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PPR part 7 (the new beggining)


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Wear them when you meet him... I'm sure your feet would hurt if you wore them during the concert... not to mention the poor souls who can't see he stage cause you're wearing heels...


True...but I'm pretty short to begin with...I'm only five foot three and half-ish...:blink:


Yep, Converse for me as well...and a lot of Day-Glo...


:blush-anim-cl: What's day-glo?

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True...but I'm pretty short to begin with...I'm only five foot three and half-ish...:blink:




:blush-anim-cl: What's day-glo?


Day-Glo is a sort of paint that comes in the brightest colours imaginable that was all the rage with the radicals and hippies in the 60's... So in my case, Day-Glo means fluorescent orange and blue jeans plus a bright shirt plus purple shoes. :naughty:

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Day-Glo is a sort of paint that comes in the brightest colours imaginable that was all the rage with the radicals and hippies in the 60's... So in my case, Day-Glo means fluorescent orange and blue jeans plus a bright shirt plus purple shoes. :naughty:


Woot!:punk: That'll be awesome!:thumb_yello:

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I walked past Reece as he watched JJL walk away.

"Should I ask?"

He looked at me. "I don't want to talk about it."

I shrugged. "Suit yourself."


I walked into the kitchen and saw JJL peering into the fridge.

"Anything tasty in there?" I asked.

She glanced at me, and replied "Not really."

"So, what's the go with Reece?"

JJL shut the fridge. "Why?"

"Call me curious."

JJL sighed. "It really has nothing to do with you, sorry. I'm going for a walk."


I looked around the empty kitchen and said aloud, "What did I do?"

"You know, talking to yourself is the first sign of madness."

Without turning around, I replied, "I am aware of that Mika."

"You okay?"

"I don't know. Do I annoy people?"

Mika smirked. "Always Nico."

"I'm serious. I seem to annoy people. Cosmo wasn't too pleased when I blew up Verish. Wasn't as if it were my fault or anything."

"So? Since when do you care what people think?"

I shrugged. "I don't know. I don't notice it when we're busy fighting of psychopaths, but now there's nothing, I'm feeling a little lonely. Most of the group is paired off, and I guess I want to have someone too."

Mika gave me a big hug. "Hey, don't sweat it. you'll fin someone when you least expect it."


I wandered into the lounge room to find most of the others lazing around watching tv.

"I'm going for a walk." I said to no-one in particular.

"Yeah, okay." Kelz answered.

I walked to the front door, and opened it to see...


...an all-too-familiar face staring back at her.

Nico froze in mid-step. Then she turned.

'Wait...' she heard before she slammed the door.

Kelzy looked at her quizzically. 'What's up?'

'Nothing,' Nico snapped, before storming up the stairs, muttering something along the lines of 'how dare he'.

Kelzy tried to read her thoughts, but failed. Something to do with her tele-kinesis must have something to do with it.


Sorry guyses, I'm all out of ideases...

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It's okay. I'm just kinda cut up about it, but I know I have to keep on going, despite the fact I want to curl up on my bed and not bother getting up again :tears:


Well, at least she went painlessly. And the weekend starts tomorrow, so you won't have to go to school and pretend nothing's wrong.


You know all the PPRs will be here if you need to talk.:thumb_yello:

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