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glad to see the gay thread is still alive!


I agree with Avoca (of course, since great minds usually think alike... lol)!!!


thx, luv! how are ya?


i don't care...


hehe, then it's her vote on our list.. :mf_rosetinted::naughty:


seriously, I am not gonna leave forum if ya rename this thread. I'll just leave the thread.. :mf_rosetinted::roftl:


I don't get it what's wrong with the name GAY.. cause it's supposed to be addressed to male homosexuals only..? :blink: it's currently accepted for both male and female homosexual persons. aurelien, a man, created it, so I don't see the reason. the word queer still has a negative meaning, though also a polemic/proud one (see Tv series queer as folk).


if the majority decides to change it, it's the mod who decides o.c. I personally feel more attracted to the GAY world than to the queer one, but o.c. I can only speak for myself.. :fisch::wink2:

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Oh that sounds lovely indeed!

A couple of weeks ago I came across some sequined all stars and thought they were amazing (too expensive for me though).






I have just seen them in shops here, ankle high and VERY pricey.. nice nice. I am chasing a pair of ankle high converse myself, more plain than this, but they are sold out in my size.. :boxed:

25 $ is very little, go and get them! :wink2:


Avoca, I LOVE your sig, it's very inspiring and thought prevoking


(and cute too)


thx, dear. very kind. I'm a ringmaster addict- :blush-anim-cl:


I have to ventilate this, sorry, I`m overdosed with religion right now.


My aunt persuaded me to go with her to the sabath party at the jewish community house where was visiting one liberal rabbi from UK, and I did, and now for a year I don`t want to see or hear anything relating religion!! All in all, it was fun, and the guy was nice, he got from me: one good point and one bad point. The good point for him mentioning in the prayers and so on.. except the fathers Abraham, Isaac and Yacob, also the mothers Sara, Rebeka, Lea and Rachel (the ortodox ignore the female part of the population and don`t mention the mothers). The bad point he got when he said that prayer where god showed his great powers "cutting the lebanonian cedar in half" and making "lebanon shake like a little calf". When we write this petition to vatican asking them to remove the antisemitic parts from the latin mass we shouldn`t use these anti-arabic sentences, no? I mean, we will never be best friends with them but we should be politically correct and omit these little harmless provocations too. I`m sure vatican will not remove them as well as we will not remove ours, it is the overwhelming power of tradition, especially the so strong tradition of hatred but maybe we could at least try to be a good example for the beginning. Amen.


I'm not a religious person, just so you know where my comment comes from. I agree with this position. mind ya, the religious topic is always very complicated and very critical, as we recently found out in other threads, like the politics one. :boxed: it often mixes up with other aspects of life (again, see the above), which I don't agree with at all, but again I understand my pov is due to my beliefs. a believer often sees his life directed and guided in many aspects by his faith and that o.c. influences his/her choices, opinions, like every political or philosophical theory would do. :wink2:

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I'm not a religious person, just so you know where my comment comes from. I agree with this position. mind ya, the religious topic is always very complicated and very critical, as we recently found out in other threads, like the politics one. :boxed: it often mixes up with other aspects of life (again, see the above), which I don't agree with at all, but again I understand my pov is due to my beliefs. a believer often sees his life directed and guided in many aspects by his faith and that o.c. influences his/her choices, opinions, like every political or philosophical theory would do. :wink2:


Next time I go there (if I go there) I will ask that liberal rabbi about homosexuality just to see how much liberal he is :naughty:

I hope that he will not stone me to death or crusify me or burn me on a stake :naughty:

You know in the bible "sodomy" is a death sin. Though there are 2 famous undercover gay/lesbian love stories in the bible, one between David and Jonatan, and the other, my favourite, between Naomi and Ruth (see Book of Ruth).


But in a lighter tone:


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I was kind of agreeing with Avoca originally (about the negative connotation with the term "queer"). But if Scut's definition is more inclusive then perhaps its not a bad idea. If we continue to use the term in a positive light, then it helps change perception - a little bit at a time.

I wasn't going to voice an opinion originally because I don't participate in this thread as much as most of you, however, if it is inclusive of all orientations then that's 2 cents coming from a "quasi-straight-bi-curious-sorta-gal". :naughty:

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And there I was thinking you were monkeysexual. :naughty:



But to be serious for a moment I say just go with he majority vote. *shrugs* We shouldn't make too big a deal out of it.


*Sshhh...that's our secret*

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I was kind of agreeing with Avoca originally (about the negative connotation with the term "queer"). But if Scut's definition is more inclusive then perhaps its not a bad idea. If we continue to use the term in a positive light, then it helps change perception - a little bit at a time.

I wasn't going to voice an opinion originally because I don't participate in this thread as much as most of you, however, if it is inclusive of all orientations then that's 2 cents coming from a "quasi-straight-bi-curious-sorta-gal". :naughty:


I’ve been thinking a lot about this queer and gay discussion but didn’t know what to say; sometimes it’s hard to find the right words....:blush-anim-cl:


So, can I please borrow your formulations there Suzi?

I agree in all you said, and that includes the quasi-straight-bi-curious-sorta-gal, that’s a good one!:thumb_yello:



Cute picture of you as a baby!

Do your children look like you?:thumb_yello:

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yeah, all the thing comes from bisexual/ lesbian (bi curious and lesbian curious) people not feeling to fit in the definition GAY. for some it's comprehensive of all sexualities (like for me), for some it's not. :wink2:


aside the negativity in the word QUEER, which -I said- has been partially got over through a polemic/proud new meaning of the word, which i actually like, I think QUEER is also much less poignant than the direct words for each sexuality and it doesn't enclose at the same time all the shades in between. but again, as above, it's all a matter of pov. :wink2:


I'd rather have it turned to THE GAY, LESBIAN AND BI THREAD, if a change in title shall occur.

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I’ve been thinking a lot about this queer and gay discussion but didn’t know what to say; sometimes it’s hard to find the right words....:blush-anim-cl:


So, can I please borrow your formulations there Suzi?

I agree in all you said, and that includes the quasi-straight-bi-curious-sorta-gal, that’s a good one!:thumb_yello:



Cute picture of you as a baby!

Do your children look like you?:thumb_yello:


Sure you can borrow my formulations. :naughty: And for the record, my self-description is not static.


I was going to post her pic here, but I'll PM you. :thumb_yello:

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Oh that sounds lovely indeed!

A couple of weeks ago I came across some sequined all stars and thought they were amazing (too expensive for me though).







Oh those are nice, how about those ones? they are not so shiny but pretty cool:




BTW, this is my first post here, hello to everyone around .

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it's fine by me! excellent and comprehensive! we have plenty of long titles for threads here on forum, it's not an exception! :wink2:


I vote for that! :thumb_yello:



Yeah that name sounds good to me! I am fine with the original name as well but to other ppl the new possible thread name may feel more inclusive!!!

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yesss.. and london again, baby!!! wooohoooo! :punk:


:mf_lustslow: Out of interest, what part of Europe are u coming from?

Jus watching Brits launch party, I know I will see Mika at least 4 times on it, the first one was for being nominated for breakthrough act and they showed a clip of Love Today!:wub2:

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Jus watching Brits launch party, I know I will see Mika at least 4 times on it, the first one was for being nominated for breakthrough act and they showed a clip of Love Today!:wub2:

and someone is recording all!:D:flowers2::huglove:?

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