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PPR part 7 (the new beggining)


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I nodded politely at the man.

"Hey, I'm M, and this is Finn." I said nudging finn from his position with cream puffed pastries emerging from his face.

Reece smiled (a vair crinkly and nice smile :das:) at us and came over to shake our hands.

"I'm Artsy and this is...my....friend, Cal." said Artsy sadly shaking his hand as did Cal.

Everyone introduced themselves and shook his hand.

"Wow, you certainly have a big group here, Jules." Said Reece in awe.

"Yeah we're all very close." grinned becky who was cradling a sleeping Kairi in her arms.

Reece nodded.

"Very beautiful ladies." He added winking at JJL.

She rolled her eyes.

"Do not hit on my friends, ok?"

He gave her a sleezy smile.

"NO promises there. Anywho, I'm off to bed, behave you all."

He took a knapsack off the couch and walked up the long fleet of stairs.

All the girls turned their heads to watch.

"M." muffled out finn nudging my arm.

"MMmmhmm." I managed.

He sighed and swallowed the cream cakes.

"Wow." managed a breathless Kelzy.

All the girls giggled wildly.

"I think it

s time for bed now." added cosmo tugging on becky's arm.

She made a groaning noise and followed him up the stairs winking at us form the top.

"Let's go to bed too." winked Finn.

I sighed and headed up with him.

The next morning, I was sitting at the table sipping a cup of coffee with Mika when Reece came down the stairs. He poured himself some coffee, but did a double-take at the first sip.

"Wow...that's really good, mate."

Mika glowered at him and edged towards the coffeepot protectively.

"I know."

Reece blinked at him, then sat down across the table from me.

"So, are the rumors true? You guys have powers?"

I flashed a bit of my day-glo eyes at him and smirked.

"It's possible."

He watched me for a moment, looking dumbfounded, then looked up as a faint murmur and stomping sounds were heard.

"Oh no..." whimpered Mika. Reece gave us confused looks and I smiled evilly.

"Brace yourself." I warned just seconds before the others stampeded into the kitchen, grabbing all the coffee cups, then swarming the coffeepot. Mika was thrown to the opposite end of the kitchen, looking grumpy and resigned. Within a few seconds, the stampede was over, and all the PPRs were standing around sipping coffee contentedly.

Cal held up the empty coffeepot.

"Hey Meeks, we're going to need another one soon."

Mika stomped over and snatched the pot away from him, grumbling to himself as he began to brew another pot.

Reece looked at us all, shaking his head, then asked,

"So what will you do now? Jules told me your danger was gone."

I shook my head.

"It isn't. It never is. Someone else will be after us soon enough."

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The next morning, I was sitting at the table sipping a cup of coffee with Mika when Reece came down the stairs. He poured himself some coffee, but did a double-take at the first sip.

"Wow...that's really good, mate."

Mika glowered at him and edged towards the coffeepot protectively.

"I know."

Reece blinked at him, then sat down across the table from me.

"So, are the rumors true? You guys have powers?"

I flashed a bit of my day-glo eyes at him and smirked.

"It's possible."

He watched me for a moment, looking dumbfounded, then looked up as a faint murmur and stomping sounds were heard.

"Oh no..." whimpered Mika. Reece gave us confused looks and I smiled evilly.

"Brace yourself." I warned just seconds before the others stampeded into the kitchen, grabbing all the coffee cups, then swarming the coffeepot. Mika was thrown to the opposite end of the kitchen, looking grumpy and resigned. Within a few seconds, the stampede was over, and all the PPRs were standing around sipping coffee contentedly.

Cal held up the empty coffeepot.

"Hey Meeks, we're going to need another one soon."

Mika stomped over and snatched the pot away from him, grumbling to himself as he began to brew another pot.

Reece looked at us all, shaking his head, then asked,

"So what will you do now? Jules told me your danger was gone."

I shook my head.

"It isn't. It never is. Someone else will be after us soon enough."

Least but not last i trudged down the steps sleepily and finn followed after.

"Hey sleepy heads." smirked reece and i gave him a half dreamy half eff off smile.I raised my hand to swat him but i felt myself caressing him instead.

"Ok..then." he managed stepping out of my hands reach.

Finn gave me wtf? look and i drifted down to lie on the sofa.

"Anyone want more coffee? Mika is making some." asked Soa.

Mika groaned and grabbed the pot unwillingly and began to make more coffee.

"I'll ahve some if reece is going to." added artsy.

Finn glanced at artsy and me.

"Don't tell me he has love charms too." groaned finn.

Reece snickered.

"I don't have any charms."

Finn grumbled and grabbed some coffee and began to chug it back.

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Least but not last i trudged down the steps sleepily and finn followed after.

"Hey sleepy heads." smirked reece and i gave him a half dreamy half eff off smile.I raised my hand to swat him but i felt myself caressing him instead.

"Ok..then." he managed stepping out of my hands reach.

Finn gave me wtf? look and i drifted down to lie on the sofa.

"Anyone want more coffee? Mika is making some." asked Soa.

Mika groaned and grabbed the pot unwillingly and began to make more coffee.

"I'll ahve some if reece is going to." added artsy.

Finn glanced at artsy and me.

"Don't tell me he has love charms too." groaned finn.

Reece snickered.

"I don't have any charms."

Finn grumbled and grabbed some coffee and began to chug it back.


The group chugged through their coffee like nobody's business.

"Wow, Meeks," said ER, "You sure do make a cup of coffee."

Mika grumbled and finished pouring the last cup. He finally sat down, when Becky piped up, "I'm hungry." Mika slammed his cup down, spilling coffee all over the table and small chunks of glass detached from the bottom of his cup.

"Yikes! Chill Mika!" said Kelzy, wiping the coffee.

"I was gonna get it myself," said Becky meekly.

"Sorry Beck," said Mika, helping Kelzy, "I'm just a little on edge this morning."

Becky got up and started rummaging through the cupboards, "Jeez, J...you have no food in this house."

JJL got up and walked over to Becky and looked as well. "Aw, Mum," she moaned, "She must have forgotten to go to the store. Though she really wasn't expecting company."

"Well, then let's go to the store then," said Lolly, getting up. "I'm in the mood to go shopping."

"I know where to go," said JJL, "The best place is a bit away, but its worth it."

"I'd like to see the sights too," said Soa, putting down her cup.

"OK, then its you, me and JJL," said Lolly, "Let's go."

The three girls got up, grabbing their jackets and began to walk out the door, when Soa turned back to the group and said, "Hey Meeks, come with us. Some fresh air will do you some good."

Mika sighed. She was right.

"Don't forget your purse, dear," said Lolly.

Mika groaned exasperatedly, "It's a wallet!"...


In the driveway...

"I call shotgun!" said Lolly, laughing as she ran to the door. Soa playfully whacked her on the head with her bag.

"Hey!" Lolly called, smiling, and hit Soa back.

"Girls, girls..." said Mika, looking stern.

"Oh lighten up, Mika!" giggled Lolly as she climbed in.

With everyone in, JJL started up the van and pulled out of the driveway. Lolly turned up the radio. It was blasting some dance anthem they'd never heard, but the beat was contagious and all the passengers, including Mika, couldn't help but to jam and dance along with it.

JJL looked out of her rearview mirror. The black car behind her was following really close behind her. She went into the next lane, hoping he would pass her, but he changed lanes with her. Worried, she switched lanes again, and once more, the black car came with her.

"Hold on," JJL cried out, and she swerved hard right to get on the exit ramp. Cars around her came to a screeching halt.

"What the...!" cried Lolly, holding onto her door handle as all the passengers shifted sharply with the car. JJL sped down the ramp and turned off onto a busy city street. She quickly looked over her shoulder and there it was, the black car, right behind her...

"I think we're being followed..."

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Even though I don't have my posting mate...:blink: I might as well post, since the MFC is unusually quiet lately and I've got time...

Maybe we'll be online at the same time tomorrow :wink2:


I had to go to the dentist today about my wisdom teeth

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Orange got off a big bus and stepped off to see a big house awaiting her. She smiled as she walked up the cobble stone steps. She'd rescued hgerself from the jungles of brazil when we thought everyone was collected. She'd shown up in Mexico but hadn't said much because of the trauma she had gone through when some of the natives tried to give her as a human sacrifice. Her card was different and read


If you do not save yourself, you will be a gonner

"Home." she whispered as she opened the door to see her husband, Marco sitting on the couch reading a book. She glanced up her spiral staircase and then across the tall chestnut ceiling to her fireplace .

"Orange! My love!" Marco said in a thick italian accent. Orange muttered something before running to him as he stood up with his arms wide open.

"OH I missed you so much, darling!" she said with a now mixed up accent form all the places we've been.

"You look gorgeous." he said twirling her around as she grinned broadly.

"Thank you marco, you look magnificent yourself," she said backing away to see his new wardrobe.

"Oh how I was lonesome. I cannot survive without you!" he said brandishing a bottle of champagne in which he popped, and champagne poured across the chestnut hard wood flooring.

"Me neither! seeing all the happy couples! I am so happy we're back where we belong...together." she took a drink from the champagne bottle before sitting down on their couch and wrapping her arms around him.

"Darling, the mail! It;'s been piling up! I payed all the bills." Marco said happily. Orange grinned proud of her hunk who ad very defined features. He had astonishing green eyes and slicked back chocoalte curly hair and a dark tan. He had a wonderfull nose and great lips.


After a month of story telling and wonderful evening dinners Orange had recieved a letter in the mail.


"Why, it's from Mika!" she said with her accent back in place.

"Open it honey!" Marco said smiling a white smile that reached his eyes.

"It says,


Dearest orange,


I am hoping you are doing well. I have enclosed 2 tickets to my concert that I hope you'll be attending.





"I must RSVP! Can we go?" she asked excitedly

"It's be a great joy!" he said happily as she raced up the stairs to her grand bedroom.

this it , orange.

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:wub2: I've been good. Vair vair cold in canada :roftl: (Did anyone ever inform you that i gave you a boyfriend in pprc??) I missed you!


this it , orange.


Oh yes, I'm cold but not nearly as cold as you, I'm certain.:bleh: I missed you and everyone else too!


Thank you for the boyfriend! He sounds like a very sexy boy!:wub2:

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