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The British and Proud thread!


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I cant stand it hun


We are just used to being brought up on footy and rugby


Basketball , syaing that I did go to watch the Portland Blazers! .. but its not for me


There are only a few sports I like...


Basketball... gymnastics.. netball...


I likes V8 supercars...


I'll tolerate league and union... not soccer or aerial ping pong (AFL)...



Hate cricket with a passion... but you know that already..

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I forgot to point out, my family is big on basketball...


I'd love to see another basketball game live...


Last pro game I went to was Illawarra Hawks vs Sydney Kings and that was in 1997... and we got free parking cause my brother did work experience with Illawarra and was the towel and water boy for the game...



I still don't understand why men insist on touching each other on the arse when the get fouled... *shrugs*

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I cant stand it hun


We are just used to being brought up on footy and rugby


Basketball , syaing that I did go to watch the Portland Blazers! .. but its not for me


There are literally no other popular sports here. Ok, so people play tennis, golf etc. but they dont get as much publicity as footy and rugby. Footy is our official sport isnt it??


The beautiful game!


No rugby this weekend. Just footy. What a shame! Though Bath is playing. I love them. theyre awesome.



Ho Hum. Valentines day sucks!!!! I've got nothing!!!! no flowers on my doorstep! no cards!! Bah humbug!

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There are literally no other popular sports here. Ok, so people play tennis, golf etc. but they dont get as much publicity as footy and rugby. Footy is our official sport isnt it??


The beautiful game!


No rugby this weekend. Just footy. What a shame! Though Bath is playing. I love them. theyre awesome.



Ho Hum. Valentines day sucks!!!! I've got nothing!!!! no flowers on my doorstep! no cards!! Bah humbug!

Not fair, is it???


We should have gotten all the single peops to send each other valentines...


Oh... hang on...


Why it's good to be single on Valentines day:


1. The piggy bank is looking good because you don't have to buy any gifts


2. The wastline will be grateful


3. Why have a quen sized bed and let the stinking king sleep in it?


4. You don't have to whine about your unromantic boyfriend. You have enough on your list already


5. You won't get boy germs




I love the free newspaper..

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Not fair, is it???


We should have gotten all the single peops to send each other valentines...


Oh... hang on...


Why it's good to be single on Valentines day:


1. The piggy bank is looking good because you don't have to buy any gifts


2. The wastline will be grateful


3. Why have a quen sized bed and let the stinking king sleep in it?


4. You don't have to whine about your unromantic boyfriend. You have enough on your list already


5. You won't get boy germs




I love the free newspaper..


:naughty: It sucks to be honest!!!


I think it's a money making scam - you should be able to show your love any day, not just because the shops say you should....


Grrr. I went shopping yesterday, and all the clothes shops take the good clothes off the models in the windows and put on some skimpy disgusting £2.50 underwear. Its sick!!!


And then all the other shops have little red heart balloons and bears with "i love you hearts" :puke::badmood:




Hun... everyone says "WTF is that game?!"


They played cricket in LA for G'day USA... no-one had a clue what was going on...




They used to make the girls play cricket at my school, and i got so bored of it that i would just swing the bat backwards and hit the wicket thingy to get myself out. :bleh:

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We were made to play cricket when I was at Wello... we had sport with either the year above (if it was yr 7 or 9) or yr below (8/10)...


It was boring, and the girls would go out really far and sit down...


Then they made us play AFL... the boys had to pass to at least one girl in the team...


But if we asked to play something like netball... the boys would whinge...



I hate boys who whinge...

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We were made to play cricket when I was at Wello... we had sport with either the year above (if it was yr 7 or 9) or yr below (8/10)...


It was boring, and the girls would go out really far and sit down...


Then they made us play AFL... the boys had to pass to at least one girl in the team...


But if we asked to play something like netball... the boys would whinge...



I hate boys who whinge...






We had to do interform sports every year. We did winter games, summer games and athletics. Well, they called it winter games but it was esentially Footy, Hockey and Netball.


I was best in the athlectics, long jump and javelin was my thing. They couldnt beat me! And i used to run the 800m and do ok in that.


But in PE lessons, well we had this kind of forest thing in the middle of the sports field and we would sneak off into there and hide... some of the kids would have a smoke and others would just watch the guys play rugby on the other side (and sometimes, it would be Hull FC because we got this new astroturf pitch).



:bleh: *sighs* I sometimes wish i could still go to school.

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Wellington's pretty small (not Wellington in NZ!)... there were only about 20 in my year by the time I moved in yr 9...


And we always did the sports the boys wanted...


I don't remember what other sports we dd...I know we did swimming in Summer, and athletics in winter... and just did a whole lot of other sports (like soccer)


We couldn't sneak anywhere... either in Wello or in Orange... but Orane was good, cause in yr 9 and 10, cause besides PE, we did activities,which would be something like gym, ten pin bowling, squash, etc... fun stuff basically... and they didn't really make us do it...

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Wellington's pretty small (not Wellington in NZ!)... there were only about 20 in my year by the time I moved in yr 9...


And we always did the sports the boys wanted...


I don't remember what other sports we dd...I know we did swimming in Summer, and athletics in winter... and just did a whole lot of other sports (like soccer)


We couldn't sneak anywhere... either in Wello or in Orange... but Orane was good, cause in yr 9 and 10, cause besides PE, we did activities,which would be something like gym, ten pin bowling, squash, etc... fun stuff basically... and they didn't really make us do it...


Only 20??? :shocked:


There were over 400 in my year. My school was huge. nearly 3000 people went there.


The PE teachers used to hate me for some reason though!! I dont know why!!! I always did well, but they still had a go at me. :mf_rosetinted:


Reminds me!!! One of the guys did the worst conversion ever once in rugby. I mean, i could have done it, it was that close. He spent ages, yknow, showing off trying to look like wilko and then missed. funny as anything.


Ahhh. fond memories. PE and sports was definately one of my fave subjects.


Awww yeah! And we got to play fun games too like Ultimate Frisbee. That was fun. Kind of like a rule in rugby in that you had to get the frisbee over the touch line but obv. there was no tackling or anything like that. So it really wasnt much like rugby..... :blink:

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I couldn't stand going to such a large school... how many people did you have in a class? ( I mean, how many sitting in an actual classroom?)



Wello had maybe 200 in the whole school... and that was kindergarten to year 10... Wellington has maybe 5000 people... and there was the catholic school (I went to it), the christian school (which I think was kinder to yr 12), and the public primary school and high school... and a lot of other people went to Dubbo for school (it was only 1/2 hr away)...


Then I moved to Orange where there was over 700... I think it was close to 1000 when I left...


Orange is about 36,000 peops, and there were 5 high schools... catholic, 2 public high schools, christian school, and the private school...

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And I shouldn't say anything about kicking footblls... I suck at kicking...




I was never made striker when we played footy because i was always pretty off target. even for a laugh with my mates. i was always goalkeeper - i rocked at goalie, i wasnt afraid to get smashed in the face or break a nail.


I am now though!!!


What footy matches do we have this weekend then??

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I was never made striker when we played footy because i was always pretty off target. even for a laugh with my mates. i was always goalkeeper - i rocked at goalie, i wasnt afraid to get smashed in the face or break a nail.


I am now though!!!



What footy matches do we have this weekend then??


Liverpool vs Barnsley! Yay!!!

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I was never made striker when we played footy because i was always pretty off target. even for a laugh with my mates. i was always goalkeeper - i rocked at goalie, i wasnt afraid to get smashed in the face or break a nail.


I am now though!!!


What footy matches do we have this weekend then??


Well,I am possibly one of the most unco-ordinated people you'll ever meet... so you wouldn't want me on a team!


I can't hit anything with a bat, nor can I kick anything! :naughty:




Seeing as im a Yorkshire lass id better be rooting for Barnsley...... :roftl:



I bought David Jordan's album yesterday. has anyone heard him? i think he's really talented.


Never heard of him...

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Well,I am possibly one of the most unco-ordinated people you'll ever meet... so you wouldn't want me on a team!


I can't hit anything with a bat, nor can I kick anything! :naughty:




Never heard of him...



Haha. He's this new British kid on the scene - looks like Prince and he's very original, like our Mika. He's doing his own thing, which i guess is why i like him and Mika.


Ha! I'm ok at Tennis, but at one point i could only hit the ball in front of me or out of the courts onto the M62 which was a laugh - tennis balls coming flying at your windscreen.


Ahhh. Sports sports sports. A lot of footy this weekend i see. Not much rugby going on, Bath are playing but that's about it. Nothing much else really!!


I suppose i could watch Dancing On Ice on Sunday........ :boxed:

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