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PPR part 7 (the new beggining)


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Sweet... I'm sure it won't matter, but I was a little worried it might...

I think it would only count if you reported them stolen or something.


It better not matter, I have to sell mine still



And since I chit chatted so much, I shall post....

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We all turned into the kitchen to find Artsy on top of cal.

Finn grinned sheepishly and i slugged him.

She was growling at him and he was struggling to get her off.

"ARTS!" I screamed trying to tug her off calvin.

She was too strong and kept hewr nails pierced into calvin.

Finn came and tugged on me and eventually we all flew into the air in a big pile.

"QUICK!" I screamed. "LOCK UP CAL!"

Soa nodded her head and her and cosmo dragged him off into one of the bedrooms locking all the doors and windows and blocking the doors.

I wrapped my arms around artsy and finn and I lugged her into the dining room where we strapped her to the table.

"ARTSY CALM DOWN!" I said flicking some water at her.

"...Ergh, babe. I don't think that's holy water, it came from the tap." said finn.

"I flicked water at him and began to pace the room.

"I think she needs to be with Cal." said Finn suddenly.

I looked up at him, "What??"

"Well, they loved people that were blood relatives...you never know it could link them some how."

I nodded my head thoughtfully.

"And you think love is going to help?"

He nodded.

"It got me through the rough times, looking at a picture of you."

I could feel my heart burst with happiness but i felt it burst with pain as one of artsy's nails dug into my t-shirt and ripped mostly all of my clothes off.

"Ow." i managed as I tried to cover my self up.

Finn let out a small laugh and handed me his sweater.

"Uuugh artsy you are such a bitch when you're mad."


"We can't put them in a room together," I said suddenly, as everyone turned to look at me.

"What?" asked Finn

"We can't... look, if we put them in a room together we all know what will happen, right?"

"Right.. they'll either kill each other or.." began M

"Or they'll chicken and become linked. And that is a large commitment. Their both still in mourning for loved ones they lost, and even if they weren't, should be able to make the decision when they are sane,"

They others looked at me, before M nodded. "She's right, we can't have them link, not until they've decided it."

"So what do we do?" asked Finn.

"We'll have to .." began Lolly, when a sudden shout stopped the convo.

Turning, we noticed Mac and Artsy were gone.

"She mumbled something about kevin, grabbed Mac and was gone," said ER, staring at the spot.

"Oh this is not good," I said, taking a seat.

"No, we have to get her back, she could kill someone like this," replied Kelz.

"Even if she is still in full moon mode on the other side of wherever they've timetravelled too, there's worse at stake. Remember what mac said about travelling into the past, if it's longer than a few minutes then you're at risk of meeting yourself, and if you do that then you'll create a paradox which could... well she never exactly explained what happens, only that it's not good," I explained.

"Plus she could change the past and thus change what happened now. We've already changed it once," muttered Lolly, glancing at Sara.

"So we have to go back," added ER.

"But what about Ella, and calvin?" asked nico.

"we'll have to split into two groups, one stays here in the future, and the other goes back. The time travelling group should try to reappear as close to this time as possible," I said.

"But how, we don't have mac!" said M, loudly,

Just then mac appeared, scratches on her arms and face. "we have to do something before she ruins everything," she said staring around at us all

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