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PPR part 7 (the new beggining)


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'It's...only an illusion, right?' Lolly muttered to me. I shrugged helplessly as the woman roughly grabbed her arm and dragged her outside. At the doorway, she paused, looking at us.

'Youse is comin' too. Ye'll see yer evil friend burned as a warnin' to youse,' she spat at us. We figured it was best not to argue.

We followed her into the village square, and the mob followed us, still chanting 'Witch! Witch! Burn the witch!'

Lolly was lashed tightly to a post surrounded with twigs and timber. The chanting of the crowd got steadily louder, until a tall figure emerged from a nearby doorway. We realised it was the priest. He stepped in front of the mob.

'What have we here?' he asked.

'A witch! A witch! Burn the witch!' they yelled back.

'Wait!' I yelled. I was recieved with boos and hisses. I ignored them. 'How do you even know she's a witch?' I asked them. A filthy man who looked suspiciously like Eric Idle yelled back, 'She looks like one!'

Someone else said, ''Lizabeth saw 'er doin' witchcraft, she did!'

I put my hands on my hips. 'All that your eyewitness saw was my friend healing somebody. You call that witchcraft? What if she is nothing but a healer? She could be incredibly useful to your community!'

There was a pause. Then, the man who had answered me back the first time shouted, 'Burn the witch! Burn 'er!' The rest of them joined in pretty quickly.

I tried getting myself heard again, but it was no use. Eventually, the priest spoke.

'Quiet! There are ways of telling whether she is a witch. What do we do with witches?'

Collectively: 'BURN THEM!'

'Right. And what else burns?' said the priest, as if speaking to a large gathering of small children. Evidently. he had dealt with them before.

There was a pause. 'Wood?' said someone.

'Good. So therefore, the reason witches burn is that they are made of wood,' said the priest. There was a silence. I knew they didn't have schools, but...

'Does wood sink in water?' prompted the priest.

'Errrr...no!' yelled a villager.

'It floats!' 'Yeah, it does!' 'Throw her in the pond!' 'Pond the witch!'

'What else floats in water?' was the next question. Honestly, was this the local pop quiz or something?

'Um...bread!' 'Cherries!' 'Errrm...uhh, gravy!' 'Very small rocks!'

'A duck!'


The Eric Idle villager looked thoughtful. 'So...if she weighs the same...as a duck...she's a witch?'

'Excellent!' Beamed the priest. The crowed erupted again, and Lolly was cut free from the post and dragged through the square towards the most bizarre contraption I'd ever seen. It looked like a giant, crude set of scales, and one side there just so happened to be a duck. Lolly no longer looked terrified, just confused. The villagers were about to load her into the scale when reality flickered. There was no other description. The landscape around us was blurring and flickering, and sounds were becoming muffled. We heard the white noise that we had when we'd time traveled before, except we weren't touching Mac.

Then, all of a sudden, we were back in the hospital. All of us, by some miracle. Mac and Soa lay on the floor, still unconscious. Unfortunately, we'd been brought back right to where we left off.


"You have got to be f*cking kidding me" groaned JJL

"Nope, its all very real" replied M

"We are even still in these horribly drab clothes, if you can even call them that" whined JJL

"Oh your not the only one annoyed about that" whined Mika back

"Oh grow up you two, we need to put Soa and Mac somewhere safe" said Lolly

"Just while we are here does anyone know why Mac's timetravelling thing messed up so much?" asked Artsy

"I don't know, and we don't have time to find out" said M " and we need to hide those two, or wake them up"

"We can't they have both over-exuasted themselfs, we could make it worse if we do" said JJL

"We need a plan, we can't keep running away" said Artsy

"That's very true" said M

"Circles!" said JJL, very suddenly, startling everyone, Various huh?'s were heard from everyone.

"Circles, we stick together, put the kids, Glow, Soa and Mac in the middle, then we have the rest of us on the out side. I can blast two or three at a time, so then I have roughly about 20-40 of the hunchmen covered and a couple of the others, that and I have an adventage, I don't have a BBL clone, so they don't quite know how I work, Nico can break bones of about 10 at a time, therefore we have about 50 covered don't we, So now we have about 80 of the random hunchmen covered, leaving 20 hunchmen and about 19 BBL's if I counted correctly, so all of us can cover them, but whatever you do, DON'T under any circumstances fight your own BBL clone, cause its obvious that they know a fair bit about you, so fight someone elses, and don't listen to what they say, ok?"

"Ya know your very opinionated, and what makes you think it will work?" asked M

"I don't, I know it will work"...

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