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PPR part 7 (the new beggining)


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"They're coming," said Devin, chuckling darkly and settling onto the counter next to Cal and I. He shot what he must have thought was a very sultry look towards me.

"Just wait, sweets. A few more seconds, a quick death, and we can be together."

"Shove off, Casper," snapped Cal, moving us both away from Devin. I said nothing, but glared at Devin for blatantly calling me sweets again.

"We've got to go." said M, and we all looked to Mac. She sighed.

"Fine, but we've got to be careful if you want to find out what happened to Glow, Justin, and the baby."

"We just need to find out how to check on them without anyone seeing us." said Soa.

Lolly glanced up, then smiled.

"Air vents, anyone?"


"That could work," said Calvin.

"Alright, let's do it," said ER glancing around.

"Everyone ready?" asked Mac, "Just touch me somehow."

The group all piled around each other squeezing in close to all get at least one finger on Mac.

"Come on guys, hurry!" said Mika impatiently.

Mac drew in a deep breath, she'd never transported these many people this far back. She was about to draw in her powers when a loud crash came from down the hall.

"DO IT NOW!" yelled Mika.

So, Mac, her mind all in a commotion of surprise and fear collected everyone's energies and in a split second, they were all gone...


It all happened so quickly, they barely had time to react. Everyone hit the ground hard and for a few minutes, the group lay completely still.

Becky was the first to come around. She opened her eyes and blinked once, then blinked twice. This couldn't be. No, it couldn't.

She looked down at herself and noticed that she wasn't wearing a t-shirt and jeans anymore. Instead, she wore an earthy brown long dress that was terribly itchy. As she sat up, she noticed everyone around her was dressed the same way.

A horse neighed in the distance, and when she turned to look, she saw a small village just a little ways away.

The other's were beginning to stir now as well.

"What the...?" cried Mika, looking repulsed at the homely clothes that had replaced his much more flamboyant ones back at the hospital.

Lolly rubbed her head, "What happened?"

Soa looked around, "I think Mac made a mistake."

"Yeah, it looks like we've gone a little too far," Calvin laughed, "Where's Mac? She can fix this."

Calvin crawled over to Mac, who was still unconscious. "Hey girl, you went too far." But she didn't stir. Looking worried, Calvin grabbed her wrist and searched for a pulse. "Guys! She's barely alive! I think she strained herself!"

Everyone, now fully awake, rushed over.

"There's a little village over there," said Becky, motioning to her right.

"Let's take her there to rest," said Kelzy...


An hour later...

Mac had been laid down to rest at the town preacher's home, and the rest of the group sat in the town square thinking of what to do.

"This is brilliant," said ER, pacing back and forth.

"Without Mac, were stuck here in 1200-something!" said Kelzy. The group mumbled and groaned their feelings of frustration.

"We'll just have to wait til she wakes up I guess," said Becky.

"If she's wakes up," said Soa darkly...


Artsy sat over by a tree, just thinking. A little girl walked up to her. "Good afternoon madam," she said.

"Oh, hello," said Artsy.

The little girl looked confused, "You talk funny," she said, and motioned for her friend to come over too. But Lolly was on her way over to see Artsy, and shooed the girls away.

"You OK, Arts?" Lolly asked.

"I'm fine," said Artsy, looking at her hands, wrists still raw and bloody.

"Hey, let me fix that," said Lolly, taking Artsy's wrists in her hands, causing the wounds to disappear.

"Thanks girl."


Little did they know, that just behind the tree were the two little girls. "Did you see that, Elizabeth?" one whispered.

"Yeah, it was like magic," Elizabeth replied.

The other girl gasped, "I think she's a witch!"

And they turned around and ran off. This news was just too big to be kept a secret...

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"That could work," said Calvin.

"Alright, let's do it," said ER glancing around.

"Everyone ready?" asked Mac, "Just touch me somehow."

The group all piled around each other squeezing in close to all get at least one finger on Mac.

"Come on guys, hurry!" said Mika impatiently.

Mac drew in a deep breath, she'd never transported these many people this far back. She was about to draw in her powers when a loud crash came from down the hall.

"DO IT NOW!" yelled Mika.

So, Mac, her mind all in a commotion of surprise and fear collected everyone's energies and in a split second, they were all gone...


It all happened so quickly, they barely had time to react. Everyone hit the ground hard and for a few minutes, the group lay completely still.

Becky was the first to come around. She opened her eyes and blinked once, then blinked twice. This couldn't be. No, it couldn't.

She looked down at herself and noticed that she wasn't wearing a t-shirt and jeans anymore. Instead, she wore an earthy brown long dress that was terribly itchy. As she sat up, she noticed everyone around her was dressed the same way.

A horse neighed in the distance, and when she turned to look, she saw a small village just a little ways away.

The other's were beginning to stir now as well.

"What the...?" cried Mika, looking repulsed at the homely clothes that had replaced his much more flamboyant ones back at the hospital.

Lolly rubbed her head, "What happened?"

Soa looked around, "I think Mac made a mistake."

"Yeah, it looks like we've gone a little too far," Calvin laughed, "Where's Mac? She can fix this."

Calvin crawled over to Mac, who was still unconscious. "Hey girl, you went too far." But she didn't stir. Looking worried, Calvin grabbed her wrist and searched for a pulse. "Guys! She's barely alive! I think she strained herself!"

Everyone, now fully awake, rushed over.

"There's a little village over there," said Becky, motioning to her right.

"Let's take her there to rest," said Kelzy...


An hour later...

Mac had been laid down to rest at the town preacher's home, and the rest of the group sat in the town square thinking of what to do.

"This is brilliant," said ER, pacing back and forth.

"Without Mac, were stuck here in 1200-something!" said Kelzy. The group mumbled and groaned their feelings of frustration.

"We'll just have to wait til she wakes up I guess," said Becky.

"If she's wakes up," said Soa darkly...


Artsy sat over by a tree, just thinking. A little girl walked up to her. "Good afternoon madam," she said.

"Oh, hello," said Artsy.

The little girl looked confused, "You talk funny," she said, and motioned for her friend to come over too. But Lolly was on her way over to see Artsy, and shooed the girls away.

"You OK, Arts?" Lolly asked.

"I'm fine," said Artsy, looking at her hands, wrists still raw and bloody.

"Hey, let me fix that," said Lolly, taking Artsy's wrists in her hands, causing the wounds to disappear.

"Thanks girl."


Little did they know, that just behind the tree were the two little girls. "Did you see that, Elizabeth?" one whispered.

"Yeah, it was like magic," Elizabeth replied.

The other girl gasped, "I think she's a witch!"

And they turned around and ran off. This news was just too big to be kept a secret...


Most of us had gone back to the preachers house to wait, check on Mac and avoid the curious stares we were getting from the villagers, however, I and ER had quickly gone to look around, and gather, if we could, some spare clothes.

"Put these on," I said, thrusting a bunch of clothes at everyone as we reentered the preachers house. The preacher was conviently out tending his garden.

"Why?" asked mika, looking at the clothes that appeared to be worse than what we was wearing.

"Because the clothes you are wearing will return back to normal soon." I replied.

M4l took in my pale face. "You're doing this?" she asked, pointing to her clothes.

"Did you have to make them so itchy?" added Becky.

"It's my ability that's doing this, but I didn't. Somehow in everything that happened Mac drew off my abilities during the ...'journey'. The clothes you have on are you're real clothes, but illusioned to fit into the time, I'm really not sure how it works, only that I can't keep it up for long," I replied.

"Can you turn it off now?" asked Lolly, who entered with Artsy.

I shook my head, and indicated Mac with my head. "I have no control over it, I think it was a side effect of whatever happened to get us here," I said, before thrusting the clothes at them. "Please, put them on now," I said.

The others glanced at me, before heading one by one behind a curtain that divided the single room into two bedrooms, to get changed. When everyone was done, I regarded the pile of clothes, which were beginning to flicker back to normal.

"What's going to happen now?" asked Lolly, noticing my face was even paler.

"I don't know. I can't turn it off," I said, suddenly gasping, as a stabbing pain went through my stomach.

"It's happening again, isn't it?" asked M4l.

"Their..ow..turning... need... sleep," I mumbled, as the pile of clothes flickered more.

"Why is Justin never around when we need him," mumbled Calvin, looking around. We still had no idea what had happened to him, Glow, Sara and the baby.

"Put the clothes in this bag," said Er, holding out a sack like bag. "And someone knock her out," she added, indicating me.

"I really hate to do this," Calvin said, glancing at his hands.

"Just.. ow... do it," I mumbled, as he nodded, and punched me. Lolly quickly put her hands on me, healing me to prevent any physical injury from the punch I just had.

"She'll need to sleep, and Macs passed out as well," she said a few seconds later, as Calvin moved me from the chair I was sitting on, to the second bed on this side of the curtain.

Just then, a shout came from the door.

"They were right, you are a witch. And you all were habouring her,' the preacher said, staring at Lolly.

"What?" Lolly asked, staring back.

"I saw you lay you're hands on that girl to heal her, and my daughter, Elizabeth, and another girl, saw you heal the red head's wounds. You are a witch and we will see you burned."

The sound of chanting could be heard out the window, as Lolly turned, and saw a mob of villagers.

"Witch, witch, burn the witch" the cried, surronding the house. It seemed we were trapped again.

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Most of us had gone back to the preachers house to wait, check on Mac and avoid the curious stares we were getting from the villagers, however, I and ER had quickly gone to look around, and gather, if we could, some spare clothes.

"Put these on," I said, thrusting a bunch of clothes at everyone as we reentered the preachers house. The preacher was conviently out tending his garden.

"Why?" asked mika, looking at the clothes that appeared to be worse than what we was wearing.

"Because the clothes you are wearing will return back to normal soon." I replied.

M4l took in my pale face. "You're doing this?" she asked, pointing to her clothes.

"Did you have to make them so itchy?" added Becky.

"It's my ability that's doing this, but I didn't. Somehow in everything that happened Mac drew off my abilities during the ...'journey'. The clothes you have on are you're real clothes, but illusioned to fit into the time, I'm really not sure how it works, only that I can't keep it up for long," I replied.

"Can you turn it off now?" asked Lolly, who entered with Artsy.

I shook my head, and indicated Mac with my head. "I have no control over it, I think it was a side effect of whatever happened to get us here," I said, before thrusting the clothes at them. "Please, put them on now," I said.

The others glanced at me, before heading one by one behind a curtain that divided the single room into two bedrooms, to get changed. When everyone was done, I regarded the pile of clothes, which were beginning to flicker back to normal.

"What's going to happen now?" asked Lolly, noticing my face was even paler.

"I don't know. I can't turn it off," I said, suddenly gasping, as a stabbing pain went through my stomach.

"It's happening again, isn't it?" asked M4l.

"Their..ow..turning... need... sleep," I mumbled, as the pile of clothes flickered more.

"Why is Justin never around when we need him," mumbled Calvin, looking around. We still had no idea what had happened to him, Glow, Sara and the baby.

"Put the clothes in this bag," said Er, holding out a sack like bag. "And someone knock her out," she added, indicating me.

"I really hate to do this," Calvin said, glancing at his hands.

"Just.. ow... do it," I mumbled, as he nodded, and punched me. Lolly quickly put her hands on me, healing me to prevent any physical injury from the punch I just had.

"She'll need to sleep, and Macs passed out as well," she said a few seconds later, as Calvin moved me from the chair I was sitting on, to the second bed on this side of the curtain.

Just then, a shout came from the door.

"They were right, you are a witch. And you all were habouring her,' the preacher said, staring at Lolly.

"What?" Lolly asked, staring back.

"I saw you lay you're hands on that girl to heal her, and my daughter, Elizabeth, and another girl, saw you heal the red head's wounds. You are a witch and we will see you burned."

The sound of chanting could be heard out the window, as Lolly turned, and saw a mob of villagers.

"Witch, witch, burn the witch" the cried, surronding the house. It seemed we were trapped again.


'It's...only an illusion, right?' Lolly muttered to me. I shrugged helplessly as the woman roughly grabbed her arm and dragged her outside. At the doorway, she paused, looking at us.

'Youse is comin' too. Ye'll see yer evil friend burned as a warnin' to youse,' she spat at us. We figured it was best not to argue.

We followed her into the village square, and the mob followed us, still chanting 'Witch! Witch! Burn the witch!'

Lolly was lashed tightly to a post surrounded with twigs and timber. The chanting of the crowd got steadily louder, until a tall figure emerged from a nearby doorway. We realised it was the priest. He stepped in front of the mob.

'What have we here?' he asked.

'A witch! A witch! Burn the witch!' they yelled back.

'Wait!' I yelled. I was recieved with boos and hisses. I ignored them. 'How do you even know she's a witch?' I asked them. A filthy man who looked suspiciously like Eric Idle yelled back, 'She looks like one!'

Someone else said, ''Lizabeth saw 'er doin' witchcraft, she did!'

I put my hands on my hips. 'All that your eyewitness saw was my friend healing somebody. You call that witchcraft? What if she is nothing but a healer? She could be incredibly useful to your community!'

There was a pause. Then, the man who had answered me back the first time shouted, 'Burn the witch! Burn 'er!' The rest of them joined in pretty quickly.

I tried getting myself heard again, but it was no use. Eventually, the priest spoke.

'Quiet! There are ways of telling whether she is a witch. What do we do with witches?'

Collectively: 'BURN THEM!'

'Right. And what else burns?' said the priest, as if speaking to a large gathering of small children. Evidently. he had dealt with them before.

There was a pause. 'Wood?' said someone.

'Good. So therefore, the reason witches burn is that they are made of wood,' said the priest. There was a silence. I knew they didn't have schools, but...

'Does wood sink in water?' prompted the priest.

'Errrr...no!' yelled a villager.

'It floats!' 'Yeah, it does!' 'Throw her in the pond!' 'Pond the witch!'

'What else floats in water?' was the next question. Honestly, was this the local pop quiz or something?

'Um...bread!' 'Cherries!' 'Errrm...uhh, gravy!' 'Very small rocks!'

'A duck!'


The Eric Idle villager looked thoughtful. 'So...if she weighs the same...as a duck...she's a witch?'

'Excellent!' Beamed the priest. The crowed erupted again, and Lolly was cut free from the post and dragged through the square towards the most bizarre contraption I'd ever seen. It looked like a giant, crude set of scales, and one side there just so happened to be a duck. Lolly no longer looked terrified, just confused. The villagers were about to load her into the scale when reality flickered. There was no other description. The landscape around us was blurring and flickering, and sounds were becoming muffled. We heard the white noise that we had when we'd time traveled before, except we weren't touching Mac.

Then, all of a sudden, we were back in the hospital. All of us, by some miracle. Mac and Soa lay on the floor, still unconscious. Unfortunately, we'd been brought back right to where we left off.

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