay.. I always wondered what that might mean. Like post-modernly gay or what??


it's been discussed and discussed and discussed when the OUT issue came out. I dunno what to say. I could find a sense to it if I wanted. not sure I want :mf_rosetinted::wink2:

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I gotta love that issue photoshoot... :wub2: thought they say it's too made up, which is partially true, I found it catchy and different from the usual apple pose. well apart from 1 pic.. :wink2:



i'm not shocked about the religious reference. :mf_rosetinted:

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well, there is a slight chance he can remember me, indeed!:wink2:

Maybe! I can ask him in London :biggrin2: Although he would ask why am I asking, so I would have to tell him the truth and we don't want that! :-P We just have to hope :wink2::D

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i'm not shocked about the religious reference. :mf_rosetinted:


i am because she called me virgin...


Maybe! I can ask him in London :biggrin2: Although he would ask why am I asking, so I would have to tell him the truth and we don't want that! :-P We just have to hope :wink2::D


pffff...do you wanna say to him: is it true you are the father of a chicken you made with ircazo in Munich?

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What do you have where?? :blink:

*Rebeka is looking it up in a dictionary*

Oh.. anyways I don`t get it. You have piece of wood between your breasts?? :blink: :blink:


actually it's soletti!


(piece of wood between my breasts...LOOOOL!!!!!!)

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I gotta love that issue photoshoot... :wub2: thought they say it's too made up, which is partially true, I found it catchy and different from the usual apple pose. well apart from 1 pic.. :wink2:



i'm not shocked about the religious reference. :mf_rosetinted:


Seems I can shock anyone except unshockable Avoca.

*Rebeka singing "Shock Shock Me!"*

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i am because she called me virgin...




pffff...do you wanna say to him: is it true you are the father of a chicken you made with ircazo in Munich?

Nope I meant "Do you remember ircazo?" :biggrin2:

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