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PPR part 7 (the new beggining)


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The new baby. Glow handed her to me and I cuddled her, smiling down at her. ER glanced at the baby, then turned her head to gaze out the window. Justin watched her sadly, and Glow fiddled with the baby blanket in her lap, not saying anything.

Still feeling a bit bitchy from killing Tentacle, I cleared my throat and said,

"Rosie, wanna hold Loomie?"

ER snapped her head around to gape at me incredulously and stuttered,

"Arts, I d-don't think-"

"Here. Support her head."

I practically hurled the baby into her arms. ER numbly accepted the baby, looking shell-shocked.


I looked down at Lumiere's face. She stared back up at me, and her bright blue eyes seemed to go on forever. It seemed like she was looking right through me. She cooed gently and batted at a lock of my hair that had escaped my bun with her perfect, miniature hand.

I bit my lip to keep from crying. This little girl didn't deserve to be on the brunt end of my childish anger and hate, it wasn't her fault she had been born.

I stayed like that for a long time, just staring at her. Eventually, she started squirming slightly. I got up and handed her back to Glow. I could feel her worried eyes on me, and instead of avoiding her gaze like I normally would, I looked her straight in the eyes and whispered, 'She's beautiful.'

Glow broke into a startled smile, and nodded.

I made my way back to my seat, still feeling incredulous. I felt lighter, somehow. Maybe it wasn't as bad as all that. And Justin...well, I'd gotten over him before. I knew now I couldn't take him back, but there was no point in moping over him any more.

The intercom came on again. 'JJL, can you come up here? We're over Queensland now.' said Alek. JJL grinned, then blushed slightly on her way to the cockpit. (OK, I think we're in a plane now. A magical hovering plane with a ladder. :naughty: )

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I looked down at Lumiere's face. She stared back up at me, and her bright blue eyes seemed to go on forever. It seemed like she was looking right through me. She cooed gently and batted at a lock of my hair that had escaped my bun with her perfect, miniature hand.

I bit my lip to keep from crying. This little girl didn't deserve to be on the brunt end of my childish anger and hate, it wasn't her fault she had been born.

I stayed like that for a long time, just staring at her. Eventually, she started squirming slightly. I got up and handed her back to Glow. I could feel her worried eyes on me, and instead of avoiding her gaze like I normally would, I looked her straight in the eyes and whispered, 'She's beautiful.'

Glow broke into a startled smile, and nodded.

I made my way back to my seat, still feeling incredulous. I felt lighter, somehow. Maybe it wasn't as bad as all that. And Justin...well, I'd gotten over him before. I knew now I couldn't take him back, but there was no point in moping over him any more.

The intercom came on again. 'JJL, can you come up here? We're over Queensland now.' said Alek. JJL grinned, then blushed slightly on her way to the cockpit. (OK, I think we're in a plane now. A magical hovering plane with a ladder. :naughty: )


About an hour later JJL's voice came "Oi you lot buckle up, we are about to land, and I want you ALL on your best behaviour, we are going to my parents place first, I need my house keys back." And sure enough as soon as everyone buckled up, the plane started to desend and then land.

"Where are we?" asked Artsy

"We are at the Airport for my town, my parents live on the other side of that bridge and then I live on the other side of town that way" said JJL pointing towards a bridge and then towards north "Hang on I'll be back in a minute" and then she went inside of the building to the right and then came out looking quite happy

"Why do you look so happy?" asked M

"Cause, just follow me" said JJL as she walked leading the way to two vans one in bright vibrant colours and the other just plain white.

"Pick a van, the pretty bright one is mine and the awful plain one is a loan, someone in there owed me a favour, so this is it, I'll be driving mine and someone else who can preferably drive will drive the other"

"I will drive the other" said Alek and JJL threw a set of keys to him

"Right then pick your van" said JJL and the group split up between the vans and they were off.


10 minutes later the vans stopped at a house and JJL got out and told everyone else to get out and went and opened the front door and went inside and then suddenly

"Julia Mary B-"

"Oh sh*t I'm doomed, she used my middle name" JJL cut in through her mums rant in a whisper

"- gone for god knows how long and that one phone call telling us you went non-exsitent-" JJL's mother just kept on going

"Why did you do it?" cut in JJL's father

"Well you see that's where these guys and girls come in" and JJL started to tell the story of everything that had happened since she had met the PPR's with a bit of help from everyone else.

"Are you serious?" said JJL's mum when they had finished the story

"Well, I know I have a vivid imagination, but there is no way I could think up something like that, its too much drama, to not be real" JJL replied

"Hey, tall dude are you Mika? said a boy that looked about 15

"Who wants to know?"

"I'm one their kids" pointing to JJL's mum and dad "My name is Ryan"

"Well yea I'm Mika"

"Your my sister's-"

"Your sister's what, Ryan?" said JJL

"JJL!" said Ryan

"Yea, I thought as much, wheres Matt? He must surely be here"

"I'm here" said Matt, who looked about 18

"Ahhh, these are my little brother who are pains in-" JJL's mum coughed and JJL hastily said "who I love very much" and everyone started laughing

"Anyway Mum, I need my house keys" said JJL

"I thought you were going to stay for longer"

"I need to get home... We'll come over for dinner, ok?"

"Ok" and gave JJL her keys

"Thanks mum!" JJL said and pointed everyone out and back to the cars


The cars pulled up at a large two story place that will hold everyone easily.

"Out and all the luggage, go claim a room" said JJL and opened the house and everyone ran in happy that they would all get to have a nice hot shower and sleep in a nice comfy bed, JJL went up to her room found some nice clean clothes and had a shower, then went downstairs, where all the people who had had a shower and unpacked, were drinking some softdrink.

"So guys do you like my house" asked JJL

Various yes's were heard and JJL smiled and then there was a knock on the door.

JJL opened the door and saw who it was and said "What do you want?"

"I'm sorry said the person on the other side

"For?" said JJL

"For trying to run your life"

"Ok your forgived" and gave the mystery guy a huge hug and invited him in

"Hey, guys, just so you know, I know you were evesdropping, but anyway this is Reece, a very good friend of mine, he lives in this house too..." said JJL...

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About an hour later JJL's voice came "Oi you lot buckle up, we are about to land, and I want you ALL on your best behaviour, we are going to my parents place first, I need my house keys back." And sure enough as soon as everyone buckled up, the plane started to desend and then land.

"Where are we?" asked Artsy

"We are at the Airport for my town, my parents live on the other side of that bridge and then I live on the other side of town that way" said JJL pointing towards a bridge and then towards north "Hang on I'll be back in a minute" and then she went inside of the building to the right and then came out looking quite happy

"Why do you look so happy?" asked M

"Cause, just follow me" said JJL as she walked leading the way to two vans one in bright vibrant colours and the other just plain white.

"Pick a van, the pretty bright one is mine and the awful plain one is a loan, someone in there owed me a favour, so this is it, I'll be driving mine and someone else who can preferably drive will drive the other"

"I will drive the other" said Alek and JJL threw a set of keys to him

"Right then pick your van" said JJL and the group split up between the vans and they were off.


10 minutes later the vans stopped at a house and JJL got out and told everyone else to get out and went and opened the front door and went inside and then suddenly

"Julia Mary B-"

"Oh sh*t I'm doomed, she used my middle name" JJL cut in through her mums rant in a whisper

"- gone for god knows how long and that one phone call telling us you went non-exsitent-" JJL's mother just kept on going

"Why did you do it?" cut in JJL's father

"Well you see that's where these guys and girls come in" and JJL started to tell the story of everything that had happened since she had met the PPR's with a bit of help from everyone else.

"Are you serious?" said JJL's mum when they had finished the story

"Well, I know I have a vivid imagination, but there is no way I could think up something like that, its too much drama, to not be real" JJL replied

"Hey, tall dude are you Mika? said a boy that looked about 15

"Who wants to know?"

"I'm one their kids" pointing to JJL's mum and dad "My name is Ryan"

"Well yea I'm Mika"

"Your my sister's-"

"Your sister's what, Ryan?" said JJL

"JJL!" said Ryan

"Yea, I thought as much, wheres Matt? He must surely be here"

"I'm here" said Matt, who looked about 18

"Ahhh, these are my little brother who are pains in-" JJL's mum coughed and JJL hastily said "who I love very much" and everyone started laughing

"Anyway Mum, I need my house keys" said JJL

"I thought you were going to stay for longer"

"I need to get home... We'll come over for dinner, ok?"

"Ok" and gave JJL her keys

"Thanks mum!" JJL said and pointed everyone out and back to the cars


The cars pulled up at a large two story place that will hold everyone easily.

"Out and all the luggage, go claim a room" said JJL and opened the house and everyone ran in happy that they would all get to have a nice hot shower and sleep in a nice comfy bed, JJL went up to her room found some nice clean clothes and had a shower, then went downstairs, where all the people who had had a shower and unpacked, were drinking some softdrink.

"So guys do you like my house" asked JJL

Various yes's were heard and JJL smiled and then there was a knock on the door.

JJL opened the door and saw who it was and said "What do you want?"

"I'm sorry said the person on the other side

"For?" said JJL

"For trying to run your life"

"Ok your forgived" and gave the mystery guy a huge hug and invited him in

"Hey, guys, just so you know, I know you were evesdropping, but anyway this is Reece, a very good friend of mine, he lives in this house too..." said JJL...

I nodded politely at the man.

"Hey, I'm M, and this is Finn." I said nudging finn from his position with cream puffed pastries emerging from his face.

Reece smiled (a vair crinkly and nice smile :das:) at us and came over to shake our hands.

"I'm Artsy and this is...my....friend, Cal." said Artsy sadly shaking his hand as did Cal.

Everyone introduced themselves and shook his hand.

"Wow, you certainly have a big group here, Jules." Said Reece in awe.

"Yeah we're all very close." grinned becky who was cradling a sleeping Kairi in her arms.

Reece nodded.

"Very beautiful ladies." He added winking at JJL.

She rolled her eyes.

"Do not hit on my friends, ok?"

He gave her a sleezy smile.

"NO promises there. Anywho, I'm off to bed, behave you all."

He took a knapsack off the couch and walked up the long fleet of stairs.

All the girls turned their heads to watch.

"M." muffled out finn nudging my arm.

"MMmmhmm." I managed.

He sighed and swallowed the cream cakes.

"Wow." managed a breathless Kelzy.

All the girls giggled wildly.

"I think it

s time for bed now." added cosmo tugging on becky's arm.

She made a groaning noise and followed him up the stairs winking at us form the top.

"Let's go to bed too." winked Finn.

I sighed and headed up with him.

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Pardon? :blink:


*feels out of the loop*

You don't remember, ER? We lusted after RR and his magical dog-chopping ways.:wub2:




I love you.



*reminices about our PPR slumber party inwhich we watched the amityville horror*

Good times, they were. Especially the shirtless bits. *bites lip and sighs*

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You don't remember, ER? We lusted after RR and his magical dog-chopping ways.:wub2:


Good times, they were. Especially the shirtless bits. *bites lip and sighs*

:lmfao: i can tell when you post on the mfc, you go quiet on msn



it was like









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:lmfao: i can tell when you post on the mfc, you go quiet on msn



it was like










I can't multitask, ok?:naughty:


Remember when we found this:


"RR'S BUTT! M, LOLLY, YOU HAVE TO SEE IT!!!!!!!!!!":lmao:

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RR? Is that the guy called Ryan something? If it is, I remember seeing pictures of him but I'm pretty sure I'd remember something about dog chopping...


Ryan Reynolds. *nods*


He was in Amityville Horror, and he gets possessed by a demon and chops up a dog with an axe. Aside from the obvious sadness of an animal dying, he's shirtless and muscly and it's pretty hot.:das:

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Ryan Reynolds. *nods*


He was in Amityville Horror, and he gets possessed by a demon and chops up a dog with an axe. Aside from the obvious sadness of an animal dying, he's shirtless and muscly and it's pretty hot.:das:


Oooooh. Non, I haven't seen that. I got an eyeful from that video you posted, though. :das:

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