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Hello! :wink2: I've recently discovered this fan base and I think it's just great! :winner_first_h4h:


Moved by a Cartoon Life

A couple of months back, my friend told me that he has been listening to this new artist that he found really good. I initially went to Youtube.com to see the video and I thought :punk:. Anyway, I've been a fan since. The first time I listened to Love Today, I thought "Star World," and then, "he IS good." After that, I suppose you can say that I was inspired to look at life in cartoon motion. I just love the fact that artists can do that; move people through music.


Doing a Grace Kelly

Inspired by Mika, my friends and I even turned some of his songs into common expressions. Like, if one of us is down or sad, we'd say to that person: "Why are you doing a Grace Kelly?" or "What's up, Grace Kelly?" Another is, when we see a guy and can't tell if he's gay or not, we'd say something like: "You think he's a Billy Brown?" Anyway, I thought I'd just share that bit with you guys.


Happy Endings

I can't wait for Mika to release another album. I'm sure you guys feel the same.


Nice job with the site you guys!


:king: J~

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