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PPR part 7 (the new beggining)


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Psssch.....I can make my own.

*briefly wonders about the truth of that statement when she remembers she has no money to buy cornflakes, but shrugs it off*

*should make some more honey joys* We have two boxes or cornflakes here, shame we can't share them :naughty:

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Phunky, who had rejoined the group in the cafeteria, before the cheese exploded, was collapsed on the floor having a vision, as the chanting got closer.

"Get her up, we have to do something," said m4l, watching the window.

"I know, the roof. We'll get JJl to blast through it," finn said, glancing up.

Just then, Phunky woke up. "Not the roof. A bbl will drag Glow down, causing the whole thing to collapse and kill us all. The Blast would make it too unstable," Phunky siad nervously, before glancing around.

"Wait, where is JJl?"

"Soa's missing too," said Kelzy, "Could they be with Glow, Justin and the kid, wherever they are?"

"Too many people are missing, so what are we going to do,"

Just then, Nikolai looked up. "Here are two of your friends now," he said, as what appeared to be two guards walked in, followed by me and JJL looking like a nurse and doctor. With a gasp, I let the illusion die.

"So... tired," I mumbled, wavering on my feet, as one of the 'guards' caught me, and steadyed me.

"What happened to you?" M4l asked.

"Evil, mrudering doctor. Locked up, escape, hospital on alert." gasped out JJl.

"That still doesn't help us. Where is Glow, Justin and Baby?" asked ER.

"I still say through the roof," Finn muttered

"There's no way we'd get Artsy up there, she can't walk," Calvin said suddenly, gesturing to Artsy in his arms "And soa looks like she's in no position to climb either."

"So an illusion to get us out won't work?" m4l asked.

I shook my head.

"What about time travel?" Lolly asked. "We go back an hour, to this very spot, and walk out of the hospital. Then we can find out what happened to Glow, and avoid the BBLs,"

Everyone suddenly turned to look at Mac.

"Yeah, sure, but we'll have to avoid our past selfs. It works differently than travelling back a few minutes. Anything we do there can change the future in a bad way, and seeing ourselves causes some many logical problems that its easier if it doesn't happen."

"So we go back and avoid the hospital," said M4l.

"but then we don't find out what happens to Glow," ER said.

"Well, it's not like we can do anything else, not if the roof will cave in," muttered Phunky.

Just then, a nearby bang brought their attention back to the chanting which was now right outside the hospital.

"What was that?"


"They're coming," said Devin, chuckling darkly and settling onto the counter next to Cal and I. He shot what he must have thought was a very sultry look towards me.

"Just wait, sweets. A few more seconds, a quick death, and we can be together."

"Shove off, Casper," snapped Cal, moving us both away from Devin. I said nothing, but glared at Devin for blatantly calling me sweets again.

"We've got to go." said M, and we all looked to Mac. She sighed.

"Fine, but we've got to be careful if you want to find out what happened to Glow, Justin, and the baby."

"We just need to find out how to check on them without anyone seeing us." said Soa.

Lolly glanced up, then smiled.

"Air vents, anyone?"

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Talking to the air again Mzeee??


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