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PPR part 7 (the new beggining)


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"We've got to try something." I said, and moved Soa next to Mac, motioning to Becky to bring the kids over. Everyone circled around with our backs to the center. We all turned as we heard the BBLs approaching, their voices and footsteps a dull roar.


And......that's all I got.:blink:

I'm really sorry...I'm coming off a sugar high and am legally braindead.


The same thought went through each of the PPRs.

"We're going to die. And we won't even have everyone here."

Thoughts of Kevin and Baby passed through their mind, so they could be mentally stronger. The people on the outside squeezed each others hands one last time, while Soa comforted Kairi and Edwin.

It seemed as if the moment lasted for hours. Everyone was terrified, but knew the only way out was to fight; they had no escape, so now was the time. They weren't really prepared. The idea of death had been floating around they're mindsfor a while, yet now it was more than a thought.

With that, they heard a massive crash, and something crashed through the roof. Instinctively, everyone held their hands over their heads, and Soa covered the two little'uns. Peeking through her fingers, Artsy saw a ladder drop down through the hole.

"Oh my god." She said fearfully. "They're coming through the roof."

Waiting silently for whoever was coming down the ladder to come down, who they assumed would be Tentacle, tears fell down a few of the PPRs cheeks.

"Come on." Glow smiled, as she reached the bottom of the ladder. "We've held them off for a bit. Not for long, but we have time."

"But how?" Artsy asked, as the others made their way forward. Glow tapped her nose.

"Come on! Let the kids. I'll take Edwin." Cosmo handed Edwin to Glow, and Glow made her way up.

"Don't be scared honey." Cosmo whispered to Kairi. "Daddy is going to take you to safety." He then made his way up the ladder, with the others following close behind wearily, leaving Becky, M4L and JJL at the bottom.

"I'll go last." JJL voulenteered. "I can climb fast if need be. Go on."

But Becky and M4L looked at each other.

"I'm terrified of heights." M4L admitted, looking up to the helicopter, which was hovering close to the roof.

"Me too." Becky said, trying not to think about how high it was.

"Come on girls!" Glow shouted down, over the sound of the helicopter. "They've noticed us! They can't be held up much longer!" Becky and M4L looked at each other again.

"Right." Becky said bravely. "I'll go first. Come up behind me M." With that, she took a deep breath and made her way over to the ladder, repeating quietly 'You can do this.' M followed closely, repeating something that no one else could quite catch.

Becky put her first foot on the ladder and made her way up, being as careful as she possibly could.

As she got halfway up, she stupidly looked down to see M4L and JJL following her closely, and how high she was.

"Oh my god!" She gasped, gripping the rope ladder tighter, and moving herself closer.

"Come on Becks, you can do it!" Becky heard from Cosmo above her. "Don't let this get to you!"

His voice made her feel more at ease. As if a bubble of safety had wrapped around her, she made her way up feeling as if her fear had melted away.

M4L clambered up behind her quickly and as both of them reached the top, they wrapped their arms around their loved one.

JJL noticed Tentacle making his way up the ladder briskly after her.

"Hurry up J!" Artsy said, holding up a knife. JJL, seeing what she meant, made extra effort, and got up to the helicopter. With a smirk toward Tentacle, Artsy began to cut through the rope ladder, which unfortunatly was attached to the helicopter itself.

With the first one cut through, Tentacle jolted. He was three quarters of the way up. There was no way he'd get to the bottom in time, and if he hit the ground...

"Goodbye Tent. See you in Hell." Artsy said coldly as she made the last cut through the rope. Tentacle fell and Artsy watched him hit the ground, before closing the door.

"...And we finally found an internet Cafe. Going onto the PPRFC, we made an account under the name 'PPRs'. I know, but we were in a rush. So we told them about the BBLs and how we needed desparate help. Every PPRFCer in the area made their way down here. It was lucky there was a convention going on nearby. Others came from a bit further away, with this and said we could borrow it to get you. So we did." Sara told the others.

"You could have killed us sending that thing through the roof like that!" Soa pointed out.

"It was a risk we had to take. Their was no other choice. It was that or hope you could fight them off, which the odds were ridiculous." Sara shrugged.

"I suppose... But we still haven't gotten rid." Kelzy replied.

"Well, unless Tentacle has miracle healing powers, he's dead." Artsy smiled.

"And those PPRFCers are nasty... But in a good way." Sara grinned.

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Hehehehehe, I remember thinking of people with post counts over 3 or 4000, 'God, these people must come on here a TON.'

That was before I discovered what the fine print said.


Oh, and


HAPPY 5000TH POST :yay::yay:


*remembers the sacrficing of her real life*

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