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PPR part 7 (the new beggining)


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"We can't put them in a room together," I said suddenly, as everyone turned to look at me.

"What?" asked Finn

"We can't... look, if we put them in a room together we all know what will happen, right?"

"Right.. they'll either kill each other or.." began M

"Or they'll chicken and become linked. And that is a large commitment. Their both still in mourning for loved ones they lost, and even if they weren't, should be able to make the decision when they are sane,"

They others looked at me, before M nodded. "She's right, we can't have them link, not until they've decided it."

"So what do we do?" asked Finn.

"We'll have to .." began Lolly, when a sudden shout stopped the convo.

Turning, we noticed Mac and Artsy were gone.

"She mumbled something about kevin, grabbed Mac and was gone," said ER, staring at the spot.

"Oh this is not good," I said, taking a seat.

"No, we have to get her back, she could kill someone like this," replied Kelz.

"Even if she is still in full moon mode on the other side of wherever they've timetravelled too, there's worse at stake. Remember what mac said about travelling into the past, if it's longer than a few minutes then you're at risk of meeting yourself, and if you do that then you'll create a paradox which could... well she never exactly explained what happens, only that it's not good," I explained.

"Plus she could change the past and thus change what happened now. We've already changed it once," muttered Lolly, glancing at Sara.

"So we have to go back," added ER.

"But what about Ella, and calvin?" asked nico.

"we'll have to split into two groups, one stays here in the future, and the other goes back. The time travelling group should try to reappear as close to this time as possible," I said.

"But how, we don't have mac!" said M, loudly,

Just then mac appeared, scratches on her arms and face. "we have to do something before she ruins everything," she said staring around at us all


"What happened, exactly?" asked M.

"She went back to save someone named Kevin." exclaimed Mac, then looked around, waiting for a bigger reaction.

""We expected as much." replied Soa.

"She can't do this!" snapped Mac, "If she saves someone from being killed, it could have huge consequences."

"Ok, same plan as we were making before." said Lolly, "Two groups; someone can wait here with Cal and make sure he doesn't hurt himself, then the rest of the group goes with Andrew. The other group goes back in time with Mac."

Soa, Lolly, JJL, Alek, M, and Finn decided to go back with Mac while the others stayed with Nico.

"Where is she?" Soa asked Mac.

"About twelve hours before this Kevin guy died."

They thought back.

"We were still on the jet to Cherisse's house in London." said M.

"Right. Let's go." said Soa, and they all grabbed Mac, then disappeared into thin air. Nico looked at the empty spot where they'd stood, then turned her head as thumping sounds were heard from Cal's room, before a loud roar echoed down the hall.

"I hope that room holds." she whispered.

"I'll stay behind and make sure he stays put." volunteered Cosmo. Nico nodded and glanced to the others.

"Come on, Andrew's waiting outside. We've got to hurry."


In the past...

I stood in the tiny jet bathroom and listened to the sounds of people talking outside. I wasn't sure how I would save Kevin, but I would. I needed him. In the back of my hazy mind, I knew that Mac was angry at me and the others wouldn't be pleased, but I didn't care. The beast wasn't leaving the past without her mate. I heard myself laughing outside, and tensed.

"Oh, come on, Kev, you're telling me a polka dot wedding dress isn't the best idea ever?"

"I'm just saying it's a decision that could do with some sleeping on before you make any permanent choices." he replied, and I closed my eyes at the sound of that dear aussie accent flowing through his deep voice. A tight sensation balled up in my chest.

"Be right back, Arts. I'm off to the loo."

I flicked the lock on my bathroom door to occupied and waited for him to enter the opposite bathroom. I heard him step in and close the door, but luckily, he didn't lock it. I waited a few minutes, gathering my courage, then was squashed up against the door as there were suddenly seven more people crushed with me inside the tiny bathroom.

"Artsy? Oh thank god." said M, shifting around. I gasped as she accidentely shoved an elbow in the general area of my right kidney. I turned, shoving them all back against the sink. My eyes were glowing bright green and my fangs were fully extended as I hissed at them and slipped out the door before they could grab me.

"Artsy, don't do this, it isn't right!" Lolly whispered urgently through the door. I ignored her and opened the door across the hall, entering and closing it behind me. Kevin was drying his hands with a paper towel and raised an eyebrow as he turned to look at me.

"Hi sweets. Did you need something?" Looking closer at me, he frowned.

"Did you change your clothes?"

I leaned back against the door and just stared at him for a long moment, the tight feeling in my chest getting worse, nearly unbearable as I gazed at him. He took in my glowing eyes and stricken expression and stepped closer, laying a hand on my cheek.

"Hey Arts, are you ok? What happened?"

I looked up at him, tears starting to stream down my face.


Nico and the others ran down the steps to Andrew's car. They all squeezed in and took off.

"Wait," asked Becky, "Where are we going? And for the millionth time, who's Ella?"

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Awwww......I'm sorry, Soy. I hate it when that happens.

No chance of recovery?

Nah, I have to rewrite half of it, and I've lost motivation...


It happened with the computer crash..


So I'm working on another one, until I decide to try and work on that one again :wink2:

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Nah, I have to rewrite half of it, and I've lost motivation...


It happened with the computer crash..


So I'm working on another one, until I decide to try and work on that one again :wink2:


Uggh; it sucks to lose motivation. I hardly ever get it back, and then the file is just there, always in My Documents, always so silently judgemental of me for not finishing it.


It drives me mad after a while, and I end up deleting it in a fit of paranoia.:naughty:

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Uggh; it sucks to lose motivation. I hardly ever get it back, and then the file is just there, always in My Documents, always so silently judgemental of me for not finishing it.


It drives me mad after a while, and I end up deleting it in a fit of paranoia.:naughty:

Mine isn't even in my my documents :naughty:


It's in an email, I lack the motivation to even check it.... I will one day though (since the one I'm working on is set after it :mf_rosetinted:)

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Mine isn't even in my my documents :naughty:


It's in an email, I lack the motivation to even check it.... I will one day though (since the one I'm working on is set after it :mf_rosetinted:)




Yeah, might want to finish the original before the sequel.:lmfao:


Alrighty, it's getting late and I'm asleepy. FY&GN.:punk:

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*giggles excitedly*


Right on!

(Love your new siggy, btw.:lmao: )




Thank ye...


Do you mean.......these?!


*holds up creme eggs enticingly*


*drools at creme eggs*


Geez, Nico's stories....*fans herself and looks around*


Where's that lobeman when I need cow-milking?


Ahhh... I see you like my stories... verra good!


She's good with those stories.....



So am I of course, but I lost alot of the one I was working on




Yes I am...


But so are you, I love yours...





I'm posting now!

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"What happened, exactly?" asked M.

"She went back to save someone named Kevin." exclaimed Mac, then looked around, waiting for a bigger reaction.

""We expected as much." replied Soa.

"She can't do this!" snapped Mac, "If she saves someone from being killed, it could have huge consequences."

"Ok, same plan as we were making before." said Lolly, "Two groups; someone can wait here with Cal and make sure he doesn't hurt himself, then the rest of the group goes with Andrew. The other group goes back in time with Mac."

Soa, Lolly, JJL, Alek, M, and Finn decided to go back with Mac while the others stayed with Nico.

"Where is she?" Soa asked Mac.

"About twelve hours before this Kevin guy died."

They thought back.

"We were still on the jet to Cherisse's house in London." said M.

"Right. Let's go." said Soa, and they all grabbed Mac, then disappeared into thin air. Nico looked at the empty spot where they'd stood, then turned her head as thumping sounds were heard from Cal's room, before a loud roar echoed down the hall.

"I hope that room holds." she whispered.

"I'll stay behind and make sure he stays put." volunteered Cosmo. Nico nodded and glanced to the others.

"Come on, Andrew's waiting outside. We've got to hurry."


In the past...

I stood in the tiny jet bathroom and listened to the sounds of people talking outside. I wasn't sure how I would save Kevin, but I would. I needed him. In the back of my hazy mind, I knew that Mac was angry at me and the others wouldn't be pleased, but I didn't care. The beast wasn't leaving the past without her mate. I heard myself laughing outside, and tensed.

"Oh, come on, Kev, you're telling me a polka dot wedding dress isn't the best idea ever?"

"I'm just saying it's a decision that could do with some sleeping on before you make any permanent choices." he replied, and I closed my eyes at the sound of that dear aussie accent flowing through his deep voice. A tight sensation balled up in my chest.

"Be right back, Arts. I'm off to the loo."

I flicked the lock on my bathroom door to occupied and waited for him to enter the opposite bathroom. I heard him step in and close the door, but luckily, he didn't lock it. I waited a few minutes, gathering my courage, then was squashed up against the door as there were suddenly seven more people crushed with me inside the tiny bathroom.

"Artsy? Oh thank god." said M, shifting around. I gasped as she accidentely shoved an elbow in the general area of my right kidney. I turned, shoving them all back against the sink. My eyes were glowing bright green and my fangs were fully extended as I hissed at them and slipped out the door before they could grab me.

"Artsy, don't do this, it isn't right!" Lolly whispered urgently through the door. I ignored her and opened the door across the hall, entering and closing it behind me. Kevin was drying his hands with a paper towel and raised an eyebrow as he turned to look at me.

"Hi sweets. Did you need something?" Looking closer at me, he frowned.

"Did you change your clothes?"

I leaned back against the door and just stared at him for a long moment, the tight feeling in my chest getting worse, nearly unbearable as I gazed at him. He took in my glowing eyes and stricken expression and stepped closer, laying a hand on my cheek.

"Hey Arts, are you ok? What happened?"

I looked up at him, tears starting to stream down my face.


Nico and the others ran down the steps to Andrew's car. They all squeezed in and took off.

"Wait," asked Becky, "Where are we going? And for the millionth time, who's Ella?"


With Arts...


Arts grabbed Kevin and pulled him in close, holding him tight, and resisting the urge to jump him right there and then.

"Oh Kev, I've missed you so much, I need you." Arty said tearfully.

Kevin looked at Artsy quizically, and answered, "Why? I only just saw you."

"Kev, I-" Artsy started, before M elbowed her sharply.

She turned to M, her eyes glowly and fangs bared, before Kevin spoke again.

"What is it? You can tell me. Please."

Before Arty could say anything, M spoke. "Kevin, can I borrow Artsy for a second?"

Kevin nodded, and took Artsy by the arm.

They moved far enough away so Kevin copuldn't hear, and she whispered, "Arts, you can't do this. You'll do all sorts of damage to the future. Who knows what we've done by just being here."

"I had to see him M, I can't live without him. Especially now." she replied through glowing green eyes. "Please, let me do this once more. I need to say goodbye."

M sighed, and said, "Just this once. But you can't tell him anything about the future. And make it quick. The other Artsy will get suspicious."

Artsy turned back to Kevin, who was watching the other two closely, and said, "I'll be quick."

She took Kevin's hand and led him into the bathroom.


With me...


While he was driving, Andrew looked at the rest of the group, and asked, "So... who are all of you?"

I introduced the group, and when I pointed to Mika, Andrew grunted.

I frowned at him, and the car suddenly swerved into oncoming traffic.

He wrestled the car into the right lane, and muttered, "Didn't know you were like that too."

"Shut up."

"I'm simply making an observation about you."

"Well I don't want you observing me thank you very much."

Andrew sighed, and looked at Kelzy through the rearview mirror. "How are you Kelz?"

Kelz ignored him.

"So, are you going to tell us who Ella is?" Becky asked.

"We're here, so you can see for yourself." Andrew stated, and pulled the car over in front of a large 2 storey house.

I got out as soon as the car stopped, and marched up to the front door and let myself in.

The others got out, and looked at each other.


When they entered the house, they found me in a trashd lounge room, with a woman who looked exactly the same as me.

They stopped immediately, and watched the scene evolve.

"You should have told me!" I screamed, as I threw a vase at the woman telepathically, who deflected it in the same manner.

"There was no way you would have listened. Since Andrew, you refused to speak to me."

I picked up another vase, as I replied, "Gee, I wonder why! You stole my boyfriend!"

"Grow up will you? I thought you got over that, he apologised anyway."

I stopped when I noticed the group standng in the doorway.

I sat on the lounge, and sighed.

"Everyone, this is Ella. She's my identical twin."


Ella and Andrew picked up all the fragments of vase and carried them to a bin, while I explained the situation.

"A while ago, I was dating Andrew, but I didn't tell him I had a twin. Turns out I didn't need to, because I found him in bed with Ella, and he told me that he wanted to end it with me and be with Ella. I was pregnant at the time, and I guess the shock of it all caused a miscarriage. Anyway, once I lost the baby, I found out the PPRs were in town, so I went and found you guys, and you know the rest."

All of them except Kelzy, sat still, in shock, when Becky spoke. "So, why did Andrew come and find you again?"

I sighed. "Seems they want to have a baby, but Ella can't have children. They know I can, so they want me to be the surrogate mother."

"Is she sick?"

"She has cancer."

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With Arts...


Arts grabbed Kevin and pulled him in close, holding him tight, and resisting the urge to jump him right there and then.

"Oh Kev, I've missed you so much, I need you." Arty said tearfully.

Kevin looked at Artsy quizically, and answered, "Why? I only just saw you."

"Kev, I-" Artsy started, before M elbowed her sharply.

She turned to M, her eyes glowly and fangs bared, before Kevin spoke again.

"What is it? You can tell me. Please."

Before Arty could say anything, M spoke. "Kevin, can I borrow Artsy for a second?"

Kevin nodded, and took Artsy by the arm.

They moved far enough away so Kevin copuldn't hear, and she whispered, "Arts, you can't do this. You'll do all sorts of damage to the future. Who knows what we've done by just being here."

"I had to see him M, I can't live without him. Especially now." she replied through glowing green eyes. "Please, let me do this once more. I need to say goodbye."

M sighed, and said, "Just this once. But you can't tell him anything about the future. And make it quick. The other Artsy will get suspicious."

Artsy turned back to Kevin, who was watching the other two closely, and said, "I'll be quick."

She took Kevin's hand and led him into the bathroom.


With me...


While he was driving, Andrew looked at the rest of the group, and asked, "So... who are all of you?"

I introduced the group, and when I pointed to Mika, Andrew grunted.

I frowned at him, and the car suddenly swerved into oncoming traffic.

He wrestled the car into the right lane, and muttered, "Didn't know you were like that too."

"Shut up."

"I'm simply making an observation about you."

"Well I don't want you observing me thank you very much."

Andrew sighed, and looked at Kelzy through the rearview mirror. "How are you Kelz?"

Kelz ignored him.

"So, are you going to tell us who Ella is?" Becky asked.

"We're here, so you can see for yourself." Andrew stated, and pulled the car over in front of a large 2 storey house.

I got out as soon as the car stopped, and marched up to the front door and let myself in.

The others got out, and looked at each other.


When they entered the house, they found me in a trashd lounge room, with a woman who looked exactly the same as me.

They stopped immediately, and watched the scene evolve.

"You should have told me!" I screamed, as I threw a vase at the woman telepathically, who deflected it in the same manner.

"There was no way you would have listened. Since Andrew, you refused to speak to me."

I picked up another vase, as I replied, "Gee, I wonder why! You stole my boyfriend!"

"Grow up will you? I thought you got over that, he apologised anyway."

I stopped when I noticed the group standng in the doorway.

I sat on the lounge, and sighed.

"Everyone, this is Ella. She's my identical twin."


Ella and Andrew picked up all the fragments of vase and carried them to a bin, while I explained the situation.

"A while ago, I was dating Andrew, but I didn't tell him I had a twin. Turns out I didn't need to, because I found him in bed with Ella, and he told me that he wanted to end it with me and be with Ella. I was pregnant at the time, and I guess the shock of it all caused a miscarriage. Anyway, once I lost the baby, I found out the PPRs were in town, so I went and found you guys, and you know the rest."

All of them except Kelzy, sat still, in shock, when Becky spoke. "So, why did Andrew come and find you again?"

I sighed. "Seems they want to have a baby, but Ella can't have children. They know I can, so they want me to be the surrogate mother."

"Is she sick?"

"She has cancer."

I watched Artsy take offf with kevin and I slumped myself in a chair. Finn came and sat beside me holding my hand but the next thing i knew we weren't alone and the rest of the pprs huddled around us.

"She's not going to let him die." I said drowsily.

Everyone else nodded,

"I know I wouldn't."

Finn kissed my hand and suddenly the doors to the bathroom ripped open and kevin and Artsy came wrestling out.

Everyone's eyes widened.

"Do it on your alone time." Whispered Finn to Kev.

Kevin smirked but took his feet and put them on Artsy's hips flinging her backwards against the bathroom door.

Finn ran up to Artsy and held her still while the rest of us evaluated what had just happened.

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