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PPR part 7 (the new beggining)


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Before Sara entered the room, I touched her on the arm, and she turned around.

"Are you okay?"

I bit my lip and shook my head.

"Do you want to talk?"

"Yeah, but not here."

Sara looked around. Two of the rooms were taken up with Artsy and Cal, and the boys were in another room. Just as she was about to suggest a room, Becky and Glow walked up the stairs.

"Nico, are you okay?" Glow asked.

I shook my head again.

"Why don't you come talk to all the girls downstairs." Becky suggested.

I shrugged, and followed the girls downstairs.

All the girls were sitting around the room, watching me as I came in and found somewhere to sit.

"I told the others what the situation is with Andrew and Ella." Kelzy said. "Do you want to talk about it?"

I shrugged. "I don't know whether I should do it or not. I mean, they both hurt me so badly, and part of me wants to tell them where to go. But Ella is my sister, and even though what she did was unacceptable, she's still my sister. I still love her. But also, if I decide to do it, I'm scared I might keep the baby."

"Don't you want a child?" Glow asked.

I sighed. "Yeah, I do, but I wouldn't be doing this for me. And I really want to be in a stable relationship when I have a child."

Glow looked down.

"I didn't mean that as a remark against you Glow, I just..." I started, then I burst into tears.

Kairi walked up to me and gave me a big hug. I smiled, and gave her a hug back.

"You know, whatever you decide, we'll be there for you." Sara said, as the others nodded.

"Good," I replied. "I decided I'm going to have a baby for Ella."


"Another PPR baby?" asked JJL "Awesome, just don't vent the hormotionals on me" As she smiled while saying the last bit

"I can't make any promises" replied Nico

"JJL can I talk to you" Asked Reece timidly

"Hmm... I dunno can I slap you" said JJL and walked out of the room

"How can I fix this?" said Reece

"I don't know, how do you guys normally fix your fights" asked Nico

"It's never been like this before, she normally listens"

"Why does she listen?"

"Cause she cares"

"Why does she care?"

"You see years ago before we were friends, she like me and I really mean liked me as in love, and I didn't feel the same way so I turned her down, she took it really good, no tears or anything, a couple months later we had a massive fight cause she heard from a friend that I was saying really horrible stuff about, I wasn't though and our friendship came from that fight, she got over me after awhile and then something happened and I saved her, I was the first one she told when she discovered she could shoot from her eyes, I'm also the one she's cried on everytime some idiot has broken her heart" Reece said with some sort of light in his eyes

"You love her don't you?"

"With all my heart, she said she would wait, but not forever, I've blown it"

"Look we will help you and her get together, we promise" said M and the other PPR's nodded in agreement.........

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when a girl walks in with an itty bitty waste and a round thing in your face you get SPRUNG


OG.... my Dad loves that sng...






Where did you get it from???


Grrr, is no one bothering to post anymore :bleh:




Obviously not...




Well, I'll post... we gots to catch up cause there was way too much post whoring in here...

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OG.... my Dad loves that sng...






Where did you get it from???




Obviously not...




Well, I'll post... we gots to catch up cause there was way too much post whoring in here...


Lotsa Lotsa Postwhoring


Btw Happy 5000th Post!!!!!! :yay::groupwave::woot_jump:

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"Another PPR baby?" asked JJL "Awesome, just don't vent the hormotionals on me" As she smiled while saying the last bit

"I can't make any promises" replied Nico

"JJL can I talk to you" Asked Reece timidly

"Hmm... I dunno can I slap you" said JJL and walked out of the room

"How can I fix this?" said Reece

"I don't know, how do you guys normally fix your fights" asked Nico

"It's never been like this before, she normally listens"

"Why does she listen?"

"Cause she cares"

"Why does she care?"

"You see years ago before we were friends, she like me and I really mean liked me as in love, and I didn't feel the same way so I turned her down, she took it really good, no tears or anything, a couple months later we had a massive fight cause she heard from a friend that I was saying really horrible stuff about, I wasn't though and our friendship came from that fight, she got over me after awhile and then something happened and I saved her, I was the first one she told when she discovered she could shoot from her eyes, I'm also the one she's cried on everytime some idiot has broken her heart" Reece said with some sort of light in his eyes

"You love her don't you?"

"With all my heart, she said she would wait, but not forever, I've blown it"

"Look we will help you and her get together, we promise" said M and the other PPR's nodded in agreement.........


I shifted around in my seat while the others were talking.

Kelzy looked at me and asked, "You okay?"

"You'll have to count me out. I've got to go talk to Ella and Andrew."

"Do you want someone to come?" Soa asked.

I shook my head. "I think I'll be okay."


I left the house to go see Andrew, while the others planned a way to get Reece and JJL together. M would call a florist to arrange a buch of red roses for JJL, Reece would call the best restaurant in town and book a table, while Becky and the others decided to take JJL shopping, because "Shopping fixes everything".


I arrived at their house, reluctant to do this, but knew this would help heal the hurt between Ella and myself.

I knocked on the door, and Andrew answered immediately.

"We you standing next to the door or something?"

Andrew grinned. "Something like that. Come in."

I went into the lounge, where a few hours earlier, I'd been throwing cases at my sister.


I nodded.

Ella squealed, and Hugged me tightly.

"Just hang on a minute. I may be having this baby for you, but I'm going with my friends. I won't stay here?"

"But, I want to see it grow!"

"Ella, it's simple. Either I go with my friends, or I don't have the baby. Besides, I'll be back for the birth."

Andrew whispered something in her ear that i couldn't quite hear. She sighed, and said, "Fine. As long as you're here when it's time."




Becky, Kelz, Soa and the others grabbed JJL as she was about to go into her room.

"Whoa! What's going on?"

"We're going shopping!" Glow answered.

"But I don't want..."

"You've got no choice." Soa answered.

JJL let herself be dragged out of the house, the girls hoping to get her something nice to wear.


With M and Reece...


"Here's a florist, ring them. Here's a message I wrote for the card." Reece told M, while he picked up his phone and called the restaurant.

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I shifted around in my seat while the others were talking.

Kelzy looked at me and asked, "You okay?"

"You'll have to count me out. I've got to go talk to Ella and Andrew."

"Do you want someone to come?" Soa asked.

I shook my head. "I think I'll be okay."


I left the house to go see Andrew, while the others planned a way to get Reece and JJL together. M would call a florist to arrange a buch of red roses for JJL, Reece would call the best restaurant in town and book a table, while Becky and the others decided to take JJL shopping, because "Shopping fixes everything".


I arrived at their house, reluctant to do this, but knew this would help heal the hurt between Ella and myself.

I knocked on the door, and Andrew answered immediately.

"We you standing next to the door or something?"

Andrew grinned. "Something like that. Come in."

I went into the lounge, where a few hours earlier, I'd been throwing cases at my sister.


I nodded.

Ella squealed, and Hugged me tightly.

"Just hang on a minute. I may be having this baby for you, but I'm going with my friends. I won't stay here?"

"But, I want to see it grow!"

"Ella, it's simple. Either I go with my friends, or I don't have the baby. Besides, I'll be back for the birth."

Andrew whispered something in her ear that i couldn't quite hear. She sighed, and said, "Fine. As long as you're here when it's time."




Becky, Kelz, Soa and the others grabbed JJL as she was about to go into her room.

"Whoa! What's going on?"

"We're going shopping!" Glow answered.

"But I don't want..."

"You've got no choice." Soa answered.

JJL let herself be dragged out of the house, the girls hoping to get her something nice to wear.


With M and Reece...


"Here's a florist, ring them. Here's a message I wrote for the card." Reece told M, while he picked up his phone and called the restaurant.


Meanwhile at the shopping mall

"Here try on this" said Soa handing JJL a slinky black dress and pointed towards the dressing room

"You honestlly want me to try this on" said JJL slightly surprised

"Just go"

"Ok" she meekly replied

JJL came out ten minutes later looking very disgruntaled in the said black dress which was very flattering

"Why am I wearing this?"

"Because we said"


"But nothing, get out of the dress, shoes next"

"And the point of this is?" said JJL as she handed over the dress

"You'll see" and Glow went and purchased it


Meanwhile with Reece and M

"Got the resturant set?" asked M

"Yep, her favorite"

"Good, the red roses are set and the message is one them, and I got a text from Arts a little while ago, they have got a dress, shoes and other things much to her dismay"


"Well she didn't really want to go shopping like shes about to go on the date of her life did she?"

"Why not?"

"God your stupid at times"


"She's upset cause she just had a huge fight with someone she really cares about!"

"Oh who?"

"Who do you think dumbarse, now stop feeling sorry for your self, we have to go shopping ourselves"


"Do you want to look bad for the first date with the girl of your dreams?"


"Right then off we go"


Just as M and Reece pull out of the driveway via a small buggy they found in JJL's garage, JJL and the rest of the PPR's pull in in JJL's van and her loan.

"Come on we need to get you in the shower" said Glow

"Alright I'll go have a shower" said JJL, who really wasn't in the mood for whatever they had planned, and walked up the staircase

"Ok, now that she's gone, how do you think Reece and M are going?" asked Soa

"I know that they have got all the bookings done, and now they have gone shopping for him" replied Artsy

"Ok, so alls we have to do is get her ready?" asked Mika

"All's?" said Artsy "you saw how she was with the shopping, we need to be careful"

"That and she's in an even worse mood, did you see what happened just before we left?" asked Soa

"No" replied Mika, Lolly and Glow

"We saw her almost kill Alek, if thats what your talking about" said Cal gesturing to the people around him

"No well, sort of, she caught him lip locking with a blond chick near the exit, she wasn't to happy that Reece was right, he did break her heart" said Soa

"Hang on when did he say that, and how did you know thats what he said?" asked Lolly

"That's what started all this, and I know cause I heard her swearing to herself while driving back" said Soa

"And we let her drive!" said Mika, still looking rather green from JJL's mad driving

"Yea, she normally has a much softer persona"

"You've never been woken up by her have you?" asked Mika slightly amused

"Oi you lot I'm clean" JJL yelled down the starcase

"Right we'll its makeover time!" said Artsy not to quietly

"Sh*t" JJL mummered to herself.......

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