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PPR part 7 (the new beggining)


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The group chugged through their coffee like nobody's business.

"Wow, Meeks," said ER, "You sure do make a cup of coffee."

Mika grumbled and finished pouring the last cup. He finally sat down, when Becky piped up, "I'm hungry." Mika slammed his cup down, spilling coffee all over the table and small chunks of glass detached from the bottom of his cup.

"Yikes! Chill Mika!" said Kelzy, wiping the coffee.

"I was gonna get it myself," said Becky meekly.

"Sorry Beck," said Mika, helping Kelzy, "I'm just a little on edge this morning."

Becky got up and started rummaging through the cupboards, "Jeez, J...you have no food in this house."

JJL got up and walked over to Becky and looked as well. "Aw, Mum," she moaned, "She must have forgotten to go to the store. Though she really wasn't expecting company."

"Well, then let's go to the store then," said Lolly, getting up. "I'm in the mood to go shopping."

"I know where to go," said JJL, "The best place is a bit away, but its worth it."

"I'd like to see the sights too," said Soa, putting down her cup.

"OK, then its you, me and JJL," said Lolly, "Let's go."

The three girls got up, grabbing their jackets and began to walk out the door, when Soa turned back to the group and said, "Hey Meeks, come with us. Some fresh air will do you some good."

Mika sighed. She was right.

"Don't forget your purse, dear," said Lolly.

Mika groaned exasperatedly, "It's a wallet!"...


In the driveway...

"I call shotgun!" said Lolly, laughing as she ran to the door. Soa playfully whacked her on the head with her bag.

"Hey!" Lolly called, smiling, and hit Soa back.

"Girls, girls..." said Mika, looking stern.

"Oh lighten up, Mika!" giggled Lolly as she climbed in.

With everyone in, JJL started up the van and pulled out of the driveway. Lolly turned up the radio. It was blasting some dance anthem they'd never heard, but the beat was contagious and all the passengers, including Mika, couldn't help but to jam and dance along with it.

JJL looked out of her rearview mirror. The black car behind her was following really close behind her. She went into the next lane, hoping he would pass her, but he changed lanes with her. Worried, she switched lanes again, and once more, the black car came with her.

"Hold on," JJL cried out, and she swerved hard right to get on the exit ramp. Cars around her came to a screeching halt.

"What the...!" cried Lolly, holding onto her door handle as all the passengers shifted sharply with the car. JJL sped down the ramp and turned off onto a busy city street. She quickly looked over her shoulder and there it was, the black car, right behind her...

"I think we're being followed..."


'Oh, brilliant. Not even a day's rest.' Soa groaned.

JJL frowned and slammed her foot on the accelerator pedal. The passengers were all thrown back against their seats, as JJL swerved down backstreets in an attempt to lose their chaser. Eventually, it started to look like all they were losing was themselves.

'This is pointless, guys, it's like they see what I'm doing ahead of time!' Yelled JJL. Eventually, she turned sharply onto the shoulder and braked abruptly. In a mass of squealing tires, the other car came to a stop beside them. JJL gripped the steering wheel tightly as the other car's door opened, and out stepped....




'Wha--??!' the four of them cried.

'What on earth are you DOING?!' JJL yelled.

Alek cringed. 'Please, don't be angry. I was only following you to make sure you didn't get into trouble.'

'We're perfectly capable of taking care of ourselves, thank you very much,' snapped Soa. 'What were you thinking, that we'd automatically know it was you? You shared us sh*tless!'

'I wasn't--no! I was trying to pull up beside you, so you could see it was me, but I couldn't, there were too many cars. I just want to ensure your safety. Just because the BBLs have surrendered it doesn't mean they are no more.'

Mika narrowed his eyes. 'ALL our safety? Or one person in particular?'

To their surprise, Alek blushed. His gaze flicked over to JJL, who met his eyes, astonished.

Lolly cleared her throat. 'Well, either way, we are now thoroughly lost. Can you at least get us to the store?'

Alek tore his eyes away from JJL's, snapping back to reality. 'Erm. Yes, there's a GPS in the car.'



'Wonder what's taking them so long...' I thought aloud back at the house. We were all giggling over the three kids, me included, to everyone's surprise.

'You know Lolly. She's probably dragging them around the mall,' said Calvin, in a tone that suggested this had happened to him before.

Lumiere, in the meantime, was loving all the attention she was getting. She had recently started to smile and was using it to her advantage.

'You've got a drama queen on your hands,' joked M.

'Not surprising, given the way she was concieved...' said Cosmo, without thinking. There was a sudden, awkward silence. Everyone's eyes flicked back and forth between Glow and Justin's stricken, embarassed faces and mine. I blinked, my mouth slightly open, and then I laughed. It wasn't fake. The rest of them joined in gingerly, except Justin, who looked down at the floor.

After a while, we gave up waiting around and dispersed to our various rooms. I stayed in the kitchen, too lazy to move.

Justin stayed behind too. After a pause, he said, 'Are you...OK?'

'I'm fine, Justin. Really. I've worked things out with myself.' I replied.

'I know you know how sorry I am.'

'Yes. I do.'

'I guess I've gone too far to suppose you'd consider...you know...' he mumbled.

I sighed. 'Yes. I can't take you back. You have other obligations now. But I don't see why we can't maintain the friendship we had before. I hope we could do that, one day.'

He nodded. 'I'd like that.'

He paused before leaving the kitchen. 'I'll always be here if you change your mind.'

I sipped my coffee thoughtfully, enjoying the quiet. It wasn't to last long, however: after a few minutes, JJL burst in through the door, grinning like an idiot. She dumped three large bags full of groceries on the table, and grabbed my hands, pulled me to my feet and spun me around before skipping upstairs. Lolly, Soa, and Mika followed, carrying huge amounts of food, looking slightly less ecstatic. Mika groaned and dropped the bags on the floor. 'I think I busted my shoulder...'

Finally, in came Alek. His face was perfectly composed. I raised an eyebrow at him; he ignored me.

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Thankye. I think she was hinting at it before (I hope so :naughty: )

*pictures Lolly dragging Calvin found the mall and giggles*


She'll like it...we all have our men...(or have had :naughty: )


New life goal: Take Calvin shopping...for real...:naughty:


Nice timing too, just as I have to go in like five minutes....:thumbdown: :thumbdown:

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'Oh, brilliant. Not even a day's rest.' Soa groaned.

JJL frowned and slammed her foot on the accelerator pedal. The passengers were all thrown back against their seats, as JJL swerved down backstreets in an attempt to lose their chaser. Eventually, it started to look like all they were losing was themselves.

'This is pointless, guys, it's like they see what I'm doing ahead of time!' Yelled JJL. Eventually, she turned sharply onto the shoulder and braked abruptly. In a mass of squealing tires, the other car came to a stop beside them. JJL gripped the steering wheel tightly as the other car's door opened, and out stepped....




'Wha--??!' the four of them cried.

'What on earth are you DOING?!' JJL yelled.

Alek cringed. 'Please, don't be angry. I was only following you to make sure you didn't get into trouble.'

'We're perfectly capable of taking care of ourselves, thank you very much,' snapped Soa. 'What were you thinking, that we'd automatically know it was you? You shared us sh*tless!'

'I wasn't--no! I was trying to pull up beside you, so you could see it was me, but I couldn't, there were too many cars. I just want to ensure your safety. Just because the BBLs have surrendered it doesn't mean they are no more.'

Mika narrowed his eyes. 'ALL our safety? Or one person in particular?'

To their surprise, Alek blushed. His gaze flicked over to JJL, who met his eyes, astonished.

Lolly cleared her throat. 'Well, either way, we are now thoroughly lost. Can you at least get us to the store?'

Alek tore his eyes away from JJL's, snapping back to reality. 'Erm. Yes, there's a GPS in the car.'



'Wonder what's taking them so long...' I thought aloud back at the house. We were all giggling over the three kids, me included, to everyone's surprise.

'You know Lolly. She's probably dragging them around the mall,' said Calvin, in a tone that suggested this had happened to him before.

Lumiere, in the meantime, was loving all the attention she was getting. She had recently started to smile and was using it to her advantage.

'You've got a drama queen on your hands,' joked M.

'Not surprising, given the way she was concieved...' said Cosmo, without thinking. There was a sudden, awkward silence. Everyone's eyes flicked back and forth between Glow and Justin's stricken, embarassed faces and mine. I blinked, my mouth slightly open, and then I laughed. It wasn't fake. The rest of them joined in gingerly, except Justin, who looked down at the floor.

After a while, we gave up waiting around and dispersed to our various rooms. I stayed in the kitchen, too lazy to move.

Justin stayed behind too. After a pause, he said, 'Are you...OK?'

'I'm fine, Justin. Really. I've worked things out with myself.' I replied.

'I know you know how sorry I am.'

'Yes. I do.'

'I guess I've gone too far to suppose you'd consider...you know...' he mumbled.

I sighed. 'Yes. I can't take you back. You have other obligations now. But I don't see why we can't maintain the friendship we had before. I hope we could do that, one day.'

He nodded. 'I'd like that.'

He paused before leaving the kitchen. 'I'll always be here if you change your mind.'

I sipped my coffee thoughtfully, enjoying the quiet. It wasn't to last long, however: after a few minutes, JJL burst in through the door, grinning like an idiot. She dumped three large bags full of groceries on the table, and grabbed my hands, pulled me to my feet and spun me around before skipping upstairs. Lolly, Soa, and Mika followed, carrying huge amounts of food, looking slightly less ecstatic. Mika groaned and dropped the bags on the floor. 'I think I busted my shoulder...'

Finally, in came Alek. His face was perfectly composed. I raised an eyebrow at him; he ignored me.


Walking over to eye the shopping bags, I glanced at Mika and smirked mischieviously.

"So, Meeks," I said, lacing my fingers together and setting them on Mika's shoulder, leaning on him, "Have fun shopping?"

Mika gasped in pain and edged out from under my hands, shooting me a dirty look.

"Do that again and I won't make you coffee for a week."

I raised an eyebrow at him and he tilted his head knowingly.

"And you'll have to drink Calvin's coffee."

Squeaking a protest, I backed away from him and began inspecting the groceries.

"Hmmm.....orange juice...celery (ick)....Tim Tams....I need to finally try those....*gasp* DSOs and Nutella!"

I dove my hands into the bag and pulled out the Double-Stuf Oreos and jar of Nutella. Everyone looked at me in disgust.

"What?" I asked, "It's good."

Calvin shuddered and picked up an apple.

"So what did you guys see during the shopping trip? And why do you suddenly have Alek with you?"

"Oh, he was just making us paranoid and we decided to bring him along."

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Walking over to eye the shopping bags, I glanced at Mika and smirked mischieviously.

"So, Meeks," I said, lacing my fingers together and setting them on Mika's shoulder, leaning on him, "Have fun shopping?"

Mika gasped in pain and edged out from under my hands, shooting me a dirty look.

"Do that again and I won't make you coffee for a week."

I raised an eyebrow at him and he tilted his head knowingly.

"And you'll have to drink Calvin's coffee."

Squeaking a protest, I backed away from him and began inspecting the groceries.

"Hmmm.....orange juice...celery (ick)....Tim Tams....I need to finally try those....*gasp* DSOs and Nutella!"

I dove my hands into the bag and pulled out the Double-Stuf Oreos and jar of Nutella. Everyone looked at me in disgust.

"What?" I asked, "It's good."

Calvin shuddered and picked up an apple.

"So what did you guys see during the shopping trip? And why do you suddenly have Alek with you?"

"Oh, he was just making us paranoid and we decided to bring him along."


during this time finn led M to a room

'' i need to be alone...'' he told her to break the silence

'' oh... i can leave you alon if you want...''

'' no... we both need to be together... i meant, i need tobe alone with you. without the rest of the pprs!''

she smiled and sat beside him and waited. after some seconds he took her hand in his and looked at the ceiling!

'' i don't know where we are going! we got no life! ''

'' that's not true!'' she said taking his face in her hands so he looked at her! '' we're not here for nothing... of course we're always traveling but i'm sure you'll be depressed if we didn't ! we need that and you know it as well... you're just a bit tired and we're her to relax ok?? '' she said calmly! he closed his eyes and layed on his back! after some minutes he was already alseep. M kissed gently kissed him and left the room to join the others! there was michael still playing on the computer with cosmo! sara was sitting on the sofa... and definitively couldn't talk to him, probably because she was to shy! M sat beside her.

'' how is finn??'' sara asked

'' he is ok...'' she sighed '' you barely talked to him since he's here ''

'' what??? finn?? '' she asked surpised

'' no!! michael!! '' M laughed '' you know you should...'':das:

'' oh no! don't think i love him... i mean... i do love him but not the way you think.. well, you understand! ''

M giggled as sara got up and ran to the bathroom as the boys were sitting!

'' SARA!! come on! we got chocolate! i know you love chocolate!:das: stop to hide yourself in the bathroom.. it's becoming a bad habit!!'':roftl:

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